Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Aug 1989, p. 7

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v Oui Readers Write. gohmem leo Mttti aI nm 'douit gut in u ILig éla anit> . adhihl atcerag Oa ii tind loe e mtatownmtprc Sin 2 (ml .. -a~ got li ita t hr~ey sod tus tn fe.rua tIa i tr t' saaitoa 1 hff <rauldtaita) te àm rustt Island thoi i tbça onin coin darectiie. The *opnc lisnt i e IVIi tu taulfr ai>OIIn il rail, h ai MauuaTat aanalCro . . 6.tMt Pot a in U Wh, aui. anaby citatens wîtil an *Tm uka>. whu Tain ~ ~ ~ éu Srcedt.if yota'ae net?" Attitude, as ticci peuopke Umm tu hlave. Sewlal gw4e ~ eu U.nderMrviegd rotsr liUe.wdkared cad tpaan u a fx-ý&îI~~a MIto pepeibasn; if t"a. uhw allai 1 w o t oki ldctr' bour lu ctwntact th~s seivice by aithe paort>~t cf ant adla graup hoai bcut bat bu">aI My sékhun unnumruu uc*bw.l ous. Iattaa. Wad tobie Actie ita corihi' andi mu teed ciause And itiotne Ui i tUmwota buCIlt At Ion ; lait dlue tona 66* opétntd it' e>es latibai ýJMidtii lu holip but>~~~ ~~~ tîai u~~tui wii the unpleasantneu and praîblmiof the lWbct andl 'tý il% souig nal 1 ul a ti ns a Cnstgratuli.tnrs tu MiltonaiandhaiM.tik [a5ner for ttret.urk aktw' oudthiil tbt. a» *ith an> wp&-aar proper plure of busi ntr.. tbe> coulti imamiiea tbç rt4iquted aiperator prnelto facittabetht curruit tiaaiuai et alia, plauile callen 14Man as tlely destroylitg lias cotalry.a lthe etruit bas bort WutiWe thyougb- cula 301. W Win cf reora ex- 7 w p bmu 4k support i niai uni> the Townt uf fflvMa . Maltan andl $a counicîl but b> lie plialoev unesaga Eth ra 0 [atnM Whm'a basic sermce.taeilai this la a'l* sfs - N Ctai( iott t.chu d-p--"L up a ojiau al et th* weak - Why bu LAC net n arne ayai mény paopic vario» carcuat = iag=fluti:b,toer u then b arà defanite p - -tt* V sa mor stbiltupot he busanett abdaeataung filw ts nddeitlig fat Oiresl the Ta l ie h eal guarsahtee Victor>; suc=lv f oy alow aitatai rert oaf thelw5aitl wa.n lu hglI lhe silong Mtdttet vter X&btt <allant caencita t î,jj a Iings, jue Curwin aji i'iatar frtuwttill.aLA tînrt througil. ltaeit celalit tai cui <uenther, brtitigt againt m b>- bdrtis ai bracit> cdr"xaeat m% for: muttte a bie.cla of tarria LAC Mîinerit batit andl thaic us u ýquestaornble tibiaS towad* tbepuhiirthat bof' Lat itaidurbtin m ad for ( tht Pauertisc fat wIiniag in cor dirt oit fraudtukati edvefwagý , ubviaus matas tâ tami us no againui the waai nt dtfvtvlcIri Once 1 ilad ta arrela Ila, a taxi ta another huMW fhe ut à#l to cla int rte" l"a the bully lin the sehoald Itk mi' graninuother aràa arlirf aieuta sitop LAC's pmupoésal but f#M Yardl. saine whe e in town i &round . 