Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jul 1989, p. 6

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1' tOpi.nion ~LongIive the Kinl - ri a" bas cii % atiser-c i W ith a' View tht $sam.Wboiea «lad Mor remiSa w. ha ulviddic 'dMsh'i lu" lP7 Mucle l lsS Ta m aanodli. = = .*Z Wtla ýdlct Wh k iularemead in au mta ittgaspiaualao>itnltoaitta nad dlisss bit' and iitet aS un laiaad. Milhc spla hie.. saiich bsasywsatIpratt at backwards hs Nadia saho was th.lmata Ipta ElIs 1 imt0a..=aaralot lt 'cf tht banchl esa li. hich it si tw dubIasow busines aid a suall ame mNntlaa cIîmàt«sf Tamn isa niSfla Maytaa somebtay " ulild àI Las agis u twas ititurifi Eli sah itftii i li an Iowa cornfiaIS and Elvis l'rele tai our fair tosait Hea was tuai tasia bi i as iff ith and sag for a Californie oducaid classi Ailan Itimilbe. bt te mittwas tallud oui lmmily min and lut daugttr aua wlgrs la-i by Colonel Tom Parkt- bias manage 'lTe Ua à0 sae.aahtve and sig RuS aribsUr Cillorià thouglit Elvis taS requestad Milton a9fteraneéducationai à libeailamicollige iduh Buri d'ai comedian as tam co-utaf foraà couantry New South. anS westemrnemake of Ftnwau(a Voffe. whei If you buiy=lahasilI cumne7 coua tMun eaikaiS for Ittildsabosi -tu be an aItait.- ShSoals Wo Jacsn Elvis Piesleiy or, tg some- Outit te King and ahe Colonel wem'e one with lkm convictions and imagination. Mdi renesaneu for thoir mental abalatiais. The King. Toisait. The mons piacical might ear building diS have a maior of stylean Sd thte Colaonel a insipectons, by.iaw anuoscoment. mcng datl- sens, of the cairnaval, whare liai spenl i aio tions -mr simpiy goveaieant sud tape lus dote Ro ci l d ba lat t 1aall ~li ate t I lyewt ssao vis-i Mýaytie aid in ouf mind, mayb. tact it or Ev eree beouse, people sant him te bo. ta-ails, but definitely on mrait commits, lIn sub- Yuu can build mnonuments ta peioplei atd tey ways and cv-cryWtiC garin costumarlf. The King livsi by thie "csna i h hi cautaayu.ly criaaaed. The a-bel with à cause. à gener.ation gaping ai Rerk and Wol. the OUI- $,dcf Wiho sliuaied soc "'ty but yeannud t0 lie Writingr on thé Last mummairwhtn the kids aaidl moueS tg the. cotlage. 1 envisaocid a sacidarful sessin of caealavity mn sahic I saouid b. overflosatng sailli ide fori my colluim. lnmlaiad, due suananai heat forceS mie latta due laaia leueat intervals - ah, the haimlaps fI cottage laviaig - and the mu of tme lima, I buid mnysell in romiance aitvels whkch I dis- coveraS saere addictive. I diS not sboop te low ai 10 get hoolced an larlaiquli bt I »ose clos. If the cildwet were laacky. tliay got led now and again, but as due day woie on. any ien- thusiam waneds for prepaning any moithal toquid tunung on the slave. 1 amn datetind te tuom ovair a new lkW ibis mumanti and b. PROOUCflVEL Ye. due has la stili ont and duelaie of the aefm&Ntlag soater caatstanaly beckona. biut 1 have pushai due romanrces te the bockt of thet op sha it my dlost and I have au mysaif saitng pnojatis. Thata may b. ceai Wh inthdu homs abat cm b.e cara'lad out und.r condSliitas navredn nnt iopns, but wrltlng f~ bothairs me. tnloitunatcly. d'on pnociaut *mants occiai ai naglit after evyaie has gelnt te haiS. salia 1 ao Wa irdlined ta bit due sack. but slnce tâlà, th oaiy pn