Time to lay bigbISrcd mn M ar N m hava àA have hutmc hie-laa.Ti.cm ugdsu Pl- twii frnt, o vuy daemldure àrjtod ourl chu O ho .ifulva d kttm" l.art talk 11. bu hauetu du ha. upui thy'e da fti y14.èt =hwal SUGGESIIONS A*& yaur "aai i-am go plaaa bnp Aocl. aa&i ellors mal *A M4 inaynal aql W. have a probltn dimatiaqura a qulk iolutm. A wadimg e ooeing mp intaur lori- thmo. anle i a certain "ltiw malu take li6 yur-old daughter awmrywhwa. Woidy (mmcl 1mai mual naim) liai attended eveuy Modpm %W"I Gus FoSm Chélmn a "mr natural g& funaire frmni ùanw. %tu-h &N Clair. L>Nk Indutnre. Irimi4 SIe. tir Lmmi. andi ytm 4titilti 'àaue hundrmt. i4 i(iIlar% aiinual: ibn huit' heatinx Pier* îims Ntlien tieqlpd wilh mltectricit ' î% tiii 1~ lien yini îmnidpr thai mmmur.t g., îrire-, an-ree'htr nem tihan the, 'ale men April l9?%:l i t'd m lie'r.m %Md là cWmmrl foiiultuumlgv4rim ail vle'Sinl humet ciinfeil ik ht lplA cai11 le tieat Ir, am~ tht'r huene eîliferi 14umli' NamurAl gaa, mtai wamlearm e ,(P iqe le, 4T%. k".... fi uipe 'I mhan e'k'e Irai veaflme r. le'al niw.h fa.4.1s thami elu'çîricitie anm aireaîlahe ni '..U. allNed.,O N. ,.d caffi. il N .d terN r a-ei a.NIr ~b.r i.'i a Nh.h.i.h. i..I*n. . it.>.iir ..U,. f -but Maiuqàà tir. e. Toul ydwm b j, Io*w the Iaw with prejudiced in-laws aoloe luau N . qaw 0hwl o' hd pairen t la i Dear li ?min eté *i wS m«d i. oidutea bath aiy wnl baa haM "~~ ~ ~ ~ tuai (L'utt arme a~ bbu Mdwve.uldw Abby FI = VZm'> lwti th pw Thomh mdli AOMIB& a KMGATETEACHIU VAN BIJREy4O. Te lemr a kiNdapn madur am W"ul Utk 96.... * arn pi. malue" atIsla aimWaloi Suu"l ci orl bi1de - budwofm. and (Cas Y » h~umlma Of.ddid clwld adv inpau . laadedi @tMdaaa 14w maduat encouragée hma, gcoenaud . apt.d notticeb. .ul Hep.- "?) I cdier 1da I duld Iaaiwa m ofurdalmanw o1eWV= du'w uemiemnd Ici il but 1 pammatulta .=lgiad ai l =Y =nittt neffl tmdls hr to * evw*ly"wMem bers save on credit card ip!Li e . i halte. m Il , tha àe& s apa. li d r tec t y ur la" yex =Wrams, endyrures t b. t ewewiy pc0 ailbanoe tit the. Tonmnt-Omuua lagis. lit ra. have bitr roduciid by 1/2 pu turie while lier m mi mat lihg with the. Inauguration of a C.A.LP/TD VISA ceil for a rnontltly balance mot plaii fuiL A Shud eplely aa& WaYsa =iia card. Bonus5 Bookui« cotalut Mu word io TO M PIThla Imsee an VPiq on Wc yumn and mac am = dédictésil t poi mt = i quMay of w1de io= =man d personnal teaivl l. c anadim 5Oc w ume or rot af4.bli W. iquhoioedoai port o h SICK aiIT Tii. mim C.A.LP ID Vs <and wak le oc- C.4»fiJeenVUcad poadtap Nol oly are Dur smcV- cu .et tnr 5.5 mdilbom uêu- u. ouIy donua mat.bW dm tasual Siace you have tobrtatd Woondr. am.q iawai. ho" &M amd ala buin.amna4 2 L= . t hlva Io 56. bdur w"fr it'@ à ". al 111a lt -on- .albahnmma i CMand «Wd. avoua tl. lb theintl dip lduid il"asd mma &u a uit. rha e t h-u wMai a at iaaild. cama i tr an aulcuUitesit of addkca wzâilifl =W= hoda a Oufa C AI , tt bal, teuti ae àane yeur fri. -anuni tiauh do teci th dlon d.t cdcun Y. ud ha b doiag bai Wa.dy and lier C.AP minberup for anyco wifi m.a- =h.d avaMA a, rmavy C.A R. nmbe