ïGoial set at'$1,OOO foir-.Sunday's Terry Fox Run OWIAEMM U ý e.. umwhh immhwsads.Caa c i l g oa W-iihawcam FTam Fm. woM ha pouaw ofi bu- &Ms U"". h Vaaaid ~.ai ti i C= ua Encdw ahi. @ma la &mo Wul a SM et 61%MIX te éaaaS hst.ai r..uoai pwuis e uk"clom. of Mde "iWl *Aé lifai. hi «M *Ur>aiMat.FO bah of Hope wdIM a *fvaia DII la ohh pSainl *ùs yua's icaaed wlh M.,idaoul tc5rdy aitt uecugh Maaq I i aW ci. Mahsrnm in surI twpua the SIOAGO wildia oe dm = of AU %%= m Vo. He has butin inatlvad intah.e a I an r ofa rua ut aaeh adltiattu. VI a' w Isu1 HEARTH HOUSE . Iw oeým W m= S Mi OU E ontha 20 ptaiepaiciaaaal Acmms chai., dais runa, in the naît lmu yr raag mie ahaa whach anvolu M5 Étan, m auc 59!oe. SénS Mantarid in 1991 de lobe thelem jaý Orpsoe, of evm hm bow Oii haw n du GR N P N N aikn. Ml Il das j; attlO Sat., Sept. 16 lOa. n.-5p.m. .. UM me. s~aihpucO pid*n artip M - n en the Mihon nioen cujtiv lv-ed y n i s opn fm 9a & a%.s 3 dontio. 1 ZLIý=& bwer T-s=a Reward. mh m& r*nwFram Uid~oom ortctk b Af~~~rnn,>~fJ aCh this>Mrday.s nùis.Fal <'ur nu',sa pripular accessory PRFF wiah the puichase of a Vermnont ('al%ang% wo9dsaî've. Act row, ('fier Cros svpa. 30/I89 Campbellville, Ont. (416) 854-0747 fiii.wty in Rork.aod 8 STARTS FRIDAY -mm" - upauL ,*OAtS»A. * LAIT IMYS .WLIUIJ.S.LKDIJALWWI *$TAATBFNIDAY SEPARA I - ~-v~ -~ S L I. "A m OinMM M n - - ytO.. an- TocU I SU OF LOVE *elU Champion for New Millpond Realty nc. Pullout Section "DESIGNER DAY" For the Trade WEDNEDAYSEPT. 27 9:30 ar.to 4:00 p.rnl. The, F;airnture Mmm -0 Momhwou's Uhwroo AoglsirM.,n Do., U 677-8883 PniMsON. MU PANKIOO PNEU bey FOI% *000 mW à aM»e »U -«W Te"r pet &Mn VI~ WU "oho Suda ff etC. Diuty IIgh =uiioo m A ldag M. Fox dlad~~ ue ria i10, NUl kowell. m ho 0oueageautw1y tan acmoo Ce" on ans bu, la aU ASK BARBARA Barbara Janzen Do You Know What's ina the Food You Eat? Th cntent labels oS luai pKda =ga Mi tell you a lot about the. pe txa uef lniredweats ace IaseJ bythi dicaiqasan thde prdwcaSa i 4 peodm. lista sagar as thie fait an O*nt yisu lana thdi as in~e ha thle produci ">it*y. <iaoeOn the otber hand. if sugar as w&Y down the. lit of ingrr dients. or nti ncuded at aIl. yoil lano ct ithe pnxla contaýnslattk tac n, m=,a At biaCenfer, tetchang or dort ers nmoe about the fa" they buy &M nit us an importan part of des Program. Simply bemg amare oi whas YOe Me asa à e part of datautg ptoply. Stop by Dia. Center toilaa amu iam d o i.ç c.a help Y-u 111SAa mm iai. Jou aond nutrition vhike lm shsea tlape exua pmeuds, Il. aa ei tiia hitmuim'a fret ai t cceadl :r the s ip yaial eter take in YMs lie I J?>rvioe an Bae of Coüns Cate bug Dalla IrateDiWMn* in11 tbpU8 f