ofdheday 1ca Cali 'aMy own, I stay Up. Aa the cottage. amund 10 lin due evadn, il is quiet exc"p the cluaaking of irfs tlpn 0f cricksets and du mouffifi sakl aidu la look oitof thsldi -tlss dcir ofmy office ente du stI.i blaciquid af the Lake - due stars. meurt and Afiis provida'g due oaiIy la lit. asm &ioiai at Bui wait ourthswa black cai aie stilI suit.. Thry gravita ta my ai. fice. »ctais 1 have bâti npythstu4g of their osan coanan and I aumeS dta ince we ai t hre tai., they saoulS stick te thrir osan. I uns wfolig. Taithed ottair augt66 fiInstanct Haatky was monumets miglit beactual buildings. or thaiy maght bai construcionsian your midci £ite wa you aie bninging a penion or an iduimia C.oping ýwith 'surprise. attacks' ty n ht ln Ïesi (e n on aivolutry Ulm15. pittm acula -____________ tion liad surveral valuL "Mmale~ sae vii- iig h t s ift neable in a surprise attaca 'ayhoa copulating. th5fn tghé,j d f c pWk an Prs sahre esychology fii the rroution , an ài inepti ftu aa of à surprise ARNOLDRO VE attack" pit won't Wall laite théa old dayn. hESTHER CALOWL saiaal irb! n men. la owm ani an or- itpotthie Anothin thoeav sugget ma Ii T casional Moalasota tht ( in aivlcase t sati. problai arat perceptive saut dis d agnosis is nm appbopriate) anid more out in arousàl level (Nuiw cIosq they ame ta orgamn curid u onthetopbun inmy offiicS, fany esectllyyounget mien. Somaitimethi du t ratarags by main sat and welioui the pro Puss sas kaiepkng vigil ai the scron docr- mnan has an aigsin bekloe a ven enters dhe lem show mo diflimencsite surc anied by d'a frtnetic mottas on the utida vagins, more ollen wltis a few seconds, afitr duair jasd ta. and Panky was dspeat. for any attention. Sente authors definu a as "pramaïume wma Yet a Nýdtioey s thaithe mu.a Mr. Panky woaand up his pur motof ul itilt a man ma uiabl. ta tald bacu long enougt for cdinas; ai a low 01~a meuai excisaime and Iwnpaid up on piy lap sillon onto due deuk the womaun te ham a climax 5,0 pe cent-of the titn mher, main - marnas data =ce support th pacang back and forth ovair due papier 1 saas tame. Howevet~ oot ,utnhem don'tI the dut they &ne not conclusiv. Inai hort,w kmc sariaing on. He deinandaid ta be paillad and 1 ideSof derunin ît basud on a pataur'.sençun- wry bida about sahat çauaas prationuae comptied. 1 lowoiisl hlm te the filef. Badi tap sivessde=w dus Dtagnostics and Statua gS.s. and is etiify p»Mablo tbat thiloe ha juunpd. AgIn ani Mgain. ti Moitai (Amoerkes Psycliatirc Asao ctsai aivaa diSae et caes fur dafflqe pmao if due night ia hot, 1 compose st buags for 19M)hlconsiden whewruEjculatsaacoeurs b- Truasaats ism avaial hélolve. Semt my dsais (amp. l'li salille apories of tdu is- foi* duisdviduel ivshas it. baoe of ite- (yes. lthals hia r' na"a), a US te- a. Ita coinmuunity snaSk lu ahiogthdu scrossi reiat and persitenti ab oto f iessonabli 'vol- a techique wisele i a mmsa of aaltaidda Sou t getclos« te the tantaianfi light ioaead 'Iy comtatalof e0ulutl«aaid orasm. .. e. aons aie deslped Ws dis Massée slümul m esomMy MmaiSd nnttu~ la t M fat1h. dafiniaoi on du due maloeaaa a di.qst and le liahwa Thon cranterat divo4ioanb yolnioma iil 'wmlew m " . do Maitnr, i".I; d.alp. the -.q.. hundredji ci flypasia. O'ers, pliat tteuiv bausoeve at sould be