Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Sep 1989, p. 43

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Gettin'g a home inspectof is Worth the outlay Caemajaa ooseba b ne utr Mca à) a oâm thw au5 eaWu by a peimloa hMM." AhIuI a comaiamatui or- hMase amd kaw ww irts nute.ld apaaigc JZaaaad royi; Cm~ he " aý~Pckoa 's""'u M< &2d i<t ra iepti ssa a4 hau , "c~Ia- sho hWI finèlahed àa mgpl farea da, ciidiai .5a ho. lUR "o.ls.__mnt na5umaoudmi lYs or klece a keW Unies suddrasiy Io thyaia ix-iga.lavc&iment -for a h. ha os guwth in home li- rsaid cho m iIICIWiUpW l Si16A.O hou. tisaes about fève miniutes of spttanmwc i rO. said Ontario I4owwyo no anomia hase asasod lon mri, tisou;M ocl <mach owrth ai i- g l dèeR stn. k e la Cruz. __ aw th reite Wà're ho byuatyaa c wetinche. «As mhcn= gyowsmcemSpeA, *hs bie "ul ayI t -u1u Little Wonider a poeflng numbcOr af home secavice have boeaaieveypopuiur.i1fiai4 mn"idt by ami eatte = îopajf or lard, but haver ta %pend thouianî Lueine. seary af tuccuusbaatg tIsa quickly ta canwieam am. haiamiag botter cducatrrd bialeus. t(w icationiOl ater» Uic haria ai thalr damai im "uprît ke tu. about houisg Lsua aIl the. tigiiêi Site says usspemma Weho resularl amt busi- If you uncoflr ajorp ttrudt Abid more cautima. Onie Southem ni<itario nets thualug parsicular muai ,-saiccrs or altr yata move i, your manu! copewas ,oady ta sille aw olfer ta pur- saies repucseptatifla m lin egart sokglienod. lIn Ontario, caaisumea hsalakdmuot bonmei sea tisy si>ddcziiy fur tise pople seillisg homaes. rallier tiastochac à ncw home froim a bwild Ovscmhaoed stiuteyt had hoird af anar- -bgs,>. wath the, Ontaria Nerw H-omte W oegln who aizatcd tse hoin a d ia pue tde hou.. an a favourable hght. is plan. wicis insurtrs the seoul aicrd a l de iseaya. lesa ik of biées ru caaiavoid by against major defets for fiscy, iCV!TI raksla ie oui ndig yuur ownjaispeçar. Oueso ldarr homes faccd daiona - eltise that or live seith a basement The teett aeommeaidatioai a&m aMona "e cm can contact thcar regiQrnal c. full ofwater eeay spnnag- o aflnds and aijlhburiLacal buaides' or vècc bureaus in Ontario fur adi coupe bought the houe anyway, but, enguices' associations ame otiser flood saur- %able nmdiatios ar uhsai thear inptia po. they ces. Maaiy home ispuctors are raitlri- Howcver , be deltusce On ati a àit'w pufram tc s=lert gaivers or archatett. orfr ers.dc offcarc. i &SfIu st~ ays Mrm. de la Cr u z maad, house i goesa, smply goi the naanes of a few .' Arm yourvelf with a profesm hunems shoulai lîieup a qualaficd inlspecti _ai» hm thse ame phonse booka, but bar suae lion report jet the, outtt. she av~~~~amli seric long befar tisy tour thir finit »open ta ask thse compante fo renacesfni'adehoybuw LOVELY RAVINE LOT 11255 000 - targqe famdîy homé Ove, t 400 sq Or Feaftes 4 bectrooms 1,,2 balINs sunro. - ue)yaner ,ncitde Centa ud and mno e JUt-s BENNETT 845,2340 mer1 Os.1 "u. sale Ilée T, Fm, Pe t51 JSi. THSNE IS Di RENT WeiI rnanlained 3 