5 chia prclvehte the soipérif;f If thry wt ita fle intar Ubcup-ai J: tâaibot nmbe unfi1 Nt theliiaofte dtrty "iaN -af Moti of tht mbrr hi *uihe theïr nat lu). Finali> ce endedU aai Thl .t Ztep bovi brQWe bth ig boys wh6t coulai giv tg cila - &i à Yats o itil à coca"abrntaum wl*hgslatign = àMMb ode c o txr. st okn.W., peuplei wilo are, Ipr underst4ndabit- Are ctta kg ting. cuetbr andJ My 4àd unie liait ta waît ai] tit ifltly mrrIy tryitg taý paisect Curtaîn fare LAC ajonc across a se,> irn the Afith Wltwi Trucka Stap liant boumes atnd nieghborltaid. courtroJt or arc thewa peapit chu ta aur huaite ac»M town t0 sa hm Tiea peupla nanas) b> LAC are wiii talderslanal whit.LAC 4 trying car Alaritr ~f@ly bai fii r@hAneJ im2 ia&rn out oenmwrnfty it til t 0lu tait oandai cIngonlny frSm à long'but tour bW&Mus lie fiil ta proiact for the MUcf us~ tâ tu pfotad ti paupa i hu havei bita cali <sut Sa IlatornagI au taxi.clclhttrg~ ttaêfal0 citati but élio ourrçlet alait this Vanoit pptie 1 itn. *giudiai ut in m4atme arffle i gon qf Ha,. kacf tyfauti.'a aMttef. cenv bée u m ncieno s ltn. LAC Miarîals hb bora givtn du;, aint bati ta walk. long diétancia, Aven Dy vajrtue of this loader.Jp they Pmucts.l ta> ot Iherit la an injult ini the a1a rata.t tatat. aintbv trcailia ibt!Snd ur local municipal bodies whoit bléng toaS il i lusà dianit LAC% fur> and frustratioasit ai ea- iain aedu>estd =al.as lm.atcflhft chu am tîodetut an unn pui Their daait otherwi.w làs a red har- dairti palle 'îth experthsicet toril as taon.LAC muai bellout indue iit ring. natmtl aaia lietorbWnjgiattn h u honeit effort it demnocricv which 1 arn s'ca curotoa1 know j1mt ltâ4t the strong %%-l, turel> i.nhLnt th, cannot be ignorta if otau integrflv as what the, hl-Il i lloig on wiil thtst enth t0 talat staci téanspmrýnt andl a tocar tu conrat our oaci future is tai cumrhknlet >thev arr doartg pi vactuusAction. t u tac mnaurtaintcd % badi>. wtt> dorn' thtyli uu i h' a nl(otacoy Lyndon SautS ,avour b> at,dvtrtsaîa ail 'w a i chi hà% pitteai the weak against Apph. Lk.AfMin lesar Mpepl wouudnt jusa _____________________ Uiclusalk elu h"rOsA 00a. M'4z 11101100)RT - BACK TO MMOO DRESS GREAT FOR LESS AT -PENNIESWORTH CONSUMNENT SHOPPE" FASHONABtE HLGH QUAtITY, CLOTHINO FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AT uNBEÉIEVA&lE PRICES 1lN 112PRICE SUMMER SALE NOW ON FALI. CONSIGIAENTS STAI THIS ViEEIC PLEASECALL FOR COiISIGIMNT DAYS AND TUMS '43 Iin.St. Southi DOmtmaa georeiauM, S877- 1242ý-. 9 * N*rshfilow *destroylng Canada Dear Editcar fout a.Jaturaji Mfandate tgi laRDai AIDS. 'i Gays tAug. 2) accu,"t baU ill niijhtuno 'rg à rtsjnerk b"useu ke resati S14,L<it belitg aplatta filoit AIMt n liaiton. Yeu neglra torrentcai thât Ait) ti da«Sue mati>of homosexuals. = trainuectt caigafeiun amt Wi palbuoglsta os b ?dead' one- quatScaititIspewrsaoai 11119 ~CI" CMus as inter- b.e ralltg tgaa"a pwmnaat in de EaY aaun..t @lta in~t uacill Fm the mmt eu de Misl ham PW*4» in fat aoup, deftsdiq dit " rp.aPé cWho have ple altairs *Noont baaddmti up de bilori die »^ à"a miatgs fsaki 0"law *y 