t I *1 I t] J *1 AbNg wtg. nve al Aam on i Fia om In Hydro commission 4teIebrates 75th year la Tanks. n RadWSa ir Col us KEA ut ... WFý -. W -ý ituma, m = %mm 110.m llb.' 14! 2~ Mlli Qrokw an Lrne à Boerie Amibes ore piesie e 1w nnout'e the engagement of tleeir* dueughea Kelly glizabeth ta Staven Peppler the lmn oU.edMr$. Milton1 Peppler e<Agtneaurt:' numg~ irvboeu h " mn e w u ieek 1 = w T1 hie kiSm % n Hyd whal, tallay. WIFruen vaiau imat ioni baie 1913 vely a pied ". ci the =en uli Wdýluwea 00a idon ad rmliq onm s.Z n.hWl ln W oe upplied for.a k hu the sécm gteritinu puai u louet, hum Il am io 4 m Iampr aviiable uith thr nuw pi..ul kidt dupiays. dre- hydre tyuet.ai li td at oiutioeautff du IdrooItUIIL 1egîmda wmaut és pueibfr Duplays u ui -e. MWd ns, = cail teow. fwneon. âar rndge auacinge As= & &fprtw gw ala.1w bIltsdnd a" i - uue -u dscd= l n mwhba.kfmm Demntainsrlhu udfrA lai 1 230 the 9u plie iAo tht hall tu hSM pin uuiha pafeaopreua At pm.. thebuilu «M uWin prfo iu m muwpc d Town counai o.Uriurd to dccl umw of aà a lwmeai = 111mn a» duNd li endnc " affain tlewivcc bau tnici by uw of a sky fme uil dereding ta ovpo ya lounu dieme. be votil aon ai =h ~rno Compamer aided dSipi sud drah- municipal sietiaus w> oma a hydro' iug dcmww«w wllao udt e plase cutuminoo th= tbe Oiday sud a Vant De Abt a vul. the Cru Melon Hydru Cru prdgtmur wel lie on dupiay Coumnm "a offiet in 1914 àWs The fad MIS mey buchu rides the Mar us un for the ntu incwa Raiuhmmuitd ichd.hadop. pbaud ùmuhity Chat s tu sd- pW " ed~Iae Min"althe hydre syswmo lacaly kit W=l anirl asd dent h l cd tht ce.<y et Irai t <agi l lin dIappemdwb Ih wgrThthpn duning the fini half epaner wse &0 beuqet Io <entai, 09 Meton Hydro's etutano im hum Niagmis Falle te 1913. )n mdiloed iu thetabwn tfi Tlwn, the pajmltlof im enu lu 1914 th UI eal utribr cf cu&- l.9. mmmn tuc ulia 2M5 and poul Lra ta 1913. a bmind supiy cd %lail 0111 tihbly mme nf4 kilowatt, ulctrix poeun aasu"ai f(mm s lu 1964. thure nue 1.W7 <unqurecut auiii manucila eecic ai deme and the pbon ad ofi the 8 -t t e plant- tolite 5,02 Slonse -Milie pueraw and etapied m luM9. Milan Hydra eipanded OUM pae inl 1913 the iown feue providin. ehmencey to fau gadadpane froo OMtan squre m"l acMilton no 146 "rua lbanw nule. the ented lorpe -m cewid wu binid te by thet nwn e s a n i 1W Meye fydrom«l Cao.,- In3 p. ar d c la e sq ere kweg mWiaoyUn ia »*promit emt .em dnludtitbm"oMm Tampoan Rd. iluti 1963 bain Sweg m dmt bathe de noeud mn ms ptaib n tm ad 2 Mim Sa. STOP SMOKING LIGKT LASER lois us tmn s *onIy. s 00", Thê*-Llght Lase.r Way a 678029 GUNNI NG & PARTNERS C E aT1F mD CE N &RA LA C CO0U N TA N T Gmtketnsd rstners m~e plaaad to enrntunoe the admnsiaol pmetie.mp oMm a Macl30id h, th*i newly opnd office nie firm offm a Mi range oilsevIce hichadhig ' Feeucia Acoo<mtie - Mcmnthty snd Annual Coepoateatd Petimal Tait si p0 " 1 MMnSOSMi 1L9T Iff (41)7-21 deff é .r Mm aoewq r~ do me M"~ ffAv «Io mmu