Opinion ~ Te sapeof thigs tocome? I r I a.ta tagu, d ai eh..' m da uhlch amou Muma I&in. Fond wu uim& dWsantWOM, lutta a futuia" uhlhdu ewform Sa riats o *dose mmm' fd ltlt dolAi tala nad a do baot *h peut tamk1 ouf pota the <m ér ad ýe mta on dhe f2-6ils Halt M Raln maralo Authonty Eitpmmu94um a I lty 'kt maturi aol..i sh-td tnapnt 09 couri. clronac aWiataofauai be th u e tlta Mdey. nuo~Gr Winc tl u,g restreint te tisa' ha tueit amireetone uillitg bock. Mmt production. buoye. bp durir ata Uomiom Mts, Escarpmam Wcrl Mail till rima dramaia- eVpM theursitm exig of the CI of Milan populat ion OA. A Zk highpbadc napièca ai Rltsnke PoA intb d ctmratae 0 lta'malcaplate elti rock iagtoe. h- PtpaOnUnL]Wabbn ngwu Reaume ta View WhatWOUl I O wilWtt yo? Ptience a virtue for kid .ogauw. pou om -t of -u app-naug pot' enougit. And p.l, admit lia I oEtoe for. lato tu VIa oit. Initasi. 1 tala for pintail wuit pou do for due famnlp. If he w«Mt fo pou, ut uauld =tr i off on a trip on lim. You mIawtat acal itu mon ulian 1 uould ratier su sleeilng, Yubuugl :&bout. packing up the car, pulting tooi out cd the reftgmeew AM putiif taat 0. cûoWar orgaaaxlng the cart'afd and litea for the car, âmd uati impatietly for lta rmm of ut ta finith bwaajfat ta pou con cash up the mataig iirty dthaa. Oni Our tripea. pou pour out cups af tater for po:un& thitup' posng.ugl croisasants aMi <aid it anpur tep en Malt us iaadutcli ami fittif up cuitions tu prop If ht uefl'î for you. Dur uaaklp grocci shopping excursiona uould lie intermtnae. Initia, pou piab hallthe liai andi meai utfit pour art hua Ou the choutd couatier. You i ounithe carryin insu due hum ani têe puniesg auay of provisions. If it uere 't for! pou, lunch migIt metwi hep- pen me deys. Vlthout haittiOn. pou dumuw alu n socraldt - ual.m botuillon a~e~Plhbet moodle. choppai canrot, à lamifiti of ftoaren peu s <oea andt a fou shak.. of uictai lucha. A adtlimai. I cat <ail an pou la boîte a caa or muffins Wo a snack or llhan the sieu tai's atiitetitg on vit si nt for pou. u cablas Stmugw à lMiase tonnit. Yoa Ciam out WMuI si diwhasto a" o I ol édu uplt i il po f o A c- l p a t i a io n i nd o Mutai n ca m h o "ta etto he adintg coi liuady o gare bcele dupmon duém 11rOn thel Home Front loat, du momgtala of tap. ruottiaS t"i ami aran u hm in an ordarlp fahion 1 the cupboa:t e' alto mou Ou lawn andn clar the drévauay of snou, but pou tfiaend a monctarp reward iq ltate jobs. Ifit taaen't for pou. due ibis and splinters of family motmber taould lhe badlp managoi. You're the ana te laid Wo the hmird box ami calmly coîhaci bandait. and Uiapttc: cm-a&ti You unt parlltalety adept ai tttflo fontgn buttai. spacks ltat 1 Con baral SU avait uhet I amn mnrtg mp &lIsm. Ami pou don'l slip auay frn sitekng a bit ai un on a bkiocisucke thaît ha &#tcha idf-ta the big tc af a iitraisai pouseter. Cithar coroturons don't upid ybu althr. You willit captura itiperitt flpiag Iiacts ani h kspèm a màm m MOUMdoi è= YO efue Io ppmph amin u dut bIi ava tuwkugli blzSd itaa the If it uaei't fo you. -dothes dryistg rda doNlliumas and ,loragadrauut' wouicdremaia uraistmblidi ta lir pachla boxai You ai- uap, Mlli -de rspu of maiig idier- lion cliat s hs oit to.pou rkai 110 pou fo mnéestaiautmta am complnilp- Yeau mu seor* ' s thodni play Smala ami IMai wul %ht ad %slo lIaa for bo ni. p b.