Miltowne Reaityç. orp. Ž2 Ontario St. South ýw- ý-fl-un 878-2365 vENOQ m!oy TO TAL knmmaçUlt 3 bedroom home in family oriented rnhourhood.iff8 angle car garaqe. 2 bains. fireplacè, ira large estîin kîtchen, weikout t6 patio and partial fancing. At only S179.900 YOU hed botter act MWt so cal BettY for vau our Town i Country Connection S Wayne & Lina Warner Z5yma, ci R"EailitU Aig@@« 1 1~ km» ns Dse ta SoemPe tIa classé RU M P oui. 3 euo oMe. Lolck 1~ V t, - p ELNM CAISCENT Elltabtishsd tiait ombmCS 0'#S solo br.irw home wi th mature treed lot close ta a'.; armen.ties and offers 3 bedroonrs, comrbiinetiori lving rcom and drtng roarr, fintshod bmilrent, and oversq9d garage This hOrimua a must to se wîth lots of charm withols riarowood floors a"di wmcnotting For ywu appofmtment Cali emfy 1od UseNuutive 2 Uaroy mdWt evtras: bugl in wm wxiks proh«ariy krstud Iaws leuo. b$etoc"u brick patio. kily fanced gemurous lot Wd mm.ih mare L.JCK IN MM $82.10 A ganrous living and dinîng ares is comfarlkty laculed nos the bngftt kitchen ili OMM-dut -a«. The mais baiaa Nu a nnW ue end Vw mem'etorW ielli professioffly IWiha wth a bar TeatefulIy decar@m sa you com afliN i! LAG AMLY- ITN s paaaua end comfV air condtOed, 4 bedacr home. il, N t a large farify nomb elan 10 achoo. - m m aavm 61 r,-r TOWNHOUS *M~T *perhct amWer horhe oVrJ 3 badaoers *2 bths w Bot,~ for MMvy deates LINDSAY J. McLAREN Office: 878-23E5"> Ras: 054-2451' Pas amamU TS. Lkme U2-1030 Lve~o'Spaffl roed PM o? nié fi.eIl 01 ssop as , bre if MnS Pe: Mu woodss *.tcen 4 plece beih end a e5stshi 25'.22 CON U.'dsy 0fol noni de" a s Iin MUTOICAL VmtmOill STUU? P411111,141 bmhk u. 4 be*u 2 ndls 3 o msbs fi Mi9a cm0 ~* .110,1111111 1m remg 3,00 se fi. a, as.s.foia -1g -m -i f/i s.p *"g pocn -s -a -*'~ rm MM1 vs.* offlq. 1111111uoie bu w .ellmii le 4% Kodas leez vskisi wh bude tafiuly WuM l P. , 3 OU. *Usem. excellet IV.' bu l or~ m. eusuia* oee 1, h.eoncel char. For fflO inrometuli or lji Jîvn. M@ AM. d ulO . ew Im S TATU à, - . . o Omli~ il g~làWUc k Ok a q Os ou"i4 bjt G"%Omê may fi th@ e am et moik nie aee'l.O..'sli 25.0 *Qc' 'set of la.'d w..i @Pmlo on i 3 tiomme Foi.i beom 4 balhe f si*. 5 P&Mto -S mm , %or i o, -bmrun «Rh ai P wfiet mmt@ - ilsb5'n.g'De tey às hoS f as. c go? 0~l, 4,1 ilie Clqt.s Umma .a. auu.m sA* 8aae.I offl. w~ &MW obli, sw. 2 ls.iiL b -ee emp. MWgS ft~~~~ pe3 0u~ =@ V, 0wb mm Mbu -m ai vSAjM me tu vl évitst V BEFrY. INGLE 878-2365 Rfl. W2743 il fil