-dl. Uukrighiliwf'slO_ can-stimp Me, best uvâ an Mm Md ~* a fi gra~ sibetaB* lm ab,bM la "~k ~~ ~hfflWM ak.o W~ wIi*,BsbImnym p~~gaI~o'I c 14 * MULTON FAIVI LOOKCNO FOR A QUEEN SÔ youd @0s to b. a bsMty, qusmn?. Apicdatisuno big acoeped %Y the Moan -F* Ou~r Ooeuoa, to brwulc S«X«mn*o 22. * ~ MP nx ApIul sb bdwn 18 ad 23ym of.ag and mneet Swu critri Oôt@Mw wâ be XaIdgsd en a lm mirUe %*ech, a Mmeat frurvlew pwisndy~ «)Imwmo and generW The winner muet .agres ta attend ait eventt repoesenting the *ton Fer for ans ye*, ir1kJcIng the V Ontalo Aisociation of AgricultwrU SocistieS Convaention in FEbruary, and -the Canadian National Exhibition' N Foi more infdrmaton or an on"r caN 878-1331. LOQIIN and SOPN .4 i 1ir. Une54 ' S4 SUa .1141