CovuIection5-pM. Somefamifiarfaces in' 'ame the Kids' cQnteIt' Ikief ai» sasw, e lsof t Co e 5 No* do tii.. kide look more famiar? The wlnir weUl b. an- nounoed à* mcxl Wendysedii off AR A B. CD dth Jocem«W rdle jus ifi Oa<egaao PPUer Lamu n Nlfay coumerCo (Co~u)n F Ktatn jervls ver,.asn H IW Idm olui -sGor imm Dig into a ne>i' hobby -plant you rfami*ly tree 1>y VEIWA CALLAN westbury England and a (amer in tr'aociie onl c~ u mtmrnaisata, Motlies aote.Lea Pearck De a mot t'aoer.Aa township, Mid~dlesex Couta n liUe. Your father, faher's fat11w (your grut lt's the third most papular hobby, sur- Caa To lmai yaur lainât> tie pnda Robert Cardinal ~bu b cinan sasn cllctag. y cr*liy ~rs palae 1t WIteyarn...CtryC a mein <aIler wu Jacik Cadi"a (yotr Inow amrn mpossession ofmy put how fanle le kniew of our.i' m lhau Your modmer'snime ... Itmml.Csow boans flove= . Eml dad' barth oemtificate and lus parents le cume fmint Seaeratiauons 01 ' Fatrs, father...uula Cadinl Wlwn yoti Set &long in your hobby, vinit maraiage certidaoete dated 1763. laniaes. I ýMd a udth newa'd, in de ac Fathers motler.Sasi Rabbin the Churca of The Latter Dey Sainte tley Root trann% as bite hiangr the mitch that 1 will luave for ,ny pawkddden, Motlesfathr...Smus Crow am hoepful an b'aang your Mocts. shangles ~ ~ ~ Yo 'rMrl usds ota p two in naumber the auwer toa perdaien t =ching . Te =P. p akisomit. questio%. Whma did 1 corefromtr' littraceiyuncover a ne w mot and the OrAs :n amtu rkmyub- Seniors in demnand as housesitters urg to tht mot becones oui-corne àtype of iain,'Ioel detectve de[iug Seniar atlzens car keep active anM caouse they love pets, childain or par- ienuS yota <md yoursell deepi> anvolved ialadWbmnd figures until aàu éhi the samn tme uan extra naney by demang whÊle ailier, id that houseit- ail ~ ~ ~ o avraanour ancessors emergs 1 =na i l minding a house, ting helps thein forget or mS re ont àmi Rca ui aie's amu.y uusetothet 1 use. A compati> cal hfe Housesatters eecent persa"al os, ilinesa or accident, caruuaamang and oflen moves at a slow Use the goilowang sources tu ataist in lueamrae ta é added Mr. Watts. For ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ _ me htl Imsejyet ote rcn orros.braries local and visits Io vaqaatirs' .ý hob.It as asot raeceunly an ex- . endang, histatical groupe, archives, bfltti lmnu. autepoesh and Forme attiials asrdg shier Duliesnt aar sais"U urnat Vat= . mui umt Io proy. your in,- and cemetey flms <da»> xiît to pet carr, ham abon Io be autlientic. Mati> people If your aiKeutors came acm dhe pond an béyitig aad le ald'naay of Our tay to b lerr.c wih lieu We i d the numu geaiealagical lait 0 Tm Wtsruae itear me retires who réémnes bcaae of webi *&i m liau n dhe dhe 6"e or mme w le e le= lIv n of dhe %aaIeSa.rd 0 Obp nm laiy a oe~ > n m ntpo iicu m C aada. oin dut mocet. ota wlll re eve l10' A . '. r- Ioe arae for lhea thei' newgletter and yearly yoa etl lie orne Seniors ta.- te = -M=la Neuu Nane. My gut pua et "10 anale twou bnuusoneai ~ ~ ~ le- sh aR M 823-253 graolded wa a me n Witshre ot i mee me =ON.Ultr n. MI Banking'Services for Seniors 147 Main- St. For ible Itormtîom oatact R*oe HaITIa 878-232i