- font augw. Yot' tacl dom laoc-kztck péta si plap hs-m .uaart dmecalars, 'Eau wiq bsonlp Il panr old. mp dar mon, If poua alfar pour cili à choac, bettaat onta cqakie nota, or tua coohtaa ta 10 iumutus. uhich it tai chcu? WII he laith Ou hal 10 mtinutai tahan the ccahit le uitgrtf% in front of hlm tlit armi iMch, or uWin ha cave la endipibbi heu10 minutlhup' Preiihiary data sufnets the cii cIta taila the 10 minut for a biggar bol taill ha on the hon~ tall itigli chool einh- amo friandis titan liecen hadit. br. Waleer Miachel a prolisom ai p.pchologp ai Columbia Uniet, has bouit iudyimg »"yopd grtification" ln chilien f ore titan 30 peurs. Nota, hae thinla lias leurs! samting - a seil mlle of bdtavu et four pairs af &Se ltat may hae li t important skille clown Oue rosi Mie data sugget tai cildret uho c<atM tailW àof grte trité, ai the agt of 4-5, watt judgei laler as teenagers sa hae aitentav ami able ta coigetrate, ta, e" dais We.'L ta, ha rtcapttwi hd rsonive ta reior.ta ha cota- patI sÂiul. tu set 11gh standards for ltant- imite. thed abtlity ta plan alita, ami able Thi =thurch ,In a hit miahbiliditriable tia a chli cas delap lntWivdy t au sia i I tala imta eteag aid ilito haa due patience ta, ua&t It its egt.ow i> tion li± e a M"ncy, ita "11 for, dot fou-pw-rold. al al ta mai- aura hie pisiunt aMi h louggtoi wel-blrC eta laier ain t adalecence. M"otmi M sclali u ateila31 esn hm nfoiuda ftiling out uhacls-dt-ta tIuauIl abotduaq Ibs lmusa. uhat utit theoef on h. sovau tr vg oait. Wall, Jud.ale>o i uatt carne tap usI mm pmyt dm bu ~ opm boul e talliO 5Wes tam ti the alIta flappai dtr hamis or icot or pkclo *Mri rmou& qoa Juat iibm ~sYcycholog1 gh ARNOL.D RINCOVER The kay appm ta be ditractlon - doing u &iiko bout smeithing, antUung but thit ookaa n contrai thinking or ielirg abeut it (q. hou Smtt il t it e est Nou ctxKk' .na,)UMletsu 10 xaggerate the luitan et U'k Kids who ait and mtaret ait an Ittors . apt t, est t. (bdafowt 1l minutes amt up). p% rh.4 bécause t anng at nt alloua our fantsxtu go wild - the chocolaitt chipe got bignr lutw1er, ut imagine the taite. waith the chxW.s:c Sttrig haewSt our îautli and clowni the id vt ou, moutits - and it buomes vory hard n, t ab ta. .n asmieable couka ("A bird irn the Stil it ta important tu roma thai the tmjx'r. taac ofdalapngatfcation ta ffl enittiy dair. Ouhr iteis suggat the nature of the kiot hou match mowe is gainei by caîaits 4une bia or 10 ookies>, hou long o0" lis tu wat (two u iuman or tua montt,>, aIl wll itfuer. c' ulueth aPartout waut. la te attplp not the am t Ib châldimi 'ca- or -cennt- delat. nat.~ Pttoidiidrai Win uaiundoe ceftetn decumito nd mi t uniar otiaem Thtis suit ta ould eill be axtiuaiclp tmpur- tarit if tut couki deise a standard. cuy Ia ap oeltpruIwoiet tai paulcti suc- mu ndweUeW during the aaa aine et If funtltr lusenri upmtte d rUybn@1 sbilty es à crual skull den wu muetIs 'tla ue sae a chil ta tktpy?. in ehoer wotdis, de Md valua of this MSraih dm ab wut mtap Minf as poflan slU Wo usa Io tai At a youAg "Éi. ont uhich R. inaka lige àlot etipybl. ,Ni ~ ~ i*aiMmeM bÀu~iF i wa iF.kai'tO. L«MuT aomw., Te Ç.anadiau Cnampion PM&eff Mm 00 m M Monag ~ u *M"o0a go a Mnt !ista 1~m% liai~ FmsP~5mlétt At - Aw - ftwiot &@bumpèhD wait UNeSVhrams@11M li os ,,u lie ri W V t %"M - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Dge 001mw 1 loo Mot M"» Masâme osesbiP.AnhaOmo.Juts c o i nft -ob o . m p oe. A Im 0, Thea U m ia u B s b & ~ th 'rai IL Csp - Offl Mou"g ~ __ ut ut' a*ta POMLus 871434 0 UMI ut ilh b IR. .haw M*oalle KOtt % IU'ieila NtU#"ov o aesml ed orm *MM mmi «M o@ u oeil,3 VafoKà W«10 Lama . tto W t.Ialahhs.Shs ~~uUAAOREMJEN hant new f1bnd aim u hal p )oMn Milto n d lits agnPé a maa X« Thap uWin f Umeo mi.~nseai smaA loua spd :r Utaid oeam mtt ao.- phmar WtahliMtlo onth lint abuaeai T"apullun= .bout te tae cntuiof 1hCuiblell dtavnta Ihong Hlghuap 401 ia the HRCA Expteuway. Milaon uii end up Ioola lt twuliu eh. uts foutues plwau. - by LW ragt kueumt cd co.manralléom. ha la t"Xut the d hma of moauy là th moi of ait peopwe SU.nber teah umi ,aal A UWafsi uttou biams Crau oemmnatm lai "Ma oute. moeéty siandwèd me bta. auty- bo= tutp. anmi ile htact erpa %lhu bout that amd vraembaer; if pou dom't man t M&M n' lslahllbua mudilfwm pla e thed IisuaAs rW nol his lu.