-mmmm I mb CempO* wuu M~.7-111371 CAMPELLVLE SAU11ANT WSd heir [eêAMaoeobY CM 0704072 bMM 9I & 4 P.j COU Y YL DONUTS FULLTUECOWNTINHWL For *e ornoosi shiff and weukmnds P. 41d by promril -risportso5n coriony. "ia liu a »Il swwr, pwoeu a wr mnSu i asusgo ornn~rc. amufll 0msartine, salary *Ith regular - Fui conei bânekts KIEY TRANSPORTATION SERVICES INC. 'Kavlfn MacPherson 416-U1112351 Expeimnoomi Grocery Clarkt Parttime and FuIltimo fequired Good wrages 876-4496 Aak for Anthony i - Lim- I Mi5 Join theTam Canada-$ toadlng ieatÎ#r alors' ha. openings aIKabl for Mature salospersons. netait and other sales uxpéfrmance ls an asset buft not "ocesary. VOt U ar«OpY wodchig i a lrianly, pofasml and chalsngong enwiortînnl, vou waN eamn a competélive aag. plus bonus, and generous staff -discout for .use on te olde Hicle Hotase, Jack Tainr Table. Fligt-Lone, and-LoalherdOwn West weartoousa. Read on, tflers moire If you prefer Io wotit in a spmecifoc deparimenl let us knôva and wo will try 10 accomodate you Vota have a choice of the Fur Loft. Fastîioo, accessorieS. Woolens, Leathef Ganments, The Leather Guif Sh'op. General Store/Cale. Ijltrasede SLeatherlufe Fashions or Thie Istetire Furniture Gallery. If you are thenking about re-entermng the worklorce or leaving your present postion, drop by loday and ddied an Xppkation t0 Susan Allen the qide Hide House 49 Eastern Avenue Acton PART-TIME OR FUL.TKM , OUR HAVE A GOOD TuaE =l. ,s :y nr-nî' oi rceo,. why a Cmr.e' tr-'oys weking a* ýhe car.ad.ar Tue P. Stop m Mflan *very corr.preVtve earri.ngs - er'np;Oy0ec SOUfIs *prom.1 shor.ng =c ura 2û gro ec ,n eo.r ra.r-g pu:, 0! cadas *Besr petio;ewmr ieli.Ler Tark to s abo;. how you'd lit in expefterce isnt neoue <..nce woiM provce .ho trowig, s0 long as you're enthumsiatic and wIlling Io Marr Apply mn persan oand SC Io., Sherry G:ber? a' 20 malt=e Drive 875.2S9 Ptrformience _0aaofimse Superoo VaRlu. WAREHOUSE PÉR90N A local ahokmsat firm ta bootng for an expgenrced warehouse persan. 1 Vear previotas work exPenence in a wareitausê *fviraflmeft uS gecessary. This persofi must have t'e abélty toi drive a forldit pal* and recelve orders. and have morne ex- perience vie iruventOry CeunIs ThoSq interasted in thos position s*iou6trspoMf Inwrilrng Io: TEE COMM ELECTRONIO 775 MAIN ST. E. MILTON. ONTARIO LQT a=3 Wk&end Help mntd on HreFaim 1%d:Chudieigh 's 8 man the buut patrs i oI nyomyu chisuOf ai n ichool HOoe~ ywa z id«ew are homne Fueiy atmoa0tiru ta mark n 'b t C tsda, 878275 tIIkv.ISmi"* snuI4Sl lui" CIJSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATWE We hrave an onimidia veaaicy for a Cus-- tormer Serivoi Ruprerileve This pohitioni rree5 an uugum unt asst , Our Colpiy us OocM in GeorgiWei wtscè Bs convUuiwd la M"t 401 antd mnblm Wevae bMiieg for an NIjyul 10 mark m pari of à ten to1 serise ar Cuoem Da.-es wd r4cp .answi0*g oLim eruquis a" takelg ordit en du Ulophone Sordir broessng and untry on a coin- pubeld sYomtu esped5f lgds The uuicoeeuli caidduU ut pagaie encef lent owmtuicio tub. pleamt nid OUI- prie9 Manf tr. dota oretb and un méty b WU requise a I'oçiholgmae da mwlAwffim ce te@ 7W Cu le= ira «Vaua . euuey i*@ Fluat lunqu ft a *ummy apfonr~t Pombal to groul andO a conptv q cometlriuate Inmui utduIjjib ahoul agçlf in mebig osuni oducfbon i çmeuo nd sé1ary ne- qured Io P.0. Ma" 117s The idupuidfft -Guergutt OftufID 170 304 JANITO REOIJIED emvib*ln-buief merice amue 124,(mm UtS.. àUETQOEWC ne, coiuifi Vl- 1711 Cà alloebl 7:m1 1H:0PA PART TIME C .ASHIER 2 guoumpg à SUhirdff Ih ucoame *- emu1111il HOME HARDWARE - MILTON .878M02 PART.TIME HAIRS«TYLIST ALSO @Pm *sWelb fer PUICUS a MANIUMT. %usOu»Iu ruitt. Conu M ulS MMN or JIM! .876-2842 PARTTIME DRVERI WAIREIJOUSE PERSO#I To wort, 28 hiMi pur euh (Il day nd 1 evening> as a yard poton Io imake loal For on apInre CO Home HaNwre, Mieon PERMANENT PA RT-TIME DAYS rIVE iii cave Som1 fieably avuedul ti e 10 ISfclung Cleattee à Cash guaale r.aPouiîble plesse uppty ln perues go: BULK F000 DISCOUJNT, la TMOMPUON 0O. (el Mule IL) WAIYERSNAITRESSES Pesiti hmne AWuY ut- MILTOW FACTORY QUIAW IMMDIATELY Mtature help as a general labourer. We wmI train. Excelent company? benefits. Apply in person-to: @CRCOR'UNC. 93 mountwmlsluR N. PwON C*LLS WILL MOT ME ACCEPTED HOUJSEWIVES Ean extra Mana Ior Clvatmf Or., seral openinol on Ouf speelaf shufts, achiduled &round 1110110111 noml ad hoaes ft 3, 4, « 5 days a week on otaf 9 a... I 3a P.m. Schoaf Shift ln a 010an, sale eniOfw Ufll. No expenuelg needell. 876-2U05 moný i~ -1 NMU megena, OlEEKENb aymu m *W" modbo WPtdw £a uNe as- ai~hima