Seniors have power, to take charge i the marketplace oe.wa~ iuphbuit luven't yst quuauty. ie= Z Sr~ u on CmMlnuatey allen i nast. hies <mul senor wita am fustnt by Acoedlmg ta Ms lCIng an semS lie laci of homte delvery, smaml portioi omem am1 oer Ille dzu of port Pmàà"g of groenuss .nd imular riesturants. Wbert &Whn nitf a %Woubt Or se'vxps that %'Mid misetav ofc port d&" ai hoineM, serdir tiaieumd& They shop, oerefuly loir *e hâve die options e Ofreiigg «M iest dMais, but en't fId aeally miatablie lions or "hr% w nt ietad. %ut choices. ame fewv alter nen faced a GoverInau -can't force buuunesses k> oversdzed reurant mnm. Waste provide for apecii requarenents, but usual outcounç. senoM hIhenves can, imYs lie minis- 'Restaurants sitould offer seniou t"y' ebief conarumer adviso Marilyn dons, jýs1 As they offer chidren'.a, Gurevsky. .Ma King soya. "Werelaltn abut4uge segment of 71w Ontarao seniors ouain- the Population and that's the key," Ma ly one million stbog lasm e Curevscy sa)%. "Any large group of con- strides in~ recent years. Thec mar sumera wuîh surotiar needs bas enorunous. awakenng 10, the vase potential Pull in, dhe marketplace, but lhey have k> group. Not only are adveu'tisers a speai Up." campaigns diredtly at seniors% ein DIn be heard b,,retilers, customers have Iooking for particular atlnibutès arc t0 Organhze Ih eves, regardless of ing rier bmck ingo the worklor where thcy live or sehat they are aftrr, partacular. one taut food g it says loyce King, head of the United seniors for jobs formeuly fitlc sl Senior Catize ts of Ontario. bivtens. Iunlcomnunties, it sliould lie a Thbe senos' discount card. ors si= tertogatersignature on savings day at retail store petîbions or formn united groupe. to abk proliferaêed at an astounding rate, ,sbophpers for specal consadcrations, to lhe deligat of the Jarget audiece Msing says, Even i n lurge cities, seniors offly are seniors usually on fixed in can bond together within their neiglibor- but they are natural amnong the hoods. -diligent bargain hunier in "A "ou collecive voice is much 1more marketplaoe, Ms King ais. effective than one p-ro aslng, says '11e seniors of today lityd throu1 the leader of Ontario senirs. "Rtetailmr depresuion and tluy leemcd 10 sq don't wnmi to le business and if there every nickel," Mt King imys. 1'1%e are a lot of nanes on a list orsa lot of really goodAt couaisS sh>opping. people aaking. dhe requests will be met." If senil have a vuinerable spot a Neithe Ms Gurievscy noir Ms King as sumera. it probably lies in Iheir i Stigesting amates of iraie seniors roam desire. Io trust people. Droughl up Ontario confronting asop oseners, But différent ers when a handsitake with a bit of ovpration, seniors. can value; seniors are among the mosit niake poslitivye suggestions that benefit mon vicins of fraud, Ms Gur the. eves and dhe stores. TIhe fIe notes, marlie worts on supply andi demanti. If 'Iris àsad comment on Our world storne owne sren't aware of thi demaind, sonne seiors have t> Immr ta be thYwu' cmthrOug sith dhe supply cy"and sieptical sehen offere sn vry uiffer for i t, Guoevsky du 1ahdn," she ays. ams.Consumers who feelthbey have bce age o( lie anoot commun requests for fairly' teated - can contact a local Wnsl porionsi of neati, and otie surer Services Bureau of die nuistir là packt t1h an a' pot- of thse irTUflg loyers pull- ce. lIn hiring sively much . Not ornes, most thse ;h the ueeze 3 con- in a had coni- , but mort, the nun- con- in fali travel -agenda Bacit in May, twenty-caght Milton Seniors baardid a coach headed for 11W Tulip Festival in Holland, Michagan for IAU Aboard four days. I Our ftant stop was at the Holiday Inn in I Grand