22 -Ontario -St. South 88235 MILTON W14USTRIAL, COMMERCI & KVY TENT PROIPERTES, Wâutoalodoe. 1S7 1111, 0.«» eq.flt. ftm 61 kwolnu, tu~~n. tra, S120.000,010 * t o m o es 1 off S 410 Laid Fsubt osvsopmsnl.s mmea S U1.000.00 Laid Pi*uhOnlm., wd c mes S ?61000.00 Land Putb» Drebnonut 'mre 401 Franbpg S 110.000,0 Office aSpeie t S 11.00 Designi Duid InduafrWiet. eq. ft. ta 00.000 sq. fitrain S 61.00 avr 50% sold à Ieaaad 8 COL*MERC1JAL & MES10ENTIAL INCOME PAOPERTY7'~ CENtRAI. LOCATION, tiOU INVE$TIiENTp S53.000.00 mmt hkou .0m00.0 gmrofladfI t.m w Ie la «uw mmr il vit. id go lae W. I UI*I q» -Mu. LaiDs vobaii mm.eWlol 111., oIu ?la Nbile For*qw mom fituu givmeM --, .mf I I ~ l v.lwu ~-p v»W N inamo tac" le Iimu opern rîU.oO.0..~.No motu whatyour needa aire /mq.ll.make sure you caIl an IMM-Oxerbce protessional. lq. fit o . .«l vt.n e c l PaulPage. .- UL A. PAGE ~ Aucemie ormer UlV/AALV Mitowns toftioitilola hi bdusIrlel, mm Roulty Cc comethw à"~ In"*» 878-2385o Toronto 826-1O Mitowne Real Corporation 22O0ntario St.. .Milton ty S. e5 GaryThomas D8rokertOwmo 878-2365 lei 2U$I1 SNOWDEP = 878-2365' pmy*awfi 878-3155 wm A». you thinki of aMui ofYu waud&*,Io cpsix curon mi fS oth.rarisas, pie0 C a mf&a If= tpm*t mst m nm =E7 S C T bAU eAIEO BEAUTY Spacois wt-evoI in Oc~e Park offert the çorvernence 0f pfc.ofny Io schoois and etopagm on a e vwwiy of citr Iawwy ftemjy fler« 3.2 badmorns. 2 bfis. "19 eg-in M9cten i maS of cpo.vW0S. mictio tr fâmity Lcom. Acoru fireplace in livng roor.i. §,ngle car garage and n above gfcuhd PCmX ma"a th", dea forthe grcwing ffvsty Dor't miss cna, nce it $209.900 Cati Gary ILTIMI LOVES? wu. yot iun fi lmmmmu - . hiom. eh mal'y ofl OMM oawcom ldom.oufutry OUET mm Zn@.'00, 0p Nain. ue. tapage hao mc m 12aa lOraha.âm Uubec» goPark ne. Cd mg but not reelly sure? M"it 1terie mhiflg financi or listings afld.tiaI presaure f ree rempafiS IYOMV SENLOOWNG VALIE voiuowmf Andi et mue otimé.lm"r"$ a" i SIhB woq11* e ib.4'his es1* huimo .1W 0 air sa 1uu f ACRES + AMENmES l*Oiftoloy brici farmfoum n Io f actes cf rmalfr" end ireul à ~tp j - ,c ponti arnd tuaM.j "" . fé ci OR» ai iectr firPleo. mooduceraV in 111119# fe'Y c. parlfY. 3 bedrooel. tua baIis nid pt*ity cf peacetri mnry Cat Gury Tki.. lmr il tte détae Am"n e20,500. ëns ar dualii u bouts, @al b 1011m a espérai "MM liont .h" a. luhino ato pearmaw. LOaI ia fwuttiIt - cm YI ii o(mm' Wom q ftuor la Ie mue. FW ffw UM Gwo WlGuy Tflii 1178-.61 pa 81*500 OUTITANOINO lm ITS PfW. -AL 10 AM$E carçb@Iq* Coutry la aitat yç,- fin in~ P>ws OMMK ranch ffl bligqtw' on m0& lt acres. 5 0f amrc?' art wohjed arc 'uioSfy IBfTed aiS' a pDn1 Boaimi 4 be&wrra two batlh$. roc 'corm. fueldstome 1'0bprac* m baWI w l IkW. ocr~d inr' c ,mien m*d dack, 64 x.32 i" barn vie Lç *vea and ut lty ~e tfa,fiorne citera rueat ch'arr" nid r'.Oe<f r n e r crage, For you' chrance to vive cad-Gary Ttioma Waa M67,5oe MM 4Ë-= SIMPOOL PLEASIRE n be 4whld by the 16 x32 aqax tinta corus m fvu 3 beooom i ym tMar qwer hcatior in arnI Parl FVaalu lowo teet. 4 pc il3 Pr, boi Rmom, ami ver Tf,. t.in la grw ta laie 8187.5m0. Cdl -12moe c. 401 àlMW 61121R.W. Forrn dSn ~humi.ls O Thwme * *~ 3j et, Miltowhë F eaà7lty-Corp.-