Provincial grant for rehabilitation programI hum mthmIugh ? à -i «M gru» h mtuwWdd th uv74O1cui bS- = inw hm dupupw =Y*-:: a HilnWoekl en m batba Th.ecletU uta tl take pai ti m i (odwau sMd amitiqa vor*atml ..ihabl*saon pau #"#m lud and "iei »tan Iack L basc file skils m Weil FEZila in th region's north ai tht ligne, :%quwude ta umtin in ùI oki i di.ekw Ken bons__ motet n mmury for thi. tme -Fyanks. 11we ri ina à lmdd eusomt yun Idem the I The furmding loir thtsnrth Halio ef Irmethy hmaa4ce c à $eo~roa6.5 million grant di= theii exipansion Of merntalet mrm vioo-prfl>ft or- ~ ~ and for re..rch gmb schîzAphrna garnlzatiin. exe0e to Flower bulb M" wa E"a week slated csl beoffoeid eA'-"'= ftli. ort 62 Old memories Mito Sept 16-23 j *M o.u arnagn«»omêseo ehm m»tf-u in, t ht othdicalathmr Potiitoy hua declared ~Setmber Il fbe t h HlnReln ,u dub Seu* d UOca. Ous 70eeer viopi pli -a arobotld 23 % <"î ' Flwe Bu k in Hl wu4m MSm ofkIIh r m» omi mw équn IIMUIWIOOl.y.cbibnei raonalC= rhbltaton. 'We re-inqtl work kll7 Tht derlaratîi was mnade ai the sui Mr. Frank%. -M, malte theai feel reîut att Antenitonal Rlower V IA pmutaid reniati le~ thei plan Buîb Partisan pFIliti colour VArow ' nrmrcrm Cf.anttrfpo Halué frpoia, .concl rbbr-dmop-in centre for Im.wi psychîaanc Haltoi", rcaation rites the tics Haltit rgmoiaicaucil ~~*an iporant uepatienlts in C0alillo, Mentié health between Hland ad Canada %1amp:tde=sO tvaluos C-vs Mayor Anne. Mulvuit samd ,, whra f" thier' lies rmrtded fostered in t darc days of Worid Y', t i BReis mme couid nevier decide which coeiou soni.shtngvmie and the wed for the War Vl and thse annuai àw I2( m u 7turn tigT"" wSataBiif reference lu pifical affiliation. r. Th grat inude% Si 53.000 for people of Canada. Thsar gîte is in RqtnrUl Chliirn Pe Poumy l ii Mulkewich chimed in that he aiwas oprg crses and 521.5(81 inaà capu- recognition of the liberation ofl l- bneeflyéelained thtereuot of he woebue jacketand Me Mulva lai bude sid Halton Nnrth MI'!' &and by Canadian* troopsand the tiuIloo cing rateptait btn iarw ihtt inu ta eyemng ir L.sggse li!P~ al in tht announcernent he sanctuan' Canada provided for the tntrtducd Chauvisut Wad e 6) "ls iname nllmmtory reinrka- wal an excellent cho.ct th a made on' behilf of Healmis Mtioter Dijtch royal famtly He said they are usue in Europe toi front the resolution. He consbskrs il ntcktit. ElinorCaptn List year aimaigt 1001 culies and encouragreswaste redoctuon by Mr. Franks btbéeves a "reter un. toitis in Canada isiued Flower 8uîlb maktng il as" ur o l '-' drop dtnstuanding af mental illnesç by the Week [Inrolamatii. .oftrrgà4 aeadple Haiton getslOO0 new ding runtagners around lam. Hal- top ts the fii regxxt in Ontarm ta, &«&Ttthe romwhuch should suplemnt he lueboxpiogrm ai- rmJ0iung inte mone tisai à mil- Tlion onefi A residts group in the Beirhill Cue/TraWgar Rad ariaf ai avuille kt cncered aoutthe hehvy tralfic &long the lattey route. Whiie courncti declirid thejsr fnu r i crash bar- nrs in theara mhe id leave open tht posathmluty af traffic signais and nome bernera. Speed lamit rusductio and a hijis grade ai asphali should combine to redue acrident risk and nose levrés. accordu ta ocal (kvliunciLlor Tms hucis top hmr wich %u" tea couies do us job îith ;regard in a rura nat subi- diièasai' plan frain Lorry Bunkowm&y Mr Mulkewich doerried councdls determnétiotri, pam the back" on the proposai by wseingn bock ID OurloUton coacil for a compprimmue on the acbr aid eac o loéa. lise àr-. alon Cuiar Sprmng Raid, hum banl appiasut by But- b7.foraà 12.kît aubdviibmi oal ai uàf would tu %ce elplt bole on the poopeity ta main- tain Mm of du arai ugm mn acter of due am. 1Imey ane boweve wling ta omopromlie ai 10 kmonaa cerdler toavodduhmepeise of an Orn- tamt Muiipal Board heariig. Cotmclrolvd t a..dlutér ë lade"a Tranaport Militan lemoit, Mburd mqt.ting timai the freit, y.. wltcsitiu plan of VIA Rail be m*~m UsoeagUsoaaipublic hâte- hm. due Nec Dg.oeuk Ferry -~~~.n .* a mm&d uah -ds ni - daycare spots with grantSA Halten wiîl mme more tisan $MM,0 hou the proviunce ta heip provide PAI 100 new subalditad child cate spr nthe ri Tht $414,M8 graine, recenily a =one by Haton North MPP Wait Elléot, corses front the Ontauio Minitry of Community adSca evcs "bsbidîiing cild cane spaces famîlias in our coamuntioe will be of- fi.-a isaluahi. service basud on chut thry can afford," mid Mr. Elliot. The (und ing cli also permît the nesu tui add two staif poitions, as weli as incroase rases cu nil paid to lueensd child c centres and pnivate c4 home daycare operators Tht money ii bc~ allotted to, the various cçntrîri and operators tturoughout tht repiort Maltn C.nmuityan.d Infonnatin Services aise tecentty refflvei a $52,137 grant (rom ts mgistry ta eîîpand pragrams, providedi tismugs the STAY LATE ANDI ENJOVtt ÇHEISI Parent Chîld Centre. LWE ENTERTAUNMNI SA~ Fumdingtu inqiese tht number of subs.dizod chlld rare sFiame acmmi On- JOIN US FOR L1> uàrio ws one of the pruortut cDntaina in, the mînustrys publication Newm OPEN TUESOAY TO SUNs D*Wetista for C7uiLi Case Inquinies reganutng the new chmld rare opponunit"e can"tr made ta Karen Choi'.direc tar the crild7ns services division of Halton region, 827-2151. ÂTTÇNTION 1 1POOL OWNER FREE POOL WINTrERIZUNG SEMINAR, TUES. SEPT. 129 1989, 7:30 > p ma M4uddy Duck Banquet Hall r' Questions eu Door Prizes *Refreshmnents, I asvp 878-7à7,or 878-8770 LALTIN5 MAIN Si. F.* 878-7087 MANSTE S8-8770 g__________________________________________ IUCER HOF IfY ATAURMN 1STEMME AVE. .LTO IF 1~ .l L orilleI FSR TCXUES SERVA1IS REOURfO »CfNl TO A GAEAT Di îTURY ANOl SUNOAY 8MH OR 0" NR DAY 11:30 AU TO 1 PM