Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Aug 1989, p. 20

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'r 3' il No6w bitng Part-dmn Watm.sss or Walterà Payrischow-Hof Restaiurant -Cali 878-1110 Automotiv- sales ýporting Goods Sales, Worehouse Petuon We offer tompat*vle want, Gmnsatit PacàKage. On Job Traininrg, Good Worlfn Envéronment. Profil Sharing. 1 04% inPoeon WNT STAFF à un C00113 MW& y bs Rida bobs ta5 àp^ T Ftgi Urne LeM1rSwDr has oeexcellenit oçppoihmId for Ca mindicdc MdidU&Ws f'%"dle=c as an MMe u u essuiy.;. *Full4hme ad Pan-li saleit *Direct Mta*uUng dwalchouse *Telcnrakcdng sale petmnncl A wiflineu go wook fexiblek i imgluding weekmùd is rvqulrcd. You viul CMa a Smphilive wasc, plus Miflmd pl*iniu chafendSn o0< kd lfforpby TODAY i n. MCDONALO'S RESTAUR. FlIexible S<WdUe -Paid breakS Free wytiorm Beneits Coei or OMM. in w0 ou u JMI THE TEAM $90 MARTIN ST. MLTON, ONTARIO Ralde«lal Suppoit Woî #*MmUS. no ow-U~ot ge a" suppori lnvduais III iUiif5cu &Cap DSWoreS). -iruabde Cea GAVLE COWY 275-470 Conm.uit LM4s wluIw -~ I A D~vso of the oua Ids 7 -Il MU Sft EU%, ACDos OiUaui M7 ffl la? (>njrrîIînfl ""POI«ÇO LM WOAICERS Hc1rh MI% llhni C'IwaÏia Fwen Fouo Lta ~92 'iII>%251 No"%uin Road Mmln, Ontano - e et.QM wpdtam for Our ùild.a pcS 9 0"M wwk iiripim a M . *Wpurua PHOTOCOPIES lu "Um F) ii C" M girr< Pfoguia 10 4 254 111 1 b 4 10 là P ir uip hw swft oaflyP $11 Mo el 10l0uprwl êOe 11102d '1*11 111024 20M. I rt W un Ovafoportauly mp0y 5j. M4ýW 1ffl M«w isfl CoonttacteiNhoM Viii, e ah ove bSEwrn REDUCE ORt ENLARGE am MWO 4.01t for tiovwe 19 me s.WKMTEE COMM J WARENOUSE MANAGER ffopwWq to 105' fnvOrlfy Mvgi yQtJ arE * SImMW" * S Uip.«ity 0f supfflisanq ai ýwhiOr4 personneli écIudulu'g of e,' «WMi vSvting and aulliiéil mentmowig r% ~O"am of o., prodiu et en. wamfioweiL DRIEM RE ME ERON cloty te rawpme mmupuas o.wlg'ap 9 To woe(t 28 ?tours per week (3 days Pm-pru frigf dwas.n- wa * ud'e&4 l4 mmleU2 ajoustxEP toi fier' TE sterlingON AL~O KIENAUle 3I Sled AVI.E ou GARAGELABS *A le W e are now acCepting applicaifons funm or fuiltim assignrrients in trie fçuIIowng areas Undhefowauasaiypabegbea loion an assiet Pl*a"# ci bMutyitpm appointrment: BOMOMs, elos, 0 Freen Dd»v Unit 10 'THE COST OF OMSi-m b mINaimis? LPTnIS PUCAINOW Nwq 0.8Op F.UM t a tis S pa rdnL ci* h Ap ne budla. 4#1 Mé fWtEMt. su*1111, uiu or rulom0uon uaa Oi. -le e.a st.. mmSt LU lis,8046 MR0 A CAM lu F000 flUNO li oews COME AND CMGWW1TfiS - ~.oes4~iicenaemaamt Pro comagialdgr 'le aft MO mmtr oniU___________ Jiua aldbW# amil inN Moi IMh0. Elecica heffriena il aoess Wgmn AMPY IN PINSN GNLY 9N OAMVLLE _» Muthv -, ýifIIlaw um Mr: OakvàlWêMihdn-urlington. * î

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