Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Sep 1989, p. 34

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1Demand for la ¶90 ut- lu 1111110n How things change My Dea Friend: This wtil shock you. 1 amn neyer lonely here for 1 have four mmn ini my ilt - - don't teU anyonef 1 get up in tht morning with Charlie Itourse --I spend ait day wuth Authur Rts- 1 dine with Witt Power -- t go tabed every naght wlth Ben Gay. Everythlng Is lait away noie ibthonsid te, be. It is twlce as far te h corner andl they havea added a hiti. 1 notice t have given up running for the bus. Il teaves tabler then it useel to and il seeiru they are making the stairs steeper than in old days. Have you nocticerd the rnatter priait tjuey are using li the néwsper ao? king anyone te mild aloud because evtryone speaks i such a low voîce 1 can hardty heur thern. Il is alimait Impossble jp reach my shoe laces. Even people are chang- iaig. 11ey ame much On the, other hand, people my age ane much older thian 1 amn 1 ran ite an old dmsaamate the other day and she had aged me mucti 1 hardty recognized ber..- 1 was thinking about the poor thing white t w» combing mr hiti ganfat rn y ruflection ini the mnirrr aiM do you know - the don't evair maite minutas lita thuy used 1! 1 hopetb thi elps ta chee you upi '-e VON services jumped by 65 % in two yeýrs DJlUUAONIONSILN:*V.oN. muaiaty. Thte ulttnu10 ai i,0pos emnl=mited wih North Halton Stance t sirote a speech about VON Wo a OdiW us' -ndptideoeand iem ta Hapo.7=es trahwd vouantrers br public spakhtg contesal in achool. uuuy ecdhrsna tti bis or lin op- stfaadkiWfd ln support rmn yeua a&p. there ha, ben -n etensive tnnuMm level of bouill. ly illiensSn dhi tumine. growth of peogpanh offee Io ouri- m u la senior ne -g mim!acroea LBiUi Thee are apwc.xiuIdy 20 dhicas cd lii. centre opeawd in August 1905 in Tht ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tn Vitan Ordertm loatc ures9- - IOA1B. VON Foot provide respétar cae Io 32mobkca years-old and t Sb ntthe oanly n"* CArM Niaises ad the clients how 1Io k bveIy-ianpaled eldedy t- tiona non -rot 1uu~eahao aimer tmiiir Meet to maintai or lete foct lma aid thi a v. &Althougli the the wcarld 12 the 6rnesof heaii aid mobulîty. centre Isat i.n&kýiDe at Lalteshore onuraity beaith services ini EsukngJ r.r pfogmu and Burgiilidy Drive, the Centre wilt pro- VNsmater moie lsIo provide priesde transor«tton ,y a Rotary douited mona, quality nurn are in Ile e7le VONs proprai le ammdi aitil 'n Vin- 1 i at <t--ro.Ttp hiiiuals avith hMatti problens dividuias who have uwrn rot ugr mn Hablteu Reg"o, VON has increased il% for Cant'- o the bowei or bladde l pin " has been develoaped to i-et services by 65 per cent in -ua two ya. flâaitoi7 bowel dWseeae fo pepl ltrpeuttcia aid gecreationl noeds Ibi icras ci b atrbuod10 Wit mgioenentnt t< of clients with Mzhtinxres'type denientia Thsices a eat"e nthe fol- wit incontiné ter a e dîsorder. kwing rcrosanls: andi for thos who require dciii traratmeuî-S Viouiq ~and omplaes wound-nAgehwst. In thtr paI two yemr apprsavintely amjprgaaVOJrlsafndtbyth-Mn J00 viit wee a tnors ol53p11 er he are M7 trained voluanteeis that sryMinn.try of Com- dents aeirs ntl n crtéeo 3prhv PrO.vbd support andt companion- mounlranti Soctal Un ~ite W andthe cent since 1987-88. .ship ln approitimately 195 sliut-in frait l nao.tt nt- a nitt A rajority 09 these-visits .were madie in d6 rad lepie for tlieir family mem Region of Nation. Furtier support hs seniors txpert enigavreyat u- bers. Rtfrasaereceived 'frein family bteeu remeve trirait à range of warvice titude of hialîli problen. plivsiciins. VON andi pubic heatth nurses idMubialdonS 5.h tgii dwl sm VON nures work closely with the anti relateti heath'rfessionals. ~ ~uouduosâ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O Reioa Honseen Capota drogran aniar,.IovInartorporn mn htlt ar ean minibs ami th r Moan- ht VO l.nv m hasrm un programra are not fultv funded For heathcae ttai wnmi d crri- lw ONHospice ...i- lvTt-iitlY information on prograinscat ln27-SlX>. la TIloohamsiandedl Thu- lRhtit in inn,% ative addition ti uinie ,f tht- mn.tusî sesuitul wasitc rejductitin Pnrtugrm un Cantarsu Naiton Walt bc platini the ontainers un stratuewî locaions thru'ugh(ut the- P.egion to cotteci the neaswrM çans and hoitlt-s you t-an t cý,nvrnuentIv tatar h4~~u io yuuur Blue Nox Yuuu all tund Igloos un ra dusnnetivt %hares Tht radutioinal barl .kîapt wtt1 Ne uird tut collret onty oint specutirdi mairrnat. The rectangular multi-cutnpartmnsrt unit all be taid go clleçt à .!anery of recyclaNtes. Yt.u Wall tind lgtuuu..în Gu' sî.iî'n% tor ý,tur nessraiNcr lgkw. in arenas and rarks lt -oti drink ans and K.tlrs Iglotu un st-lccttrd Service stations and *Lme açuartrment, and townhouars for our n"rsaper can"s gta%. andi rtait sit drink Klutk Tht RegîonaI Munètcipaliry offHation and Stinnes Enercu tnc wlho have toopertet on this procram. U t th"ia of Star Igloýo as -Your PAUC Box a"s fhom liA.* Thev Nopae Vout &l. tuol Halto care abouÎfhe'evromment. Becuse Hakon Ls our envirofiment.

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