mr atys usns ... vol com rght to, your front door I *dnssdy SspImbp 13 1000TELEPHOI 070-4131 Merchants goaltendffg should be soli Evershed.and Mul- fod~ as . F"ld% 2z on., unCug, doon expcted to sa rocune tip le eh.haspi airpa a liapisi mt au tlatmss lyla -share th jâb. b. mach, b t ali nr debai of a lm the Ullim tkmItt tlmkI amthi~ ose a ML hm-aad.huoemisun GrimsbyPust Kiag of the Nbagapu aud District Jr I Hscksy L-mm oiw the. wSm an'diliapa'a béi pt ray. 7-6. and tulvapi àat lnaCr i~4t Saturday mant the nght iadta dabe hois Récit Bince, the oeah afth di Mchai, faatso the waut actually b. phtased undl the plyam Wi them loqueapnlaia "Vk miawed a lot of auracier ii (Fulday hiAhead by a wèt nose pair &etu toPUutd twr0 tiethmn¶s (oemédm&$) ana à h Oni it~n ro " Wo en oa0" T heOpimstsnaro lywin senior. girls, T-bail à kg a utaof addng ta d% MM o tetedi *W championship with 33r32 nail-biter over Roma Muldoon -à ýhodo@ trin test The MItan Girlsa-aD LAsocation honne mun and Robin Huid,ùuiaà bochrupo D&S iaSM 22-2 wl ngcadmlow m ommansd Jay .Kwrhud. isba Wa hMI the itiuidanlnhldyaakn ba. it ad coln iuaen,; delave play on- Keeln ls pped in four hits ~Mwepayed itud the Ir. A Guelphi Stmrdoy tSain SlirltPbi ve rmm.. For Romc, %Îoua Shis tributodb h wmn, b .-Ikim y kam rums tu the iuinnîng cif Sdiaal as ail 26 Mmina the lispar homneoed sud Karis Arnld.had a FneédrlhudM 'Etbti Cooi Fergurd got tisa haum mun. 2a à d utebons mais action. Both audar sud tuai- pdtaythplt.DêS ge bomemm u m train uth Virginie Youmng and 0n" frin Roc seliUiat in tdliun " mai mas hmpaigm n decda. Eventuafly le wua the. OýpdbmiCor,. and SirmneThtsa, but te Cogan bue le 'vasn' zeuth. a confidere since. 'Thr isin b la dui.senior division, the. Op- defence th" wan thern iii. ene w4su't anoug. , st )4arl wua MVI Tare Fiorita le ~i as tmaa ather telh with one reslly dmssoeaiads.woerwth the MIVI tiWord gaéng ta, th&MVP -&S a 33-29 Wvin oser Cyr E=st, gaod gashu. but as t ut. nobody wsil! AnaLw Z6latIt: InosdaltpGusVe iiai - l tii. tip puis. Wakd"iI wuth tht.. ons rune. Ca.e cou m . liad ~isa<lbiloia itd dis' mile Sailnd'asRonc' MI hdd KLA Canultiag te tisa mas in Nichais banged a lait-botter la But. which one le Nainier 1? Opimiists' Sprlng Lacourse hirtingà la dmt onsolation final. Lady Fteot- ltei, final at bat' ta hald Wo à el-9 far Villa. [£e Koniow uaîle a l lin .aînp bo% messet the tisa in. Molies llsnff blestedi à hatfl fourbaggvr fur Cyr. goolin. hat s themysten 1 praier tu mun sud pmcked up the MV' sward la the jiora division. MAVI' uns li% no u i ou., thaugh." said for the winnr 'vila jennifer Massée niier Duif and lkandy McNeil Dû"c »11, let's may Chad had a hut and Tara Flonming alathed triples. lta b3temfo DuEl contractmn baud against Peterbarough, tihon 1 ela at nta ut hi t nAieic au m~useh ùtwoagamesn .a rasr Gaadbr&aud i four- hit. faur-run Marian Duardu andi AIy dfnitely tre ta stay away ganW in am haurn McCammont. Coulter 'vu,. tope fur Asien. .~fniAetiffting hlmsie sb uatng Thintet tmane mship Tammpu wa hw V 1'Quise ohlm a tSim 'ill get used Cu= 3131. over Alin Lock snd Soi. lza ta hsving the mabt mn thm a sd The turniag paint of dithe 've as, Wld hanmred Wo Atm. whmhàdollt àmmted he oc- hthii rdtut whenK:=atte, Roetx had huw rnskamM si. t13aasi t.*cau' 'vIs' s 22-18 Kelly Culver sud Kaie Ich in their 33 disc .aku hi t ,Li' Hoiis hit à gand anu tihe inrnn 'vin over Presto Pools Thst's Pqttaasay ths talk iirit- shl rcyTne& ha rund jodi GleSd wu. aisarded M ser i , Aot f l =i "ddie irm honouus for Whdiaà àit iun h w eoàaldqmmi -a"U<%tI turne deletod Dufkrin A«mpe 31- wesaan ot fdu"'cit m ys &me u e sud Jenue o tei dmalmlgto avebg Io 0 èh wu hai una fr w alyn suim hn s ud Shoa'as&M wwnTur Cam wna. id the pointsa lut etOltn Walter Mid JMèce outotsudlug hteres forPr tnga Po di-wY hape diuy Win Vàkosd. Thi. MVW awarda far tii.ý" li as s lut or tlied place pui matu a pair ci imfiiden, ln u k huai ofthe day aii.You ca bu à lttsmu.iuema Jasaiir Mtysamd of Key Censte tri.nw? Shppm Dnag Mi îlebis Uta haVa ý vo ahm. !aMa su«r By oand 34-29. The M4VI oardit iu tu W one.uoour MPbs hmu sad Cme.sraiqy Wt 8Muai user, jamimma utroked a humanan fur mmt Ads fin ;te range dam lis.poed AfUy Mamdlli th i tiopua'bper4onu gmiim b goi -n pisyli = =ssp-osSIt. ui 311-11 diést b luaded H551 Mli. d Auh ehliy thpve ly= =~u asi. umbM P Lam Spguolo Wodr. dsmuiuvdy 'vith Sean ma.splluiluo Mdidik two ué sud ICindrus Aaiiisy Lamkin. Haly %i Nt~~mdi ohrna aw sts Ehsa&4th sMd Uiay au"i mi hum rn dc ý(.Matha isu M.dt'e M(VP I the di0t::;lwi =t les Thumpeos hum'u O=ià~H Çkas ~ N m Ay ~ CII- Il aud 12 ag gou AisakuR 011u1Ésaum ml -Mis 274 NMII 'at Hla ild.r pm -iMs ML ma kOudsytii 23 disait. be MVII Cadistm l*mu the fol "M hd r mn oCt Win i'th V?' -28. ,mid Sa a'i ley a. the th- Fi (1 14 DA t A,'. N r, 1 0ý