tailler naive ta overloo teuchnique, sahetie usaman ~P M"s ea om my pape and per sabwhselses. Somn due lay's Iluencetose thred mis jasdgement tu due glatis of t poids juil, = r"0 Aiights I enaoeuter thousands of mhniscule tw- of sahatit & ais ro m ^1o *Mrt (stoppilç i. Batht hava bora sho wrielriemta frtabt r d eMsihe- l ee4 pmt ejcaio i > I eiiermnt abhâbis tcilva ont ýlght On thisa occasions, I dms dt sociâted salth a @@cd daof anxdy. lit occuts aloo livolve aissaitaf the, froqtiowy cf mua hallway and outoide dooDu cf my office anS in many mmi satan thry asi Inul'l>idd conttact. s is lièmetintitreouse thsane ans oùt procood waithir wark ai barod. swueasng sahen daey aie having :: f= du= = am data te show thait mon wsth"f this probit gref~l inthdu stlflig diambor. UlütiaeIy.1 sait a gaven Lady; whei tduy hav.'t hati t- hava sixa about 235 tame as aliain as a. w th l thefight and le ta boid, abaaidoaing tecourt.e for asahale. and on sevea othoe do hava dus piobàdn. Com.qluaniys t abuïstothbathoaannîgWblght. typas of occasions, If Wt occuan oflfi. early la autliors daim that piantature #Waulâtion tri 1 supposa 1 cotil id moments of cuaaîvty lie, or sahen a man saants veiy mucli te plusa acually b. a priableu of not hau" ncuq ai 'lun~ befote anlythang or anyont moves. bal lady, ht can causa anadety and Jeai, about ses and tas solution nnqimsa ancrvmang thte a but = hae tpaitaced the oarly nis a couple parformancen. whit lin tumt cars cause moie queancy of titricaourse. of tlîhes an ea lai 40 yeams and 1 bd.sotIut- ptenuture oipsms. ht can b. a trenendous lncauassng due ceqaeny of s moly hepr glia and natasous that 1 marvel diat an,.... bicwu 10lthe ego and a gre.a source ai frutria- catiaiguith du nan's fart. deeàos. aa ovu carry oui a liasit baae a.m. taon loi bath perie.a w amousa] level Swing intefcourai. anil gava ilN silI stick seitle aight shaht. Thte dastfdctloh of 'lTe causes cf preunature aijculation ar uit- piactice ai haldaflg bacit lits aiati aasr cati a&M croajy crawls.. mesaiy seFves te en. know. Oin theoiy hids di duoras ctanlm dlos abat dui -squmea gr itn hancs my loeung of accomplishmaint saten 1 quackly becaua due man s unus-Taaly s-stiv aspects are nocuaary. i t o 4 t itrp actually manaaga tu complt a projoct 10 turutiai stimulationi 7 but due data daustt coninute ta we tidlu., r tThe Canadin hmpo WCliM PI*Suf -=aow~~ jij ,~ No Oimm Olcorc MalItdn W~U1M: anDi PoliKelaO Smi. &ane Je«M.IO Osn"WUm - DM* Manager Cbwdin.Sh.. c&.~ atphso Alln. ToN kt Ciiesa - Ofle Managerm» SImmSSI WIBçO*Sad saslay. Urie Moita Ug11111110I KUMa IWu~ PIloOS S2341 CM-Om Pà: Mark Oflii, Juie Coibowie, Koi maur e TeOMMo ne 014W3 n 111ie. Lina Lmwai. K0adola Waah. »*dAe Nuinat Subea smis * MW' a' @ -..u êac sée oittIl Wai Nie& "oi Irs, lut Put'syMM-* UFe voi-s *-I re MW .'0e avai Sa.f eta&~ nima. is. ~ 1 iisto ifW.li The a Am Fie Fun TCsais.%. ~ irils ft ~Asns aThe àh PmAuaq pmèîw éla awm5a Imm. s asai*l" w* YOd m BsaPua Das.tso , P u SaU ato Ton scomèè M ois e é To Opnou' liis MOM P09 9unl t . U.M lou Efv Li E.T ,gi' S.;; Oim *MO IV Mul.M fttsw M10al n*~ 0 Utr s ieM~ to, aeas qum MD deu l. aW Tu OM 49 BvUu. t e P.a~i ~sgaa~iBSsimi Ea'mor UV1 ma. iaa a.u moaa~t o

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