Two wn sp "p PuiMI Oru til #me the cyce and %InNyitlpm i Siýio inon dw Loue roeui arrvât Mm Mul1iî knodt- -eo ins à pair a( borner in this coi"ca total. * contit m lm Wonder If Mag. Th CUmgp are wting on lie for t rdyta make dheir ap eve Mitnr Timer Frthe Dikens. who now bave a 'simd Mlcin Bd onfini PLace. hais.he nby . Full *1 and a Stand çtam Non-i fo jin McCrussin were the offensive Colvit geis, In the third inning Lors atmu Cunfl1ck, Mae Mllpur, 'and Kkht hits C Hierman werc on base as Psu Pap dema luuiitrct up In, the plate. This Hal * ut~ngc ewaîto ~ron p éIcherý in i IDoatt edcaim.nt, v l'tn sur aWay mounded by Remn&% égenim" -Weil, Kent arent tee IiGary' id Molgan Division luder, GolIft tmi TrawiweerextnimhlwtaàUpr«ei' Rau Rana whot iuaed oui à 10- lomi derisaom.'On&aint Om Nyhoitamd fkuhy Mal ullins% waiv the big batnger plae Col 's nlmml an. a thn-mi tbce' round-irpMe b, Mike Mutchuo. Pries and a faur-hit til&uy by Fnd lem M mas. - kM, Semn runs in the enth Inrnn sable =wc ta motc luckv umotagh as Dive urity fel1 ia Milton Calour -fontl and-Sound b-14. . pn The TV Rprmen r«mved four- eight ffoinu pernue tram av", Sad Fletche, Johnt Wilanson and Bib St. Ieown in Cii their second straight tongi gai..lae, John Warm n id esd czavArmantmng cambùm1ý ni. bt tsRemax soar «g into second place, 1% b-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i aiala zmu 19;mi.~ 1hu. «à ur Cudo nypbli ircb- m lb~~~~~~ai maui 9.i cmu~ 1h, laa oi é f b.d Md f"b n»e .wl tdu tre ci Grunepai, Pst MOCs.ami& Klndms wma bat in, bind in I mi auns Imin tMr Rwmi Dikins u.d the ol ltake ose Z:,appmoach and ieoel.d lt Umm for tht otirhun. reçlmedt art tour mmi thea artkmmeaçal diffe cnaiIn 15.41 t*tary aver Hah PjJ walkers Tii oM Qamdd ;. Rict Hmtranan cas. te cbief en for Tlht OIcIn a theïr ni.e and 'aven fini, defmotely nitrate ton t'on ac éd y mne playen nndance as dicte lfeSuard was si the csaU». i cas lerA ta prnnk, Pull Dmànit and Jîm imincl1 hall foralnem ndmimg out the wmlii &arti Fat Fmdys hid noadtf- parkn=%nwlwm m imird in th ~ ~ ke - iiin4 Iowne.mwdim 1.15. h tram iteif holmda havm, lulllIad and lin 1mt ucti tern foriti and were m"mn for itevmoin. Nul Waod &iM Adai. twe Suys jýha can»t ai- o laite tht gurrmans mthi off. 'emai the plate to pund hits off higba9n hurle r n ai.l Clai imade tht et ai0 the Il as sndwy Aqutti,s triple Mis rue wee goad f ve nb- Bob Castuàcâ écomd Aive bina r, -. te~* 'I. LA 4V Just for kcicks vu omemev Im 0 111 bus MMe wh ift ur w r SAL Iy2l7l3 $3565' __________________________ I. N~'wgiftvdargvUmnarkui, you'reuurstuflndmamoiing ~uumsd~Te~ds 1W UodkIp.~a*y hi. Dm. ~ui u~ guehn pm~jcW g owr~wpdoem. ftaWgulegsoespucmi~mL Sa, casin - ~iI nu ~dB lu ~ io. for mIE yud, mday. -5 w «00 STERLE AVIE MILTON 878-121L YARD AlliE] b IA1TERY Pubeiui~ huslsms.IrO -w--w Get the Advanced __ Homne Comfort.d package that beats the, heat pump _ whatever #he season. It's a natÜrai gas HO-~Efficmmny central air-conditioning pac6g .Ad iàst* I efomne With up ta M3 fuel e@Mc,"nc. a High. Efflcuncy umac cmbined with c%"ra air providos completIII camion &0 year bln - and you cari psy foS your rnewfound camiont with low monthty paym.t on your gaa b4dr* Wtve got fte package that stmpe thq pwnp. Shauldn't you houit Cailis tadayf au$ MOWBUAAY Lib. AIR CONOITIONItIG GAS & OIL INSTALLATION à SERVICE 751 Mabn-SI East Mîftor. Ont,. LOIT 3m3 Phtone 87&-2381