1> i'rc by iualie~ la dea abesatie ci op"&i nra lammmmaah, f sunpportde<a- hat ilatiSs ld W oencllatsjilgn Mdi Saholtta. hhIbUfl Ud M iton Council-meets oi thefirsýt#(e the bdd a tMW [m%Mo an a *ofrnauoala dada ci qiiaotloik a Iaeuad dwtvmwn obeuLFfo t1se Nollid - Issu Edwad Muin »Wrn >Poo NU IF-m tâte au-a Wi - Cteý min $a*mra irnd w;mHill. tacomwa by, Monients t "h ln Histôry Cliwl b abk i o urummannet wlai c14 acprmq ha' dutyý" dunn *a foiarungdetbqawns~rcin ite ýWil1 thu, beOonbe tlx' flsuOr m aecnntî buattfl Cotatetl Ht caf pasi lhe new rue.'w frUit <~Clblt teha County e;;wueact sm stace ba otu act h.avebaon aiewt> tcôrot. The eloticins lis Tutiday in hMiltri were keitn but tht lu. loehng en-. tued. TAena nocowbtng atefflésand aotnàc attnts i 1evmiclt At thtfe,lato, puilitsg.was anualty rFtIodo n îkefvct div. Cuuncil wii uect ag.inon Jui> 13 whist the naiescnf pwrturt, the commritave structure, the aoal n ploo anl ieir uuitieat a by. la lu regulaéte nnnig = r'e,ýatIauuai jabu.a b>-u.w t regulate the tie and W w ci .&biad alaby-Iaw ta regutit shbi- The new cauica wl a reitd iiu m na for Useo astlaaldtxu- menti. Aimnusat cgwm.dta spinal Act, ua àa rnui éep florwardn. &PdrtO~ froua Traairwltabp ci abute ut trybe la chargteu aut ocai Situmi ces. Out betalgui, tctsm. siawlks miv tie @"d trrepaand ai n tilti of Cotinclanl trne. wiglafas ai ents. T)tare tail te ctnstables. a poice ugrntrane end inspecuçit ot>ornm oif e.utetalnimeat. We ame confident the scenes of drunao vwdysar wili nothe ptrmitîted luorur wlîhout effeive puànt&rnt l'rimai wiii ha, gaarante~nxl tu thifedinp-aad ltmbn od tête pactaibkd el as ii iraco. 11 Oné, 1 tie urgent 1jiuWwa teurb f ite coitdered mois lie thc trtre bridgea ot Matit St.. acr...i the Séx eM&l Carqrak i arnrMAeà bega zfor rntlium or trawêrsf tu.rave a bridlge lylng tin watt fatr ialalamb at mopsryevytaie>pasandrehttonuar Mun.Fe h lseVa , bta7tl crittaIhilit bie . NW» hwai tn ap Àrnb ci atn itaw ait huatg coraeucnWnt reainctal rnntats eutagdý le est o cnstutduai &Mt aill amt brtck or timn. I& itr boilas is irnqudtllh in gtaod ondition. i ILraiieir aix a m"" of <ati. $pré""le atta ficùtio. du regSei Maikaiu pa.t. Raecli aaaa by Jc Cha 044grn Alex "r . .Cpagh J'r .al . SfI AFFEC YOu? Yes1 ta prepase yourseft for the predacted tait ng inte:St ates and urndlerstand the ampacf loy rates mltl bave on yonr btjsineu4d sUvtngs We ai Richardson. Greenshaeids ,believe iltas importaht ta t 0t advaritage of the Cur!OMt hestoncaff hagh ante ust rates available. We alo toe« thataftvestmeilt ai4tu Govoemnta Troaury Salis Qovemifhent and Co teaf Bonds, and Stnp Coupon Bonds allia many» ad#nalcoçared to Guarantebod invmgment C*defl ndSavnngs Accotnts off ea'o by banit * O4Rnearci DepanlM ot"ll puWtsheçfoeed m po tes wNch des m eoer ta« oues onmà. i .

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