If ai de is. like kissng your. sister, Honda reps S.loe their familles lh vgIimbng 0 lvnts "m'fur, BitmhtMUu" mUt. 0d lia tmU ès 1 - inS mwwa t I*.esa URdM 12 ,noqddivmmasocw WM J» dw 1 0i tomU's fiai liiftq 111111010111 W i ainea W"n r«ý1 (iiti sSI m der "à n»al n a U a pIino "À MuINte the em .dmdoe with tahtgmoui aMd à !13 with Dînée, mm Tm bom Pq.wtP gathAdnp~a3-1 duflbi tu Ulle.and maiIstIl stoditstg sa 7-2 q»ii a. lmi ba.dly a i)oouc n *t '~~0f P. rtittIlma lua eun e.arly laMd efiti f n V? li' tDm @moita tth ito n =al K alk banar Ub~lchyluac whIa ut .au .i .anur Bnfito. mutil miascw.0 iua-mUtd toke th l td. Thse Milton unsico-13 tep mocer »ma boýtcd Mîlkao Camt bsck sasi Clvi, CliNt, 9M'tthtit Seivil luit saok and I*e. tIsa but oefng of the %qmliàtfY. séiayn osa s~ tautc the play andi fuI yme bettasa tisai ivo usin wih Milton ut'. 1-0 *Ï9Ws ""ti a ultarp-angla tisas afi tsng Sisswn pts lweietsi ipca K"»§l tcm»U. Clou was wa they got as Milfton put cim a mrood-half fr ia utilq gainethe blteflook an uly latinM a let,71win 3- o atwtwlucs pv Moio la Uoyd,4.auor* no <isanS. Mlo ominami thet flo haltf tht ilit. b u SuhnSmta nt W C K-*ik oebinet arminuiteual Îto Wnc hote îny of tff lia ta t'. tht pan saiat goa dintd a tisaitoU t A, h.uos tht <susfat tht at iait Milton *urt onr Dsle tooli tse ap agW.bemstht fira hall rmed on the offrww tmrpowoe in tise uconti Wolf, tis rw .o,4uMtmilin inth wcndhall antil ýv>1c Kam CrI4îgns opmnadw ht x wsith a *isot fmrmn to talgtPst e*te1_ cam in. TIst igaledtW eht clo dwn anei Usait mond m&a saii pus ftoin the Kusi bmou. Tt Ka"l "ya >,y, t kL»§m oà i then m up wJsasat minsi lama W. thea goabst J'fw final oal can mafn M&A id hSoutn -. ~ ~ ~ 6 Mllatda.aonr BicS Mn4 odcf m Houeru Omt nghS bao t' tisaU m sat *a int T*M d- Mog yad.MWmnaaag. aàonflea MWdthtathe aay ttodd »s. 4 tt ow ul Hala. Cl. ai 1idz f. gans qaMn OshivilIteu o l b a stpuit Wf the ptud. itn MNiouma oua 30 sIM. - opaSWa b&msg the tua dmai wlonc by Cb&- P sau M~ ogpscoui nc . ci thea top tilt3-1. us. bfo a narii mtwt c csud MIS. 4O.&tlt. apoa de ig 10 MOtaMi MMs *us wi* ilata opassi thetointla. i h flou isf en a démit ~ ~ h wu Tmsa dent mam saus nuci t nus Milton bÉmaltiasa asm suU pw u asay sali &PM thtd pastl sa, autsoNiy. Missuug iniway I d.DWawt -@romsi tisSÉ, n flit"t tismugs th mocii hait aid piii tMm gasaaay Beatis isusn rug a dm of the gpoas- ait guhai Ku& uaitpdtonapmitytt Double Stmpe!. Uaskwsal.utw. TùWVUMB T AST E NAKE R'. f'I *.* lue t» 4fSywiF Pa. 1a v.lir ioim. wmroam Dr"~ mni Ah lsp -~F» -e u ila. n .acmk f hua len 211100s" a sJan LaS~ $ Jas m Mmie le hr a lé Wni WNl1 B pwpn us i*rnon cie P*o NSIl £uMd n110118 *v rps-iou 4 9d Nm " or" 7UP 0" iW*mh Pua hm OU W»MC &W ubbI== tm "àb "df A&P6, m ww Me 1stKmluvi 3. e uu uet" 4im LeoTP .SQ.Bo la tu "A W& m__ _W"_Um Cus.tom Exhaust Um ODur repealty )ortscoreboard B b s h h B I. t i I s h s biâsff bu *~s ilfa 1 M. pt Lut 0*n S-bdm dâ m i. tdSti 0 Pim hw sm ou di l hanengi, sesîCdCseeuA4çd Amt. mus.g, ltomi tf Jase Feu. plaid a Vxia 5jW f0 IJatem Aft.egma Lacaal 7CA.W. 10 i. la4hhsN d Ili So .nt e h.. osnh MA.a Aissue l CAI* nà hw 9"s P. ty cié.gN hý En.lmni. Le.hog Md ula.1 Jà*a Ryu %k)Wy SOMM k I.M at Wbl CAW M u@ Na~.Jase OE, ToU msal am" So .Scou, beig t" l. MUR>a F.kqm Fin& Cu..lb. Kil R.*a.> nît G-a Gnboe a- W L T Pl aIO12 *mtiAus ob- S le 1h Uls0 S ow u M 0dm 1 a @Wu% 1" mbd dsvà 80* mu h M a Luse am -hl. sOte vau UlM %as-a 0"M ems -nM amw, mw ma "a Riff JACK( QUINN Owner SSt Emt, Milton, Ont. LOTr 3~ (lut, m. Xiwi, qi t *h' *Téi cs M" 4.1. Wta îla.. sg hm tbu. ém Me .wwa *y G".e 0'4Wroeal sl Itime dmf i m 11ah sa Mdafrt W 81,11 whn. adm W. Tensi *mpm MOdi PI ri W u N. buss Hâtif 1" W FdINa 94aud 4 hWk 111111 S-4 & 7-1 (416) 878-7239