CJ. tmo J* tas. h. 'w Mt.de Oab lm lie Cnh. mPu avm pte .t coaloel! dot" hon the MWe syàm ulwW*- 1WMRnm*qLà= nt"%tu WYM to wuhbacli aad M frotie d li al sOUm ua. nul à"l t. pbayoh» I m ww nolIté ahe IV 11111111M~ C-Pa M "worlep e uadt bu notlh mi MW c. ab i i. as dil u ine ahé di Cm wue .umwbom à u i . .a -u 1It- lb. ahsauo t*i e .1ilp ol =abse in U.IcIa*mom t*q AMM~w n XU (ce". litubs a-d-" dout * ?Ietalbe lugm, bas alzo tahis witéo la lie Neuubtuo anc i l t ias m aieh. -M o MW imd u trallr u m arnao t I-hduiy Lnu.and ibm. Thù pnsre~ li " b. mode upý i as~l a h.lat o ul a IhSntu Is m eoo Ilt' aie Matm Tb"ootJunior HokeY aplaa tfnduy Il avilI bat the orly inter ala &WeIbe MUp »tw di mvaMynthv rapa tmwot*enid>hdý pa Inthe g Wye- N-"-IA.a.tail. a~aq i .M aa o f as dt x = cdiit m eii tMllic djlbu U alb ap auye ~u% apicoa asoljipmii ia.ktc. ugaa ieit h itnM Mute aakl avwyn as ulli sMung &rot"md rh moedae la Ü7n n-i toa uIl MUai «M dw af hm & mu in bas4e joanped0 0»advkn 'w-E. ID7M RM P1~K~TAL a . 4S wdui muioeg N ~ou t Als S.EMM. £01 Sports. WodnsMd M MuutI lmS N*_- A-1X EarIyseàçn actiofl Un Mif. a urhuaof et ahConti Ontario .ir.U H0 a Laama. "M IhlIr "o"e M. *0 lm. by. ai ait a moe aca 1n Me f1 ~ I ue,1h. uehmi ais qua. lna tsno..s hoptub uwumaphwe1h.umtefia Oy of sénoco. The lia leM. Practie tor the Speed finally cuters training program Now abat = ý%Suru n fur the' wtak ii op tu, 45 musa k.p moving, then thine minutes bard. abri'. 101 minute rot, du .ome .tretching and aheng minutes. Et istn uîducr vou tu two dif- minutes essy troe minutes bard, throe minutes bard 4%)r 21) minutes. Yuu ..an't %print for zu bsaerh tyle 09 rnna. 0 asy. titre minutes bsard and finaly you mun uSy minutes, but you can push yoursel duning this 20 A variable spu tnin. Iust a% the naine tndacaie.. for 10 minutes, Take notea thât aIl variable %pard minute Ater' the run. Miax for about five taurw in sehicb you nant parts slow aAd p.arts (ait. frns strt andend watb à10minutea m n mntsand tben ' ftr *i minute i The slow part givre yOU tume to- rccovozy e you flhe icond type of mun 1 avilli lle about todav sý mei"htw fur aii week. Tburidav a 40 C.1n run the .toidy bard funt. In this type or frtS yuu ao min.... '.arwbl, spol rus is dtescnbad .abusa.' T~fast again. 10 minute .16bekote'you stn then you relait for Friday. %h minuit,, . Sturday, rvst. Saanday, 43 A% an acuuple Vt lfutes anl you go tu W. minutes, Mond.ay 15 minute%,^ Tuamday. a .10 10exemple. Fur éiampb.abia, s wk you aili bave an yosar Minute. hard mun as descrtlwd abuvoe and Wedme- ins tiers clwduLe a 20 minute béni ruat. Waim top wath a da> 301 minuteN ouzmm ~ tee,%iHockey league how taking registrations 'nalsui . netd wl- f111W our Paik-upO of tht.. beby ka" g .l onee agala taoi hockey dl bas- bein a olyoica a weeé. in prime aù mén t ienne ah.. m a m mqw ue. bgseteu long lier pbayre cov do. et upallom kWr moir ema %t) iistration forme am avaal k.sapo. Ysa vil Oui tl rien by dalng a 10 - o 24 km Milea4 Cabvdla yuaa fT.e huu le u.pdrted us Able et iutq <dks are"a in Oak.- atiotié ule Mrui, aMer wbtcts yu po bard Wi Hmaisadlnam bufitVgm IDhaine33 aIaàG.Wios>. vilde or maianway auna un dUOSnaliuidam yoa peas Ilum .naaqa.Uoitlalr ~s. - lu=. plays lors Mmes Iaaîlnapws or by pbain Si,- Yff .a Mruu a yCw.Mmd ao roeo' baut you.7h WOUia Pwooblda mou- Swnday ma ni. d WMda 9n12. Svailàell. wipes out, doesn't fiÎ.nish race la% ùwi racing lif tbappems tu loii cnslJor'. tauýin tchvai mAlmtcenclt' and end hm. rae, a lialeearber tau anyuo dw q Scanawlý crashed bis Ricbmrdisorn Chatoie Otds Camat on tIhe 1tlh Lsp cgi the Plavers CM Mutospurt; Srnee race is.ad ai Mousçaa Park ab pari ut ahe. Mosporai 24-hiuut wm*eond lie s-.. in 15I laLce At ais- is' orte IHoaie avas îrvisg au Pa-' à I oser Caroun tih& ut%ède ArJ hç., us *pu.s andl bumnPesk 'nt". tr, s.l s.akl ltl S i. a..a ll Sr. ils. b.a ... anj h:(-t m.N7hain ti the ils, s.ad R... 'pal liTst "lawa tan, .and the' car is t tau, bédiv damaý..d i ai; . hes t t-n he1 eter-nr andl te-dtdî t lici'.. H.. dotnwre at oa it the triâI uet<de ais osn es es.r anJ it ia s.sn*t fier athe damagril .îiwrî he would hasi wxin aHa. t,, lin 'l the nrace- 1 h.. pour tînî.bh almnol ttwul1y l.nuc4s fxanil Ir oui .t cunsidera- tain fur ftubkl ut tKi- var, as th.é ut Burlngion utuI itih e racto Richard Spaenans et 9;anrýnvtlle s-on tise event ahemal oi Rus F Show uCag t tourte. s-s a vry daapprang s-av tu rend t-is rata. but uverail we're hsappv ati tise wuy t st-a%,n ts prugres.in&.. said Scanarîl Sr Thse mont. pmnai.n tl.,ng .ajbout tht' Muspoal racs-,wica as-, uttise tougiiest atracks au s-t up a ca, tar wsem the' qualaintg tene 4 mmcli tumt'd an. àW.% quald"'s 17tls gur tht., raca.- n improvicmrent of Il0 spot and îtvu minutes oser ahe. ua race bert.." baid Scanneli Sii -Mes ais dtînitely a alt'uw uer t mea~k si. Scnnlturnudin a titth-elams finisis at Cayuga)3 We'u'r imprus'ing. abough, au, wbsAra avis"going to b.. able tu mn wîth thse big boys nexa yT une- thing holding the' te-am back. said ,.-annell. S. the lacIs of a 'ibctt competing wîth pinte. saunais andl w.'oe oraly doing ahi, part- time, lot's detinately a thme-oea- esaming h~ The. elglial reçu in lhe trne. Io Sun- dayt AugUsa 27. ant T"iusRvwnwi. The.,M Scutll an bit ha. hsope 4wE fi"nianl tw top in la tbe grie.. ail stasdnp ahi.s~ w« eea" tasald4 MM . Ii .41 IPaUt. -- à «Mmqb