bedroom towrrtouse. private rear yard, 90% linished base- ment Newly decoraled krtchen. mapia Plooring flhrough hall & dtning raomý Includes own garage, aiso 4 pC. & 2 pc. bath Askig $154.900 A pleasure la view. Make an ofter, Cali Doug Meal 873 0300 NRS9169 JURS BRAND REALTY MNC. tg s~ lut af questions, the. aya.. Ia ne aspactors am aiat hesed or iluae by dms pauiicta aviMont iard o do raue 4aaiyatk[ri8 - utua.it îhc'ekui carefully et tise Make sure tise hmp mlob ait avuy- thuhag Incitaing tiemcai aam lSeati quutes, the, kouaidalos. fout, aned plumet- iaigmulm. Anid do't overiaok tisa chimaiey: îcluevrpoor reliait ls à fie hazrd anid aida Io replace. MM o il -opne een et two ta thme nurs on " st. Coala vary thmughout tii. pruvice. tend ruaige up to aebout MM30 for tise awe home. Hasewi, maaiy buyers, ociler ta sève moaiey foe4a ltaiei nuli'uaMn. de la Cruz, 'Manypeopl thiak tlet aaiwk amassai à or plet! as on repaira uieri defect% un are more W sho pur- t !arrant1y 1lan >vred under homcUwnci' watt a prub- on%umclf %r- vice and püs- @y b. a gogd ,aonal tr.spc<. mecommenrds spirclaon fium concernurd about the anspact's qualificà) Moiit firnis Wel provide a verbal sumraary bé majoir findangs on tise spot. follosurd a fesu deya later by a dotileai suriten report If the' coeapaaiy guaranters the accuracy ofai% siand- aneZ get ainwiig yau've fausai a suaa.able pruperty. your aict stop should be tu ask yo.r iawv« ta msake tise afim candainais upoa obtainarg a aifatr report 1m a ho-easota of your cite -soo m sswholîandmr h.as 20 miaitatea reviewlss ise abie= ni your 20-yo coeamitmOit. Jl A miaiaSs frachwar on ba"9ss a km"t w ataaikgble par a limer op> amiqec the Comaumesr Iufruimo Cenrei et su5 Yonee St., T1a'.sio. M7A 8H16. (416) 9W3-1111 or " Ufa. et 1.111-26& 114JL TAay M/ IID Ling ff thse Aaarngi mpeu-d ta (416) 903 0M,& orlr l Ocartsir ta lepie W^ s b" ge MMckwat brick barbecmue. Laated at onty Adb Now and COO Toctey Cao jotce So aut td Emtrio. 8787-1526 WRxC"td clTv Y F.LM1. le p"efd %0 uwiow'c tflsi SANSUA DANV hm -m ft Roy& CITY 1"PhA maNO cornac Io us weta ernaalu1g W, fts ~k serrd drlct r" *MWt@ ffmma. aio wotid 011mee pl"sleil hoa ta duât silh M gOAe 876-1156 or SOPEN HOUSE TMko#7 Hwy N.. to Rockwood, signS on Ieft 1 . 0111101 [CENTURV CANADA oiigasa f.eaue anluding aei let g"as, WM 11811,1111 No SaI31. CRI Do"* J, cÉq 876-1168. 64 ONTAN ft, MLM eSllu or TMN UNS 18640 JUST MOViE Ml e"d thse Vaff of Ca'rçbelel., theS e11 tilftam do"~ ofite gm ecaaba» bedrocant. tam waarOoars. luge kachen w¶tta madiut. ieç«oet dsnel M=, formai ltving rmi. iluain tl OcIpnswty room wieau Sg-- and *80out. stude< o.bliv tiU basement anrd A mature loi. Oflte d ai 0340.000 PAi for EM Cianu M-9245 SI ONTANS ST., M"MJ 01S.11 STO. UNLIAUSO Wed. 7-9 pm ba.& Sun. 1-4:30 Pm' ERIC ZBOROWSKI S(519) 836-9660 OR LTB(519) 821-4919 > ROCKWOOD "MILL RUN"'ESTATES assez k MA %U ( 11 N Ri U IN ia»ui 133 OnbU SL 1 REAIZOR

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