W'ai4E GLINDAC< AftlEv hOEVfLL LDUeWý PA>CELL WAyNEý WRNIER UNM-WAANCq &NGELJIA BWSNER DOJG&CO 8?q00 B763' 878-1084 878 10115 818- lS6, 87& 2054 PiCKURD Mi3EIA. C.AROL W qfI:ho<s CAPOU~ STONILL LJNQSAY MctAPL.N ITE.Jh> PrRlIFF jEAN SWMEN ALN BFC 8e8-,," 875-m067 816-491 3 878 878 31U3 875-OM7 -OWN -AND CO NR Garini 21fr Tis Tli alu raex oat in COUNTRY' naluir cari of bImm fi prd to sel fi A great irvealîrt opçxrhJTty kgr tiiose you cari randre iecorating anid wlto hava a green thumnb that cSfl lanctscalD rtg ths home cani b. împfovp thé iancap.n and turn this translferad ýnIa a charmîng home A prpety wiM a large brick bungalow on' golden oppoturity ai oflly $154 90V il, Intcl a piCluresque country asIate. C0ME SEE FOR YOURSELFI elid OM s locatec In ani area whwe large Remoatbons that must b. seen hoI ta *. esta-e homes are bang consructedba=vare met waîi'g *xr nw owrS one of tli top locations Vélry pleaaf sahtig. rneous trens & shrub4. doublie garage and dirive, 3bedroqmn sidasplit. rlicay decofaied. large zooms, ftrshad Mec romr minf wet bar. Extras.nclude. Central asr, elactrorsC air clieanar an'd a fulry monhored séclily ffsIenT Closa to scriools arrd bult aervca IPriced et S218.9@M..Foer .-h., PaiPaL MIK 878-~ 826-1 tu biiWdmj t m -~ ~~ 05cm *o 4W a.0 e %mm airM 05i %mm..lm a aip Or ia imw ~ Wd4f S8op du' a 134%t l. Plu 010 h MorpriSmOa Wîf n many racent ranimaions Is homea chiers a country kitChan wtlh neai acçboards. a -sto0nfeplc n8W 1 tra luwig room and specous bedroanTs aW~ much mare. For ma, WDorrneto Pln cal. Paj Page 878-2385. ResUdwU and inva-d Ppouitle CtAVION C%&GNepoIXI BETTy ?'GLE S97T BRA£U3 a bl. 'S and be jusi minUtes Io Wion tora are 4 'arga badtooms. 3 balhs. ,'ew ,.carpeh.nýg Ilvu-out Plus oearih foolinlg bar nashalad in upper hi. Fronrv.rr 's from fam. rm. hor livng rmr separate dirning rm. w;th walkout. new front entrenca to kitchen, fresN'y dacofotod Rais. Ca# Gail for d.rachionis Asucng =35.000 r} EMORGAN ciate Broker ?365 8784093 ms 0t50 (Tor. Lino) Office: 878 Tor. Lino: 82 UNT- 1 JJi "Yxg Chioso of two homés 3. or 4 bedrooms -ee Mid miae you o0u Tc b,>s4a VMbnulU owm Ca g kows = cuum .04 .4.etrc é« c4..r U pup.d in nu oeM e. ai0 QW bu mm two MO VOU iel N i w.al en »o* ' ffllp yçwSSU cel iiih. Muga. fto Ma" b.0 ~ w m b.. bo le Umm mm» a -*& bilii faela MW WNoaW74p.memm aiai UPPE MImIOLE RD AREA 3 b.dfrm sefi. i tp top condition. leatuIaB 3 b-41nus. 3 badmal man I f4mJy fm & firaplaca. loeded with extrai incluillng naw contrat air. end bmàgnclose to 4.E. schoois & caejy %M fie i Il &w Mc by femffy for 185 ye. lo65ted et th Uafed wo idu nëd i n M Of 10 sorhlala m mhie 3 bdoam «M mo e mwUm il -, *I 8Z7-4286 8787 878C1 i 87é*&7Ià 878 t r 1 q ~RICHARD IIIERMAN Sales Represendt Office 878-2365 Toronne 825-1030 Reulence 87&50eC INCOME OPOTN !eJ fl WPcivtV 1- t. LS'.biOM n -1 -. t:'-.a' tofl' u ais , .. . n ~ te.. W.sq fl nh S ir Carole Stonhili 876-4913 -2365 I 6-1030 NIT 41 iboth a nt muet 00ia s lad l0 ak 8C TAICI MY TM BAVE YOIJRS Sahiafy yïxcis cty by teWWÇ a "o i tna êovqy 4 b&tT homie wrth IiaA,, 3 washrogT. "Mnl firf amy - Plus motoe AIt aîtuetedn an excellant ompn Close to achoois shofping 401 01*s r»I landlcaed Pol $ab lo.Fauata S245.g0<, 0*Mw *TSA PEEK- OuLaj 3 bellv hxom be&wMa Wpa mf v brm. woll ail, %.-, rmn wMV wa ber Ideel for etaanng thoanço eats guts à Cemual, air OaMMr. tr mar damlle Pleeae Cam Gary Thromas Br6~kWi/Owner I I %.A ffl fochm M" ' i