IF Tm1 Mmm S. - owg tr -le, L *m* oi MWsa 05- n nsl f»m vauwliti lu har I fa q 4mrt1. 01IIIIIIII1101111 m mb b a Wé K IWO, Mm ue bad ena i sb.emm JIJNI WANUNOUS poSITIO An s.ugsctw4i~w, ogse.a t0tt1 g.ra~ ur MW and building fnaWfbmo N~m.uc Wbus~ eca ON uéa mm 4,M oun en meorment and à cOfvfffh.ntfve bontei AflM $@mm le:u M~ OLF Part-Timae Losi Prsventlon Officai Apvlcai muist te 18 e.is oftage or céder ands Poes5-s etce.ment oral ad oienn ismis A *11kronesis hI *0< k <2. Oný houfm niidg 0s,ers~ Ellperruncv r, iy an se sît f1 'v,ýmq to Anai Waihinao Lou Pr venu"o Daaltmn 49 Egsior Ava fn Acte., oniat. rRoiontial Support.WWorkers tlle 'nerV.d 1f *,h an -nfeffscfurai ha,,. i:, ap O S W Co A A sfi.'aefC en- G11 P.-,Pdn fkW luifl Il-m poition Sf.1fmnq satiary L'O 52 full fins 1f6 6M0 part fi". GAYLE OVEY 2M54755 CoolmN UvgMuIag - TIRED OF ,W1RlNO LATE NMGMT? FUMà PRTTIM DAY UN"F - e*p&@. B, m OamSet, NmUS Il--- 1i -iil'llll - -ii TePMct Part-llm Job a Thmnk.ng ~bSv le ig ft woekfotS e beav4ng you*r praaauf Paatu' Acbu, s eue 'sO ue u» da.a s "mia prvstg.us feiuf 00mide saereai opensig ava4àîfs fo# %à nu se wmis sor Roew or Prier Sales supsusune ls en auma lxx rmc n.cçssari 4 *ifngrws os worfh femNs tfufb orcudwg days fl4ht à *moubim9k a a m.At yQý *4 .,a'n' a compevf,.e «âgaes bo'.s and yoy. il i-,'ýy *orf.'fg on a feedy praos seris' an.d cf'a.kng.ng erNwu!ment Dwop fil tfira a.nd tg ouf an app4catior nlSreew be held the lllrek of juty 24 à 31 iffl Pvuý.O.s applicats. pillage rssppy 49 imuami Avgf., fels., ont MU M I~ - ~ Wé m I a lie r u ugu w m PULL WHEE Pasm K STOIP. . 7 -44 1-SkNýT I7 -mi o M.Bmes Illmm moei 111111966 8S0d i1b m et eau. for &~5A.omp W# bOuvi hm fain. m111 me1y, hamau mi ba D37F3R15 A RGAe en as-.Gflwn n 1-783-218tOd schnl 4' *WHS MITHI CLASSIV *CELEBRAIN* PAPERCAASE* W. nve orniola Mh isols' LARGESI BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS aujil Iiwslnry qlfepIchnl back alînoqi 200 yeat% o>ur cumi Il".u'ng eipafISKff ibn-%~ cf'RIPd flOUy <1ppcwfwuiop% f<1-Rli IltfinI (1 VfidiluaiS ayIII ufuovP and etttli.ilvp. ni ouf birqy Carviarji slcn.q PIOfSIfofin lftfloiagenefil is a -alang [pOqqffly aà fill Pfirnutaqp IWOfOIiotn ffi wt*(1Ifuf If vniu idi I? fti a oernp,Ify wiih a lrmtdi4n nI exceNni" Ifi fi t11fPYCtif f4. 11191f Imnnhl f . plen"e rontact onfe n1i tue %lot"p latsed bcèto Square One 275-2575 Sherway Garions 621,-2351 Westdale MaIl 848-7779 milon mail *878-5854 Erin MiII. Town Centre 825-732 imm 117- onand i~ourcodipar (iet aq ,off sua Respons.tus e*. o scgodules act'-,, quai.!; wom trt*"nf &,-m cini Spom Pol1 f0 *Orb #oft.nq Sèf the succesI g'vwsnfw fhssi mave 1-S yeams lyOW' 'efL. eoPenence -n a a4 ria.5f?,a mhas.fackurn-q aigorie"' an aftlattýVe sa fy eo" Pamir 0" bprif.s ocnao. r dom. iléli do~fC. ROOFINGIDEMIN DRAFT eUftfjng sclences cansuirrng firt. SIoocng to fil ostpon ^ ROOFING INSPECTION and the DESIGN OfýAFTING dspartment Exper ience preferrec ou, -a: essentai Corroer-salýor convner.x suàrate witn educai om arc exPerience confialo. Ooug Fishbum, Prêsidsnt FISHWUMN BUILDING SISENCES CROUP 878-1.282 or 821-4129 Saiie Av#. E. Nonhby. Ontario LOP 1IEG A grass'; maviadurai cf po.ýi.s 1ri5 soc4ray taom and mn .SQ5'sa- su-l0yv4(rOiuM for a SENIORSERVICE TECHNICIAN Tit, dsid caniONgeshOow ham ééararreS 0, insfruaamv wIadvscua b.I & suilattror ei al ifchanicti apiude PrnIug'c *4 ba grialo le ilpcargs W th~ 8 or mi* ym# onsur ai * wr YeiOa~nid maintenaffce of sophisfcaied etac,3nc equ9çmut u*hbdLf NOi uSlagit iffs sud, as A pIassia moehan snveMafit compSltiVrs compensionêf snd bongil pragfafi *dl be unsir os. WANTED CLAMO "A" MCHANIC or 3<d yoir aPpp5fltic with smop e1peff5fl05 Contac: %sy, SsevW tmsgsr HALTON HILLS TIRE 877-5110 orO87-5119