I i t I I AUTO TUNE4JP Claa 'A' Technlcta squîred bly G.M. Diffaier. Responsable for eteoiiacal. , IV#lici i ,conion:viu.egine scnn>g etc. E*oement ceigondtions - 2 stails Soat.wmpoeI m a mm. Nlow Affle nvhq .hfto oe ~q MIL 81>2M5 Ti. S26&5 HALTON STEEL FAUCATORS M*- MWT Ct.»M* For bng »m p*W. Top rtells py and straîghl dei sfwtt oflured for suitable Cou: aLoéut*Wnchare 7s P.Ait Lut Tries. . ,. = - 1 ltmw~O LFT IC. dli. pftvlus experaeece on Prose Brise Pwidme or Show Wgermâat Mohm*a siip for mêoes Gcoi sterimng wê.a~uzei a'frtinismeSCapn poid aflomre >*cdol et eu"d li. &S8 Mlut Avenue I - I - -, I - ~ 1* i- - - Immqk * n.m -u RRVIrulld of da- *an eortenced pEOflo I loi à $mail growing must be as. 1 to 15 a si i he desôA construction, and installtaioni of intedace eysiemns tw ou unes end themnoble immaciu Mo bu oumled. in mm« . [hi* wub o at»Il, imutai, and service PayraaétcWmulh bems. lenelit packae enad apportunity lor advatlCsment, Cali Bill Goida. f (4161 17"-141 Wu have te. amoeite vaoaay #fr a ,Cymoe aut - --v Unacuol.r aM- joh seemit d Emel..prilerrei. watt met aède erdir pe.essle and ""tr on a M"hmed 1l tre Prmuui kaguap soad tribuis di" opey m wukg Àole* eawalsw go IVu 08" fle Iliifé somm 10 tfle Vie ommasc*n md - M Me~sw Rue"wa SWlýtchboord operatr R@qurid ta trfin ep Augua 2811 la wprf c WednoSddy andl Thursday fronir:am. to 4p.m. and Frday, SaflurdyndSuSMy Imam 9a ta I 5 pm. Col Personnin aToronto 075110, i. 2448 CGims. s oflee aiWW $W.la Soias lkm M Recetionis!/ ]Data Eutry Ope Itor liae da. M aiiha. Y"ou ilproosmi W rdus. b"c q.op ro min _ mr«IW ai .h Wa il Au «MMa lypis. pwafwy W"h WoriPrfmnomap- su. po" m mati ergami md-onma. "ms- WU « mim iuad MBAR III uol be am a. Wu am cms Jell mupLiT m13 A --a A ill l"m -, @ s ooun fdomweao m PS. -. mOus replle M. ~am A nug tW M~imdma DAT Eauue ffu LERKlh as Îtrt- 1-r2 . a eqWUus foràpn-m o wt- io DM-Er ?M=O". ROERSNWfEOS La M. O T Ne M.a, qi am ké .fls . lL a $s oral bhons for tilo ttSPlils. O"rpo051 go>o TomTieasuot mnu e " hW* M MYpoauêsm i eeogriIl tQuiifeNlSllis for th v rwsoge. &tgnaar Mf Asoowuinq ald P4ouoeý Mal and- - cmill m.iepnce Noéu u o *co.oriliasin the goet al< asulianie, pofilowie riaie 1b polacy changes and *gir.M anUWWU aa ân a=&,"iw o i eot. - wtb Ua ftoku"e wdrO The 0#0arUMag Ms bossag lor uicn SOM.P l et loua a Wa* 12 ""Mba *u buv.irns optons and up Io viree yers ot fula!cl ouemerunce %l porion mis b. ane.ur sL.h&ee.ao 10 Word prôdeg $Ys ornmsaend have Soe tfaiiilart 1* Mi The position effets a. saitryiangeo o M2.53 00 go 5125.106 Car And *u ot, il bobos pOwas meï S If Yeu rnleegsbo an Nu oe4. peaa sua OWW orm, e Ia.o I ATTBS¶ -. inS .0w Oo TELLERJ. papnu a FUuLimI t p o u %Mhto Pions siali e fa NATQIAL TS. ULTON, Oit LST MI SENIOR ACCOUNTS- PAYABLE, CLERK Required mmefdiatly Io take charge of comnputefiz« A/P system TIle dôeal camddc WiIi have preous A/P expeneno and gCCOuntM$ anO«Wedge* Ithe abfity go SUPUf- vise amd woe tn thin Our admanuti- rive ie9nl We offor a onpetive- sage gind the appoatunlity of adva.l- cernent in a rapiOty evpafloihg orgahîzatîom . liieasa torwarÇ,your rtSu"W t10 Mr. Wa"- fide 49 EAUkrf AV~ne Aemo. Onki@ 1.7.1215 ,W,* stM ai o m Io 1 ormire -M. sas~~~o b" and~ as 0s e mmi and Omu m #W= wum '1 laiai %,0 eur 0o immnnv alspie~ te. "eoa *ma Co ço" mm" S mi- a.1 n t.-