Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Sep 1989, p. 44

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ýLook p--dntogtto check out your roof - Roml courlnp ffi li ftat oan ça- LaEt 5yer.ubna «o .q-ta Caod At&i wam "wlle *p lth ei Saat hu, u " as. casn t.:z itu owhc abl n anrinfi Ottp b u~ i h i odi tbt dry qwki ater a tain -i îvt t he tprera oarefrmtpnra-dc am inahp a b 3"e iptalba plàaa. §W- lat talu sg.t h. In datai Mttandatai Maitl thctre- bd~~lii pautruey c iu 7 la uMm.l top olahtla0uae.SUtOfld.tht a SFaÈngluswhfda budrie la th slip oaacfpoiti d w aw ID aymttal vi~ka Thur ar amn m li ,u l if mapotra aond faims aor Minral slIpçsn ami mftna l omcue- Iale ýtowit ap v l supdai kçha kW wia any roof eng To sMpat is oi a rof calusI o & aicattoe npidy. ame badly aausw. thty cms mudy be dia- abu* 50 yea av ounlt mpia p kIm. raic the xaI with a poir cg Alto. thei botiona shaainglét cs. a eive lodgad by du. pruuimofott. aednks aliSuaatk bu Lars r or n safaty andl prowe- Mo atef c noif titan do utpper tlritions Wvidma maun ar4 a=tlynl .4 ail, aN ",i saad rooaiL Sinrice iiioný thwc shingle%. d, go uP Il lteo tend ta Wea out firit. maàchuucurt siaiaglue oi uràm a 'jead cavai ail s " vu y , the durua 'me ( wekkt a nny ~afaea I. Whea oertaotiang -la noe",har.Oit pf thkksaoaé or mugit handçb ahalo mauit lie "eapd spaiulkafly ta wiayt an o4 diheru mbealL a r os tant ta dete..ine how many Uyur a vayg iw4 alm Whik au.adWelvgtt ~w ciao vents. phuabang sucaks, sltînglotauon th rou. New shinglcscanbt vaad naos ar lms 'ommin tn qlat If ym eput trouble on your roof or andl stan anae 'acat to the atsa laid aver aid shtnglus Ideally n slowiai than "luh baiiaste of theiar cSa 1hoey =u omm advice about your tuaIs conditwnl.( ~Roofe~ and xxuoi/wall a iter-etions tva layers o afia g ami sbalulal b prahtud ut sci a am a fine hazarci in a pimuo i uer. Fi-e wîlicondud ~rnhousoccluepurtantlar attenion.- Val- uval. Addtaoal nuteal, inuuian a un- urales the vouai h baa bum aIcalIy tIanmh. u-ttmlinnotaiA k ,v s . .t d e re d fw .w n t ý riao l a n g le - tu tt s u rfa c e a n d . M oai r m p a i ly t'ira s - t -e m d . , pushnc ' o ule rb i a ll a it In a d ti vte corne aagaiher amr anodter piableie qo: *ive ceigit on the maoû fraamng migaabers. When inspectinfi a wood fo att i xrtanya . of d*te o AIL ugli 41hre ane-many a4v ai raoftng Slatè moti a the<pion o~ coadvantJtr _4 duilet.M maie -sava.labILR fr oues, thae Xmatco- whon .ftxlfl& yowu houai. Thty are biglat aln. yau sitoutloa ic radaerai ont. para¶le cots. mon id.a asphait shangles. Tisi shigle us qualiey and caO la e 100 >icara ar more with Particslauly ýon due li>wer s-hmgrLlam ~ 'Ont af a paor o fr at ZpStgtatftf gaod vante o cau mre titan aae tartes àaramact or fuangua as . ut U 1%ï Otlii MrIa .puv#dr bya tkl on-t %t.ih a.pl.lt* rr«w caets ith saUai phlt shingin. Siate smlatages are hssy~ brit. evadence of exiaoraw moisture. inhtes R;) Btat Aaiacanu (OUA) fur * granulè%. The Mierai garsnl reflet due Lie anal conte lit naany coloUgS arc! gond cia furie the shanglus &art,. allowing wuld- bamnt ir conumer &a thet mai amf UItrai4lýW rays of até su. prewattg b"k- sLatee delteriorate anly ulightly due Io 'driven rain ae penete the ,uafirag systemntioifet down lai the asphala MIast madmr stungla ftepe/thaw action. but ae atacptible 0a * . Don't wait too long for' Iast feti.lizing or, iawn ai 'te A ai an ai, cf as~ n aie md iii - ta na as ai lu- ne du Bar 'H ITE& OK1 -EAL .E APE L 'D a, ~~ 4:r- bcg,ý 2 a-.s"a-a '-c'a 4pjad05 Cail T, ..a al Q5 -M~3 in a ciass try lt Bu.il iy one Of K4MtOnt Puat0S buÀlert l-as t'.