Rapids, Michigan sehere we wee With MARION YOUNG 10i stay oui furt nigitt. After a warmi reception we prepared ourselves for a rniter of People. ThMr was conedy danner titestre evening whtere we saw %7 entertairiment by 'lihe Yorkshiru Lad" AUl Nig*f Srnd. and a Inelve pince orchestra of "fIb Old In the mni ng a Cour guide dresaed in Pros". Nlthough the litge crowds rmde i Dulci, costume book us on a tour of Hol- difficult k> psrticipmte in the entertaier lmnd, Michigan. What a Jpcauar look. ment, dhe fiait dinner wsem superbi ing csty wlith aIl of thesreets and From July 12-14 sauie Milton seniors en- boulevards plante4 with mullicoloured joyed àatrip k> the Lakte Erie Ilands. Thtis tulip. trip was special3y designeti for Ilion who 11e hlghlght of the Holland Tulip Fes- euijoy being oh thîe nager. 11Tie rtse oi tival was dhe paradle sehi involvei &U of dhe talands was scenic wilh its rnany inter- the mesidentts. 'fhe tnaditina street sarut' esting attracton bitsg -before dhe Pmrade started, involved Il indluded soute fascanaatng ights thousands of people. sehete dhe glaciers lied moved througs Ouir afternoon nas made complete by the ame long ago and mate rmendous visiting dhe Tulip Faim, Dielft China Fac- n"jtngs in lte rock. The entrec ares of tory and the Dutcli Shoe Factory. In the tie Lake Erie Iianis secmi b01 lte best evenig ne weTe entertainet by the kept mear on dhe ssulth shone of-Lake Young pepeat«Wesyln Church who per- Erie. A trip neil nortit enjoyang. oroa musical presen talion cafled %1 We traveUced to Harbourfront foraà ta, pùumersa77W cny. int Auguât. Unfortunately dhe neathcer Our third day induded: a trip to the didn't co;opeale fully but that didn't Civic Centre int Hollard to se atkl her dampen oar spirtm île stars af Lawrence Welk; sortne tradi' Somi people walke4 uip 10 the Antique .*loay Dutch sights of dhe ares; and the Market and otite,, lisdta gamne of Dingo. mmrvelouiaTuiipFarm. Ludî.ly dhe nemdher held up a bit in the We vialted Frankenunutit, Miciin on aflernoos so, wr could go on a boat tour Our fouirtit day nliere we enaoyed ' 01 dhe Toronto Harbour and Tnto hs- Zwsntes famous daicken dim andtlend. W. neyer realized hownime titere browwd thdrough several'boutique ant. la Ase aI Harbourfronî. speclaliy*dom& A full bus of 47 seniors leIt frai Milton Ilu e e47 Milton seuu* boarded a bus Io 9> Io dhe Mythe Festiva on' Augus boadad for pion Sianky. The firet *top as 318L. fie group made a few stbpt 4jong dh.e Aylimer Fies Market was qtdll uuîoy- de way belon, dhey reacied Dlytli for a abWie pucmly cosderlng deth le fub-l.vln comedy perfoirnance 77W Mi avaglbl. We could buy caullilowu, bro rdr iài oeil or ipnlal onuotas ai titre fuS . Tt faMU offiers mor excitng tripsian- couldset up our on fies nwt by d udùqa day trips to KCitchener Farinera dimevWhmodeal aio oua, poardiases. Mmrlee 11ester Valley & Collangwood Wlada we arrivied in Port Su.*y «e Ç-oui4Tou, T'ender Tootses, Hamilton boaudei à suai train Ot look us Pamsd4o Stars Siinoe Liltt and Outlet thmugh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hppi a cncpoto fSoursem O1 .O overniglit exemsions null Onbr4etem ôrtStanley a te Vii- 2kle u'to- Pentiylvania Ici eujoy '1'he Iic JfniOn. ,Crut Train Experience" andi to, Akron, Anatitr full laa atendedthde Por ýOhéo éo à relurtushed silo. Dover Pu Fry onJlune 27di 'fls sewM For ao is.nfobuitius on upçorung sema OtqpNzed fo sirveraj setiâr centrps un ca *d Senior Cltizeni Recreatie in de Ames adt thetore atrarteti à lasre Centreat 875-1681. v ien etthér Wk ent tihe wa eitig du ahn 1101900 Lai" Erie. Tis amnestilefi ama ahnaiby sseai llo Whio #"" ous dam La@its "bi Jly Colour tourÊs included