q ]Fanning the flamies; ~a.a reçcurring probloR Ttw s m im Hanj Pumuon wutI ha b meMtons Nb.FWm bu12 om ellncewttb the'for anid bu tie prooals a10n be hpWn.wh He 'a cmt o0( hvo nk on the ofli t vyn for the lob.,A=ul~wun'tdoee Nb cmn 'vU. Why? -W11> atme q4 sUo whl" lasts nionhs, ham the aS timotit bun why. mIs the Dui "vis anauw.4dv= 101*0w aèIpbcatt wma mot orne chome? Why go throuagh tht. charadip? And what as wrong 'viti Mr Penson? Mr Main ays le ia Sooklng for somneont wlth well- developed adminisitation slcills. *By inlesence, it ineans that Ndr. PensonIs skills ini that ares ltppear lacklng. But what dons that inean? And if Mr. Penson lacks ad- ministrative skillî. why bas fie bctin actang chief for several nionthst It is yet another unfortunate developmnent in what. bas be-.. corne an Arta off acute ernbarrastdent for Mlilions municipal government.- 1 In late 1988 weh e resignation of Chief Blake Patrick, or thé golden handshake <aller two ya).oi whatever i 'vas, Councli was unhappy with-Mr. Ratrlck. Mr. Patrick was-un- happy i;tg bis lot. * A "es than amicable parting off the ways 'vas arranged, be- hind the sSeits. lJnfértunately. fromn the perspective off coun- cillors and town administralor Roy Main, the controversy len.apednta tWronpagesof the Champion. When m. eso 'vas chosen acting.chief. unany asumedi %4asa cnmforunality. Counicil would go throigh the iotlons, ...accept applications and then appoint Mr, Pensoui. . i"k~ on ilo bil popular among the tank and fle. They Mr. Main, on the other hand, As n&i popular with filuflghteus. Thty view &im as hairing interfered wt Aej ýdepaumm w»mr 0h* myors son. Dave Krantz 'vaok Pmeda aa il-lsu Bzeflghtr At abat iqw Mr. Mai.ui 'vs çpofle ta have ovalued thern-~ch *W ~tk who had pldtad tent oim 4& 1- tou he now 'vith i amali-but oeat- IJ Tbe prospect off the. most senior full nwnmber off the fornS. Mr Peton lbfoing foranother t WS on pii vaaot%. qtaley corntWnpladn this uneiapect.4vuT tiRa 010Va baItli (a Pufr plnutor betwaun depbWOetzne t ms aMd Q A c*WIdMon oa tw~aayl dmn hm tps tomn moqc auhms on ibi hmi for Monde i Mam ymar Irs mot ammbtu 1 show for seve. su ivaati ffscui wm WO&. -Pu hi.m0u~~Bai~ma~ lUS N.~UII W UUU~ UUWVU UT W~I W~W ~S~I ...L iL.. 3 Yéar Ago rim b.WA te" i. lm hou i M'bud Sb".I AVV. A 1951 Muiem &vald- tr&du at hewd M wil dm amonatve of tàm Noumqp a-9 Cudo mhoy In' à ty po TWudayhausadhnoeat Nie- o~.â~ Cmmi iMndsdby abou 100 - puiai i htdoaS Id - $Isidor mIum wd.a.lpuinah-tuma4an th s - but _ S.v riuaoepaqs. the e Pud bV Steve Nease 20 Vears Ago rimme the AwaguS son hesIsu; ril4buape. %sas mjured a àew purnin xa- dion O.R Weau Su w~ amou ==1Z an explosion W"id mau.d mu thm SIOldaunaage- C-eo Fr-o. a w'vla mpWyeýý mfine1 mmed~ burt bhis. atm Msd biqandi 10 per <sut cdbi IV Th -Pb-n bbw oW1,11 w»audh Mmlii. od ntI UW Nsl - A-o bMein v mm usrg Iboul udemhn blw'wad eluemam ta Avetd. af .a wWuh aoodt.,I ù. Ad"i q~ , um pham ud ibm mupai watt. building %Wor cmW O,. df» esrntm ruad tu jaw4csa am&.ikqu e Hwy. 25 and Mas, S~nu mm: là Fify h" of Habw Cileie .udwbrn glu bon, o them w .1 w Ouailes -y-thn nA of Cbdmme wu js bs. à ai Pmdbsa hei ku 4 . Pwd by stffl Nedm