Èè eiegWel 'rnme avals1 your .nsliecI,,of E"or'a kitcliBl Wr?' wataouo k0 pt9 aec., %V, , Fwx' MMi or ý main-n "ca Bgrisd oe&*'an Ioriçice in the ýa-"d* '0onM CoDrne jeCC In ,%aster eauis Centlrai aw & rrsu& rrw'a FOI ywPersoai intsecton cal Ma-g Ciralo 878 2095 or 875-24e3 ASutQ ssoego 00 SUN.. SEPT 17t 2-4:30 pinl. . PERFECT FAMLY HOME adroorgs. 2 1Dalf' lnismd btassment lar 5y Large massti baocia> Ntit W rt btciwag mblt a Pari Cas Tdm hiun a 875- rci>n & 5*t0cat La dock aie ja a 111111 126 *- eïalues tht home0 attiera Mts, an àpc.rlment lody *i Caon Ga ta ve trita NtMaoirt lia- Ajija IBGm Q INVESTOAS TAICE NOTE - !Tua eallordbl 1 1/2 sIcorty htome av*als 1Yiy Nrar O.Ud Oui à bakMrJ man M hM ta. OeU8dstcd Noms bOita-g Grit the 16 anaM creawi. Paci t lay'lo rwa a I0&I Aauawa Il149 M00 Ca Con (3 eauCa~ir C'a $2.900 PROFESSIONAI OFFICE $PMc POM LEASE CO tasb raisc1e & oltot vaOfr tra Io " col Ti', tuwn 85126M if m r sigtago ulh ai tabww is. aime Wo th atfiiZer applicai- tion 99the year. Crase' continui ta gmow untal thei sol tenperataîre at m-et e liat abve &rOu- ; iWhe baanc nouriatharnit af grasse$ as car- Zydrate, produccad /by . the piocesa of piatiosyrathesis - thq actiata of ÙSt sun on thaï chlarophyll in tbe intdivadua bisadea. Fer- tila, provide the minerais rarquizea for the formation ai more camplex catpouri - If possible, ai a good ides to ha"t youf satn analyzed beore you fertilize An y iurer Yeu use an yaur 1mwn eitu conta-n nitvn ta gait goad gractit and racha green calour, phosphorous for vigonuas muats and potati ta give plants nessttance ta disease. Tht mout cammonly used f all ficrtiffzer coata 1 farts nitragmn flue parts phots- plicrcau M20parts patash Th&-ideal fer- taîmmer pragrai fora lawn alloci the grasta ta Srow ai a utaifoiran rate titraugitout the Qauca relase lértul aI Jre Soluble in 1 For Caolcr RcglC2 i~Sunday, ýeptA 7t For lurtber inà)rmatWo: 1-800-387-1200 Yes, 1 want to support TI %veai &M Cn be mnndia:t,& a1ain1,1tt W9 thi. gaOnta . e Muit a. adciitaba of the avaium abitraon. follavid btu la dm loits ose%1entxt twa lo itweeU. Teiu a- unUaintt groctit ra4e Qver a period of tiane ut ta necessary ta cralaie Ire- gjueai Wnfloubatec' applications of nuira- Lave matterials. in contratt, anaterajîs in the 14OW-rd"t 6t-rtalur ore "Lonwuusly fP raittaatttad over a loang perud of tirncI Ta catat for Applicationas after lu"ger ntrai aiC LuNne, whiti trians lesa wari lat the gpi- derter. Witliaut waser. plants cannaI take in tueil. ta, uniata yau ame usinga Afetiei cambao clati a voed kalier. you must water hteavty riglit aiter applyung lertilirie Ail fertilaze art ttursty for caler, If the% calt St i front Latier sourcet, thty wvùl clim presaure on the plant Iif anal pull mousture frein the cens,. whîdacl n n urn coliapai anal tain brown. tis is the typacal burnîng aluen biamed on fertilLzucrmtad of on tIc truc cause; lack ai water If you are applying à voed killitar with a Continuaun popa REIB k *41 1* t _ --- - E he Terry Fox Run u - I Enclosed is my gif t In the amnoffnt of $ P .-1 f, -% C. ~ Ii~iVNI'N 60 Si Clair Avenlue Ea-ý! Sueto10q L .- - - - -~ - - -- -------J r' t- t t :ATýTENTION BUILDERS11 We have a veiy convenienily situated service lot in town for sale. Cal -Marg or Tim for more details. Listed ai $124,9W,- 878-2095 V', 211

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