* b- -If on4X Iwas theGM\,.. R 'k "rd~ a "Imrmc ai ma> lCuc a. ub. ll playr ard an aulîe.anding Triple A mana' r _nc iaid, '7hce r èbrei hmw thi avecrage guy ttrnk% hc vain du bo'ttr (han anyune cl-v. build a f ira, run a homtel and mari.age a bat-bail trcjm/ livre ge iny atfempl te mun à botli MWait, that's the wromg col-- uiflfl Hetc gare my cterpe ta mneiage a Wncwba iicamý * hat tamn Wbaf'clse. the Tuoonto vue lave Bccauac Chis is My couman. ohargo pdj mvsvll not only in butrg meday-tu-d.ay managtj job, buI'm alm) going tu becume the vie.pmsident of playcm personcl. whith sounids alut moreiIresv tket Rneral manager. Wjhaae would 1 du tu ermn the laya the Amerkan L-ague Fast pennant * hi% tvram IVI tiret prmorily. jut liîk Stand l'atq woud K. mu acquire a thîrd clificlder rfcrabiy right-handed waîh a hle pop un hi% bam and wba rami get ta morec tean one bail a tecét. Ci theaoutflrld. Fire choice would lie Pitsburgh Piraese Barry bonds, a&rd word la hcs' aviable. What Lü &ive up. Pit- tsburgh fi desperte for a ihdttp. We have ami etra one min Manny Lu. Add an mutrahive Syracuce pichez say ]oae Nunez or Steve Cummin~~ mand throw ine Lloyd Mo0eby or Ci Campuime anti we might have a dcai. rittsburgh. thougb uould pmbeby Ienand w. koe Momrby Infmhah la"Y4 &y weeae Ta aue la a depsa cette's Aleis Infante la eh.ansuer..- .Mm answer la Cralg RryMold. Rigla note bei te. utlmey guy in Houstan. Ht, a foamner ail-sur harle in the aday 'ON and lie ca play second, thiati and short. He rami piobaby b.e bad fur àatte tkWn and' e au ai Cake, but teel rail Il heuu koidtwnms. icciov early to teil if leuf MusWil man ca rama. back and b. due fftb. marrer tha. Ble. lays pvel. but ue'l assueunmo. Tait ait4 uelvm goi ta Saul ma ta Me v.brdetW ulel guya uNe ram *art~ and duey aiea mem t. b.e building khe uf- teamm sIrd tey and Sa Sont Ranhai Iron tI.e. Il they ehrou l la Hm"l Cata I rauld sot ditlig aif anu of du Imys god8 amgI cetchem'~Franrlar Cabrera or Ge Myoeranmd mnlybe a moiarre fel- mIng pitpet agsuy "Wla LtOc C M of ai h. deseu could probablyc hi amaplilld and tbey uould b. dom ui±Iaael drsemally aliering tbhe cimnent finmp..l uaeb uld b. hobtBnsJ ai lupqlar teu . n toit du uaotaii, Nait up la lb. Sprlg News E- acutive cd du Y.a A sord rkveig bandadiybrligimi du laya a uarld chmpWaalaip.1., *I'm dmmng< Hma" a i Ilp. ..*H% Dam.t Ada.. tby butmai s uoe& My ha blll., IPai "'Idti md hi heu drah.lda~taayJcmm.it p.oa h.DLfr i LW m. lmlba A. I à Can' t catdi me wD moans "amlBfi,1B nn o nulmelfmYAo MMOla dmlasda drIng a gan eu Mo UM Sun, surf anld basel reps inDominican. »PViE PAIquAE i dW om ew thee «Ma «Dmt bW itl wu Il ual oq sret alda mot lent e etort scncidfl me14.1wn ld dufhwlly me ttlgbtlsh. OIa.yem. duy &Wo mamaga la t tulhf~ unrT eti dm Ir tug , à littl. bas".éalm. a 9up ai9 a." Tbe ane du piayen am oearbg «ial of due Mer tWate tu d MUlem .md-Man limia to wl n vi l "m IW" " biMb Who' m.satala. belt tby bhm alittIaeI " wp. vMMl uDpule nwJIékmiUpacOPIhduaolrhlaEivé xlibiitritk aeieso bmllgam&~ The exctérwaam bnd Nelson Uuia'. -mhce.p o.otdinated ladu D.Itb Juan Samti. coreield Fausta Gontalfl. d athe it&> ofe 'W% b.d àaS gmn aa»ad Ib Ciptrit du Goniiubu wWs' an etijiedet in due LAO Ariglé oacb -of due CX*igdý Mam. Ev.'thing wein Dadgers chain. amd Fila. Matin played oeIl amil ual on .woul' Tbf sactuilly went mborolip loS mn.' alla Ib e ea.pected titem tm. =h m tSni place at Samdqp's ,,dmwn wtwer là waa à buay adaiidule for d the rkihu u~u kmiv en ~ m *uim lapmulpan b.ie adey lmnded ia Ppo Pigea Sumeday. The Mian al-aean teilla a 1 le.~ feam ebei -M. bi Our am Pms on MUa&dYahumoan hie mna~ fêtew d l gm. 14-5. but lbad ta %mmrt P"at apl dui a-n mim aBji of overram -6 iaavantg la ow ju ote ara.ftam icAmiAtiantir Lesais e. e t. $a>dd oau ui a 746vte emlt du dim thravuk hw me al le a bt ueua tapar 'yza, e., Wrne cllchans etatiu amrqON he uu If you lait du bail kmalo du age ti.le*.1 b. fid, but le waua't la. bai. WbaI elje U@ u féilt iwaa a daube and a pair ai ponts am o bie gmaofebuir mm>w~ up te 11* aid- W&e third bae. 1 bave.iaa du ubat du arm wa% bul 01Md uur Chac, u tee vie khm, beau>. thy dld béa ti uaid Cipmik. badii doubep=y a won"di uplaslm4.l.' Cipriçkumd hlplayur ue daun 'h. la faT*e P mday ardMio u mg ie Mr dmar lI bambait ftaugit. le al" u a an wtoa. ai,« te oulra ball klhiesl aIdyldbmlF mepl.c ap1&.it MW l~mira[a 1.jamaira or las.a ýal for.l Rèpublic les nui A 0rmlm 8-4 laaIay -Yarve se zhiiamah . llia . poc... u%:ElWclOdm wu a ai uelgb W"m Fmr the amu ehr aw pnia aey tim. toi wow cm. mmnd. Na*bod %i.driver, M Wpubini alin meriaCipici lammamw uM meyou dont bave to have driver's licence td drive dlowt e.. 1> dré oe.tainly préavod it Ow. Mdidat waaty occidenes but tbey de 1"I. te drive fait 1 àWnt dalnk oue Woa tqek ar hai du blaa hig the n*'abTh pitching bnt ov el u HouM> MS the diûmamai but Il we woqla ply=dmwSa guyinl a m urra ainat. 1 blk we'd do. vwy wdLv 0