Plan leisure\!ime now for the 'best' of youir lif k>aneedqloe Eue 1 ie. mek Ilapn de wed =1uap <~m ueptCi eni* wi.m wk or rM a M"ruwnwft, ct*e ~fin Nullaneti at povke luidon umtt < 'lsuV hue- T pmi~ e fmkà fora ptufor vy eule e ui a = jwn uevluwb hOm d c iheeum am" pevai be. ué nlnshes bdle M> I an g e foarin mwor fiml xpoe etryie~ -"Y *we lvnai woei.14 ir skie andtau lm Iflo Wb. ffi um~ -*w. Deipui hetuy *stu dnhn j dt O55O.IeêF.s.DCpOo"t pamilesmr tiOne ntyalS>be at~~Liti A =ti worh If YM enons nment ma derWcty rvtd to the huaua aIvUf~ tjeydiufiteed awy in vutine bahut iMe eitet awmowpop.ond job. bLe uiatyU use~ cd ensuft torne j eholu or laiy activities EfkiLhve deriolns regardng oeatis aàouuy aâie Laiaute acyibIcs provude a n lelwe o cem Mduht retire- duit wing bille eu*oyme.As à frisme are niaitby deoosng ma d aemtaa-u eWworth. <unlihin mient le Un@*but urmnilpiuy- rec un ion leader it bu derm froi overa pswit alteria- tua. opal anttes d pLesare and stiS important merd id à leuihigof -nmm bing poinited oui. 11 yoe lai I plan, t ivq ngs'Y-Ljovfy ofr dut awork IDldd .arask xplose hew OMçp(utirIl% 1eid annu. Ehey am ncu yoea plan tu fair'. * to sere or partipaew wiii nake travel. cmoesauu aid heep. bdeore you retire. prepsetd fortde madden jocrease Among the irei "cp i fisure ut avamlablm fremt.n lhe bey tu pLamiwun t 1 determne ho- a succetelumremeent us the tnany adtiorai hauts 0< u-o hittong deNelopittent of persona - scldled, tiet Win ie avaiàLe eertsdut cma le en'oa e<oMre reeenn.tht average througliaut thtes mafn onel île. person Mokn a 35I tia y Il is itever to eary to prepre for twill have louir hor per day of kisue intale yeas, isure tinte. ~~ 11TE BEST.THING WOINO is GOINOFAT hMh a bvioeedy emportant husper yenr, ecuieO ingriknts of a secure retire- ceekends and vacations. Atter ment, but tliey ciii not assure retiremntM. frretlinte esciuates I> happiness. It es the satisiying use about,3.OO( houri per year. Un- ni lensure tinte that makes rr- forIunakiy, the mme siatistics mient worili living. mynthl wWtel# If lémsure us dhe key to satisfac- Mim omemnaluer chose spois bion in, retinoment~ chat does retires. They may find ther frisure ntew ? It means gome- lisuré tine rentalue the Mme thung defferent Io everyo>e. In ils and, 'unless the. retired spous bradest sense, frisure ta a per- shame sonte of the additlonal sonal phikloophy ofMe. It i> a hoiaseliold iores fiee tinte nuy ,u A.P.R tIate of being iascted by adtually decrease. fredont of dutie. un"whici the' Planning it frisure daes't indidal s nkry hatheor ea plnnng o e biyid sie canes to lie. day. every day. Some aclivities; Die tfo ttiseare may tut a phyca orun sudi as reserving tinte on dhe ten- ' teliectu activity. h in=lue nis court, buylng tickets for, a PO sports, hobbws play ducaton, play evênf lnaorabar. O R Drecs omnt novmn ut leisure should invt>lve mmC E D T or the pursuit cd a new caretr. sjlontaieity. A s I Directory needs input Seniors mn Milton ore beung asked to heip update dhe Haitoii Seniors' Directory to best suit theur neels. 11w Eidry Servie Advmory Committee (ESAC> of de Regiorai Munucipality of Halton is a conuritiee of Regional Court- cil whid> provudes advioe on dhe . a . &Man developoient ci ervices loïnors " i Hilton ESA = tIIhedim SoWos Dtmwfory whÎch pnvides information and pliant nun*ers for a wide veriety of servies avallbi so seniors. 5SAC is inèterei i obtemlng feedbac on dhe use aid format of dhe disecloy to ensure that our r&«t pVq1bmo wM best isuet youw ftU Weame coeuttng à mwrvey in Milton to mast ms wftit planning our next update. lMese heipaus by answel ihe foiow- 1. Ameyou i SEMOR (>FAMILY MEMBERt OTHE ( 7- %ete you aware dut there ta a Halton $enaoWs DuvdosY Out- âniheg the diffren services for smm? YE( NO<() 3. Do yff hmv a COPY? . YE X OeI)IRMi NO o 4. mf Y" have 4 M"p, Wa how ofien do ,uu une ft? NEVEM SOMETMESO (b> la tw oelendur flP style fornnam y k>Use? YES () . .NO <)MiMk MOIM (c)isthedmwtR*m* 1 * Coait TOO MUO4? C Ss 5. MOI colo.w>uel dstessi k> M .d = P?«)V WHTI CRM SfP~d >CflR > 6.hassefpltldSiISklsd msda foof HOEoOE 7. ~~a 1es oem vmuu A d-su CI l Yoob miaym Wei@ le"s fIru.iib / ~bn