- .ar enc Idontuai aIl u y aub tm ti o cf Rosen» 8z mW ceuga 0W.ma piles and limtote gCliss tu guim Cosbv W$.i Thas wity im. m (flundayl yeu shotuid Stul Ru IV uts 1yoDur kcbl isble jCh ee s'Re Lifa, Ulm 1 stWieingthecrttioelly ar- to pply Malcar> wttht huma Tammy I Fat Bahie weul tue theu agusua 3 y Aitards Show W lte MFR. a ble ta' itath titis mta CIsMt bmi bumedvi liée iveressSrvie m hv trna Hetîsi le Qiaa.tabacL. This ia a new cae dmevud tu, alloit suoini otte titauaàQB tuwuihe MVP awards ond quarteri.nal football titis smsSi is Ray 'lJkyardtk iho limée GCnt Assatié Titis itas likTh Dickeis sua a it iulaoe agesodutMtrfflMgi Iye ahbeP M = lus lugue-cmiht cindpt th t Zgelli Chi omil Football . salin nasty neaioyle bt ste pausi of pide M&Wll agft jim ner-up was Kern Dugp. etag d ôed di Traveller Hlro MONAGHAN' Fahâ ' bkas tufor idal ss Camptîtil. Thanks ta a xmeehm Mu, C Miacs lms week, Cam.pbell actumaîly - me.uuug onr the ita.our, Citeryl Dug- eedup lied for qimond in pinuts iHmtdmmo itas muantu up fur lthe &a &,t You men te, say thai and=zhtluue wttit 10uuttr9rn lOth ,ur. ueward stupudîtv?,' t'gs otuale mention tusit Ïie I.adr4not Trophyr Nase * Met Uadutried Ptifo'sun glve ta Dickens' ssismimates Kantdy Lyn Lafie , Mi-LI% " loa Thvogh iî cnsild tue aimot ewrsn., SIf tsonaid Illw etotlht , laid aftwn .1iy) fan, iii.' aiard m~ an Fat Frldy's. lais Saqomtt tamy o1 f lh. Yeaz Ta Counster tii, gu ta te plaver comn*.ng ex Bosard. Barry TurnbalI and Tomn Sd- anllcrpited arguenlisis, as itit wsa 'mI"~ sku i î ,c osrua aisrias a buperiru forisou hi ;il§s year's rSplea. MuY ce%,sitrhout à lot of fanfare. itonosur wrU- hi sitared by Grocitt Simp§oi, prOMIses tu donai. tihe Ion Man' Awad: Tis. gocs ti and the MFIi scorung leader casht poriiorrof i% prize lu lix Lviiit th-i lard-working tronls ot flag deiçite missing Ove _gamnes. utelvo io t ht. can firsaly sua footbe alaId deeders Aid l9ih«' merville seha ao WWof ompetitbn fraoe ia Uiaitp Km orits Dave Swea' i ni HiaMan as they cçunbind for 24 pinluuis. 0:81 Utdys8 le *mooad 1 Tittr must have heen tînses tis r wte Fat Fuuldy QB Dan Mc- nu itlke the skrpper of the Exxun Valde. H4owevtr. ter Saturdasr's. quausurrlrîal, McMans, beramne the capt. of the guod sip Lollpjjt ae the Fatrnti eiâd oui a .md. utblc-avetnt victory ovtr tie tavonnred Traveller Ansd weîrd is the ouiy word tisai car, descrîibe lthe ssîld'aid waailv evr'rt ni the final miînute of regula'r brille aaid. The hands down winistr for Corry hus HlaltonsPo Ur.'eY hone avam ofthes, .. was Keith Soin-. Wiith ples kt the m kjsoteed aidlthe Fatmes rin 1Bruce Hond'q two-vard-hnie, Kandy Johsoun eltd ta, puai for thte Wins- t. * ring siag1 Easy nht Wu. * Trairril.r Nectar <ýapbU asab to corrai thse bail and puaî.a hacit out Wp a walî.îg Peter Daly wito rantllt out of bounds. This gave Fat Froddys 4ée mue crack ai an ap- banks fot io yards in thr.end zone as Peter Aarslen5 VainlSy atteipttd to reura tis punt - rito double overtiîme bae C lotu , niyrd in s len tiai tsal Kerfy Dga ad a stM detevice k. h.\IrIîr .k~i.rr 'r' rilî <Inn4.1 Duggi was ontt thex pivot iro Hesndtrw DrucedwswieDv llSu« n,oe G a Ke ned ansekuc isri Ji. r.Ik. a u it .1Irr 1- Tr i irî 79 il.nltt kt, p -'u? 111O T ,10 Iim ak u bem v ycn n al ii I i At l l'-j t.. ... il 1.re.t MILTO UNE ha!. (,rîmmn the flowa traf thé jrmi f ht '111 rr t.r. ;.!! t,~h, r, ý t t it l- r! 11 ul!r _11 ,re liri1e Lîruver Brucetr Hr pivo ni, tIc tT! fi.,%' il rrrrîrl tk Il, itt. iatr 1)tt Il' SU1'DAAJd sinedco t;n ali. -%rtg?' -r1 ga .' Il Irs ll'. 111 nîr ýT IP h. lhtîri mlh rv ,rîr a f r rt du i r. îrrî lu ri, Fui h.ur r. 1-121r ýtr(l~~~~~ dit IlflTvTfl.Gtýh >ý > * FREE. «'"$200E *WHEN ORDERS WITH A NEW HIGH EFFICIENT NATURAL UMPSUI GAS FURNACE OR HOT WATER BOI1LER F RE RENTAL, lom MiTAUMION OF FMWAMfAIE ML ZFE SE1;CT" NOÂ~ I HATHG878-1212 333-1 KCNOWLES PLUAIM #AU W LMD. WMIDM5 CTI A"mL Imampj CSTam aI mom.I B1990 288 EVERYTHING VOU WANT FOR THE "WESTERN LOOK" 40% off ail BOULET BOOTS (IUTEO TillE OtdLY) 1- 35 CRAWFORD CRES. CAMPSLLVILL:E, ON.T. LOP 180 (416) 854-9881,_-