Élme in1surance- covers -more han jw WItm, am le, b 41wte fo rue, and.ha~ a m taVit fr OJOdi.pmmem %wdoie ita es, Il ash or r pet s 01 os di.to etul of htSir u ie T et lofihil pel~peeif it as etoln or Ws is e %a hoep valtieNi $Wb,» pon fte hhb a vchtic, sid cash in a bet* or saly depoift boa. Piaiasanal paptntnsucli as bao&a, Maity poliaft s tuie ouiv up ta .100 on toh nd dmt? m, aetulloer. tauittima ai M20 on casfi. aimai limitai ta 51.110 as long as tht,' are an jeîwelIeryý meatcles. gisand fuan aie 'yorhbtieptottete aaînst kmu befi for a total ai àhl boat ad i, fraile are caved amoumt of SI.00 untisi a standard homt- whlc aon yout preint. a à recte.atioal amenffs palcy Theri a on~ acoin colleictions vehice or hathse ttitla iaii't covenait n the as $100, andi en a stamp c ollotaa.i ms 5311 mtadt ao"eow~»s Molît, You caan tn- Your polcy ina, altoi have a spul thefi *chiade this i ouautomahie insarance or lima ci 5511)0on goldware ai sîtieare- F a ide = ;we pia, A floater poltcy -Once you've tukmait nwaaoy 09 ,our per- podeaddtopitio ctaaîiiof ai yeur pas- tional belongip.- you m, latide yout ason..spetîally mehen lte, ia armat. polïcy bamtta éana'e ht&h enougW Vou con in- fm orhome creme lte total anciurît ai tavorage a(y-t * . Ysal, ' 4jfý *i m asm oevoge youtu content, If you have stems which are esp. auoonatically gelt W our posiassson cially valuable uuch as fuis, peintangi and under a homoewm'î' Mlac a éO.per cent antique%. tIi., shouid lie msurd spefmcallv of the îrnsuraraoe aýi thé building. 591 if our (ostwaduMl>. Your agent Wr bu&e cao l ithe house î pw "iy apasm1 bt' a Ut ta wne ta'u tka aMms~A a lvd", a od demompto w~ ~ lha ae tem tih cea, a a% alto = ft eor debermnuN- Milaoefiert value I4oweem a o1d5 è 4îi*axito1 wide. flubaatlons En,- niauIc prèce. au appraisai iuaýmot cewitugte- IV NIeCIer the cigverî 1%~ aI -4 0(rn à c iraiwhen the anîie a dw:, Mine 1t Mie tri a e à ýtanefroa à ail rii inautance cmofianv W1:: Pa for ttcunm value et the stone and imtt te. pl4co nt uth wti slutBi flic comparty 't bligeai ta p.a for oth rjr tnaooe U w ita othe ng, 11evy Imses are meula r wifv t'e tu- paliring ièriuaréamg the bl or daiffwd 1 m s immlat r luanI tm csi. , tne tai- vS i ay citô" eow Cath uuani.m more informion repraifg house and msrn*.contact thé Una- no lap& 11 Ur!>vnatv l omm, N9H 3W. or cau 416W-9528 WHODO'ESIT -HO DO. a. If your phoml is not ringing, pour &01 is ot heme. Cail 878-2341 878-.9452 Müt Gl .u CO.C UOoCm Moim,.C. ag -§le iait en son MoMo w MASMOPMI Howg 1 m Swnffl (11118 1111811 W SmefflIOD ASO*MU (YIen Nam U a-.111,1 Mill n <418) S4s FE! ESTrMES« 'e. ÇU a RUU*Fhtm M~ FmseRai. u17aaanae du oèn Bai àITO tuALMUN 87".215ô E mgency Saevo -Ç@M &ma Cl ta MWooa tels a8SIu347W i. I 0 WMMS 8OD a"-.. Sco forsuIe on~ FaWm 870-1073 niguRf nUS L.ofUwuuÇuU If your phom JO not rlilg.oo your ad la not hem cdo 878-841 ahua atusaYOUI. M CAO Lai ~ ~ mpm Imm (tSys ~M) 1U Place ym. AD in t ,mm> o r uoeo CMWintq PmeFairj'1 V» eom OIC. UUOW ySR cm i Cosum.,toa'r. ~ Fd8?S Oc. S-K -FM Uructe Hood 7>atÎe q&s w2ytgo!! 16 Marlin St b7828 .Do"M &I VAUOIWE Mm a L011110 RPAv soô SvmiPool L«n Cher SommaIs,'11 5119 0e"i Rd.. FIR #2, bila. Ont LOT MX Telpqi: (418) 8l043 'O'. towi, FFIEE'ESUMTES di" tue~ dith ai0as ltx valur m aiutl i d cm haeev ib 'ou w cao mddaxmfo lelaemti W uaTe &Mrat opt m f Yeu a oan &My arice he its tion. ai sut as li 1e a u prain s neaiei lît, a %ood id« ta keep. tht, evaluati outaide vais hotu I. plu antm fioti dwl or tirea àcope siaould îta OP, tayour brooeor agent. The appratual shauld be revbewsd frot aime ai tie ta eture you continue ta' a eellere Afier you'wele w tr p -piamsael it wil be schMfue Mhue the appramed value. It ami imortant tai have