Heady's.wins league tournament and sweeps ..sjo tîties ,, bm ads bm. m ib. Mm~ "w c "Mt cm-.~-~ u a~ -f a fl hm U* mm f4 mi. m %" W"ww P"ih MBm Wd wm du* MW uh.n m MA *,unS ai o I baguai eq.mt. au vue * . dKMl ..ap. hý N" MM a ba p..- Cm i du- We q.aMG @"y «à au Huip W". MW m, s Dult Co tr E mwbwmmy* C" I ~ Reinaisit YorIkwoods 27-21 MUTONSO NUbr dab.b âmm tua me *» quuIB -à mn mitteH- dlm amd a pido. *my Sh.pm. ai. kàd a 12 4eks Poona$ bIw camp". Md Cun. Ch .IMm p wm l- mu- n mom du JOjod hsam Dkar -ài pah.wmea kdbW §uwçd. ad dum pgwm -U em Imir -'kk mm dWu mob"mrAW w b a dtu w Pu Wh o th . d -duý Wh. ahhuuI un es kam s MM 'dq up Cnre o l m y e med lot Itili ka3liiwb ual, ItU W MR~ w~ imma omia d à n àm e. )ub vl G. o' cndsg. 1 waW [)# hhpamwhu- tB.i .~w'hm b eln eUu ,am.l ,m mfjS -c nst at stem Mdy %M unr" lml Niais n - aer êy asaP i- ud aad $ * ofa. lb...... Them CheaIwma ai s a b ay -p- Sdiay' 90matm anwrfrkciu i- o hpýhu hU e.euoaa'ie Plrg s the 1 au mw s ah u a mu wI tua mu~c utlHiS rola IIts..plt iddt the wetght off. aifor RE cofsltal and see how easy you il FREE RECISMA11ON SEPT 30, leu9 la MarM. IL, 876-2221 Compare vahM~ efcfWenna ... .>uui*I joM tt mlIb. wf~ hé - Obe - Diet ~ Ceiitei' HeetIn &Md Co.fl Ploducts 1 %*u*$» Get te Advanced _ Hlome Comfort package ttiat beats the heat pump - whatever the season. li'sa naturai ga cé«'ral airconditionng dbeal tos nd eomnc. Wlth upl ta9%fusidthny a m.gh- Efficency f#nac coentined vm central air provides compla cMadn l year long - and Icpay foryoun ns.und camdionmth mnhypaynfl#U on your que bigU. VW'vs go the pachag e oul smpthe pump. ShoudsVt you hava il? C*U us kiday. OU$ MOWNA'Y LTD. AIR tOpfItIOWNff GA1 SA 09 SI ALTO à aRIC /751 Owt. StALTO EagNIC M'fo.n.tr. LSTXZ phone $78-2381 Lawn'ls Healh Keep >mur lWn its heaituet with hmffiquw-y Joim Deere lawn case equxent. Yu catiust ymu laun to Jobe Deere. Sec us today. NOTMSTm WMYMffS i». of pu m o I.M. LA&.. 4WX STEELE AVE. jWLTON 878"121 li .1