iMillside tenants lose rent rçview appeal ui P.eudeta tt M2 MmIlside Drive 'l don't undmntaadhoh.(i ~ apanmnt mou l oshvact their' owner) n- ýatm Bt2Id litarut ~ api.~ 9.1per cnt rS ncf. review onar- recdent., g ta a artiuarcbeZ Ckwis. it's ai] very cmplic.trd and tachai- .Pmou«kt. 1 tOlthe' u ~ng' cal !,u inon the ttflnbt 1I o- air rmd a kmu on , case dicnt reaiy fullowU l htpointsthet P.Cé ý :W bIde a wcelr,, &de." il waniedi a tnt incrim fa e the is tets uad the ownez, j hn h a pi=%~ began. in as ighmnark P'npertées, ha% iiot I9ý5. terat. ho hadpaid thein- made any sigiltfcant improYteits cnrediý tn mw runds at be- In fact the unie atr t iTh Cita- twent S750 and SI.(X). '%w ut pas uxd toutnts uitd the neview haveto\ ya ltât bâk plus an addn- p re as an opportunity ta un- tioal., &-y ,vit tur mah psonth, àuc verbal barrage at John reatv. adFrancs Clernents. à Andrade, the owne's agnt. Thcy ffl, det of the buildn. ck.ed pr anllt.totssti t lTe building hod a îrong reudents hemn aiadtgîng m magie connntte but Ilt h ldlaaypil as peopla have nteved out of the aya h wdn' aiioi "Pl"'=ent 'W're e1I ose of finght: damt tnay finit i diftlcult,topa the .ad06 ai the readents, who &- largt amounts of back tant.N one quemed anoinuffit '11W two main tram Hîghmnark Prapertaa es a vil- ~opleun th icaienta auoc a ble hi tu comment on the due date for move autthe back rent. STOP SMOKING LIGMI LASER mis sre,ftandbmsy ONdE TRàUTMN* l 011t YOU UsuaIY md. offiy 11000e Foran apponmt cail: The Light Las4r Way 8118-502Q Emnsor Wokýnde - 5, F -~ y) & J s lix r. P. - f [~. Hats off to Max x m un .udof Wdw epl kIdt4Offa mm Mi ffl c çraWOdl day bua Yiwwdyaet dé eoa =W ww gie"r chicm.. ra=ula euebsou at #m cat, W» ourpdwe la sthe *0 ati wcmkuUlte ~ W aho hie uU. nuka dl I m chou ho u m **y cpprlmW Lu. Wh"lto 111 uIll he 7.r..ld.w Whto ww" m àa «god uS ita.cio fr Trono cu1kmucely ecaunerW imw he b«twt.hec k>Icut la um dre oUi.. aeloc& e. Mc" *ai Sa wM Una mU ho n ~ Wc duti tcd1e UUdSs Wa furad *Ivc. From b« mear; JcIm Mèrfénrd, EN.. Fbu, s~ao &omiM M m U>i DOer-lf GUNNING & PARTNERS C IlRT 1 FI1E D E N ER A L A C COU NTA N TS Gunning and raltners are pleased lis announce the admùiin to parlnership of Johit B. MacDonald In thelr newly opened office in Milton. The fim offer a full range of service including: Financial Accounting - Monthly and Annual Corporateand Personal Tas and Financial Planning 102 main st, r oBo.513, IltanOnt l-9T tNS (416) M1 1258 TSi d4k si i. e o,,t,.g r,-,, . tie.. nas ie i.a , e dn French Doors BRiTANNI)CA DOOR: j Enhanced that pnsure I 1 1 nîî nf*lffltinçynI!sr 4