Legion's 6Oth brîngý(gether moiFe thun 400 vets Amu~Une Wl veumidn We.sWli 1w.le it b mm asst bcis Dc m eltis. sd chu ui" h o de bh-qa bp o a he fa oli tif- cul oaf ove, Ilikist MI ot .i Aa .e Il, ncwaà lng a umwa Of Mu» nis trans have caa iah e- uaeâ bs Amy 9 d. 5s'e hm pahs e hp i e iua a a a d amHI"aa w ua thm .s at aid .ueieas L U 3. b. e. ty mmt h.'e findni maoas lash rgiddamoti o" tm N lUI. Ui.l. e w mv usi a i 9ud m -1.saoi -f y aisslm aid alissnn in- alm.ai wimmd duIsus w.* mon ai d er dic e but oem n u danm"m.. se - - se n-V in 1%àdM me u o 'el bds de No hs at thg e Roymi al o 1/ servait inte Nort Atmpv. i ast Wvally a t à ack Min Mîo 1eni Dsw jaIdg er by thymey and t:; g dp gavedeur win tise ara. Sona ta . il'$aanSUaba fgasSU msvry Ple .e Ili uaymra ~U asia lasery îrtoew . :Jn MiltankWsUt AyCop Community service remains but role has changed' Sy MME DOCK.KAXIIUK "Our branch managal t ucinvery suc- Atr the nd af thse car. intersst in the legs Spaiel ta Isa,( qsauemon cenlIlly eveis tisrosé det an: thse Greati ncresadsi and mnemabership grese wstis retumnn Mutons Royal Canasdman Ltgmis Private ore Deprmimman d a graut deit of tisa effort was Canadian veterans and cammancanti veteas Waters. Branch 136 ha corne a long way humn directeti tu helptng war cîdows and their imamgrating ta Mitan. 192 chas a group ni WWI veterans C.re'.clul4rm ansd adher vuserans ams tisr iarniss "Osi . .bwtdia a a po rius k enad g Iatd tlea- charger. of ciastic t was linaned isrougis de lidrsvdtamtorundthksta Bact isasa saip ofJ cmen me n inca '~ Fwsd.. Mr. C.ar..o said griot d"i oi parsasia pisysical efor y marty &boe CIsaiia ailceg St.. o. Main Sui O. ,Demmushr 13, 1938. minotbers agrud in atsisbens" 4r. Charbonis id. 'le e mrecet (îl~ots, knemasn DIlacoua Ci SItap). Tôdey. pusilai. dhe ypests t frîegrn oa raisvations cese coetii tis P s p i r amd dey h e distinction ai b ange ofai ai$250. On April 191lm , thIe eseýucuie wd fwsiser changes arte being considered." Mi=msSerine Club of dhe Yu fr lUIZ. day laid dhesire nit nceii t ei nec facity. Today the min lorm is utihized ai a Senior Lqn mgeuler Jack Charboasund dhe g ,u' Mr, Charbton sadt!isai on Mfay 27, 1940. «u i àCitize', Recrmsamso Centre foaCg extensive fire club rons was lsser 59iasal ebo 1 taenu fc moitis fallowing tIhe ouibnuik ai WuI tish prgrie possible wits a grant front dhe ModCaiszu Drng Some Olom recenly Beuys local brandis peitsoa dhe fadierai gavaerni w. eadd Dky) asd in1936 dhey reondtt m dhe "aid tu "recruit ex-service men and romns CiIing 'In dhe tradition and ta accorinrce casth dhe ma lacbwwon Mmsa Street <isoc die bdo Res- ansd anxious tu ane in tise fight fur freedora. tu aispectves of tise Rayai Cinadian Legmon. our 'tasaraffl. sers in dhe homne -defence if neaded and that brianci h.s for 60,year, coatinued ta lie a sworong Aus N la tody, Dig casa iapr soure ai rais- dher. ti n ge huimt for tise case". and infittential oraiioi te sevice ta lis ,rig; fi. but mntismn da se a c i unis Dtutng dhe car yeun. dhe club moiss Cme mne ibrs and aIl veteras as cei as tnatde beet ,..Wad -lami sns lm, fnd hapr aid usid by dhe Rad Crus. IODE aid odher or- immeres o, wountry and dhe osmuty ta hosehald @ooda aid epr. ganazioals worling for dhe car efor. imch we 11w," M. Charbon id. Urban land is£-siaed for homes peopoalauavÈ i bun dii uy i h4 100« ace si ai ise écml*ho hMaits o s osmipnaeassplY h, ausrame bdhiasi hi, hm a Mis buUdm- b wau esla Pkdiwg k. alacos partia asti b--s 'se- btise as dt'taîis Cire offersid onta OIO tIhe "Il l'oint puc Aqsfu's. eneCTS raie.d higs in prlority .-1'f 2 pesr cent o-f aci prop-rtv b.-;rg ccoted tn landscapssg A wau-rcour'e park tI: create à saturai lonking esvirimetit visible fromn tise 401, %r Heais ex- A -second deeloprnenint lie on strearn nexi spnng is kucated or an figlsticr ropermv au the noitiiMe cornter af Zt mret and Martn Stre« Tnlliun Square Cil lie t inu thsre phase% by Folnsac Relrv lac Tise tinst phage Cli we the con- 'structlon of a 5;,(k) square toot coin- aseroal buildingfollowed in dhe second phase bv two 40,000 squâme foot affice noirpfetes Tihe final phage ciii la tise building of a 12l-surte is iti banquet facilities5 Thse ground ha% alrSdy bren brokeo for tise fini phase and phase twa Cull commience constructions ia dhe spniso aiff9l. OP P charge seven drivers Cth a dnking nd d:Ff They atm assied four 12-haur suspei5ons, TwO peupler Cii kh. Isl iqor violations Tisai tb~ hau ie afefl ppn 415 buth nos liybng anovcaagn. Rural speeders are gettig cops' message *w H&W humw - Pila crack- a faitV his.haaio 11e bMm%, ae lag isi"o ci accwrlasg oid de' s of *id a rada ductor daanw e 0W havsSe for fur wuri mouin le emr laoi§M 21 midar damn. Hitn Po"la M beW de daiavase of dedasdbais ar heanlit hmei. A lPa ai 060 aaa seMis clNa of dhe dA Lt PO"l aIe. semala b Cm iaduaatyd de là- oasty "aioutu abou de nia*i w- motit ms&Dlois IVyRidey Ifs whft you have been Waiting for. Until Saturday October 7th, ail Ridij4 products amc being discoumted by 25%. Inm1aIIadon included. Up to 23% off a fuit line of custom-fitied. ibennl* replacement windows, Lockwood wood windows. Peachtre insulated mnetal-clad çpaiby doors anid qualfty patio doors. .As weII as being enàrgy efficient, Ridiey products add a touch of elegance to your home that', .sw'prisingly affordablc. E~eialIy until October 7th, 1989. Replacemnnt - Ncw ConsUuctioa * Additions For a fre las-homne es3mait, cafl Milton and area 834e2228 no charge 1-800468-5156 Or tisi us in ou' béaluti çak I rtowrom & p1annir csn*' at 35 &rawford Cars. in Caanpbeilviiie. 8to 8 Ms~on. to Fni. CUTO 9 toi 5ons Sannday WINDOWS à DOORS Il I