i They 'hati 1JANIo MODRRXOT ltngtot Amtateur Radto Club', an. itual Hainfet ai Miltion I.irroins lm Saturday. 1*'s a day of Eamni u snb/ti BARC suit Z with picnic lunches. dansonttration, and sales by amateur and proEuionall deali', The. mm. ha, bonu moved &bout in aiet yeirs in attempts to find a proct balance of pmlection frein heat and tain Demonstrationis by jacqus louchser un 4 packet radio drew fssgstu an eiectrmic bulletin =71d i thse manne, computer hackm do. H. u.wd a laptop comn. ~ert cml up mesage whih re;.".labye hy l nrpeatîng Mtations gramn ns angnating station in Pentns>lvaniaý Whie ftethodt, of communication piaulferai.. mait communication developments, have their rMA in amateur radio o0eMotns. hesaid. «The first satellite communication (Ss'stL-m> was built bv amateur radeo operators in l%," ho '.aid1 il track- ed it lifse satellite) lot tht,,. day"- the, satelites orb,. %Ir lj.îuchtr raid The c":ctv rv1'.!-r %Weir w thin thre Fier c.et , he ,rtlcil one%, nern.d.. t multîpk' îî. t'it 1 k i f e Burlirgiten hid tl'rvx-. -'. ai- îîd:.gHmmct. Uki. ,.i. liaJ. ' thei, 2- .iur i. ur rian c tm trn boit, Burlirion 'Tri' r.a'.r 1 1: " r- raiei tna trot 0tvr. 1 ut a k'xI 1 hîaurt &i.tl'ttj in 1 ) .~, thought tIi., .a' ,'.î.'r h ý' Ili lie î hi, L,.,nc, in l'oIl i\j%ne' ssie. Annri mitt'd "n. ij nit reno't in tIbt.întrg htr lî..n.., unrt.> a ouplt eti it,. âe" se,. ieznt t,, w tri. and %Isarý,Ir to n r"a Wai'n. i d i,. t cati îai,uat hi,', iron Burlingt.in -Moen he m a, tir asiv a% stîga, stme- or Fotrt Frîî', mu..h tarthî'nthar c;Iî,'cn bind LLkIi nadi.' ,i n',rm:' îtd .Arr a.,daucts' kitk, >" ýqudied1 ard got tieir lici r., aI the ram,' tînt,. ra"t o'.r a v'.a c, Tht. IN a side sarîi," et sas', tir pssîpl.. of dit, tînt J pstîn and aptaudîs teI', " amateur ta- di îii'ai, o '.a'J Mn Lici.,., i bt'v range' tratn short ia'.'o - faîktog tii i'îhe'n ha'r W(>rldwld,' u'ing soi.,' or M"'ced, w. î's ,arrc ttsr sshi, rrr pra.- ti,' i uais emrg'n'<ui tiins, su.h as natural di'.attn' Tht' club- dî, a Ùt of sîi0unter .','n"ur..at:,'n a, cormruitv e".ent' su.c a, !ut'J'aisîg t'titt tir ,lurit.t'ti.'c i r'..trt bc' t, ý,7J. r, bic.ki icIra! c",' t'unicit.'n, tin a ti,u'nrn.ror t,, i,'l a i.xr, istr,, pt Le' tnî'î' rerit gar.' to elirLlr.3t cs'ra travel and torne: MnI, lI, bîoim., memmtir, t U,%RsC. ih mt,t the tutti Th4r'.iv et thv. ranmth ai the, Iurlingten Central arten& auditorium, ai?7 31 P m For an initial otiîay et ap- prîxlimatelv $3iIb a persan can sen up a bas,c 'latm' radie, çttion Batman isn 't briiliant but it is entertaining< Çmss reentday ork wth Frit, = Lag emipiand what emerges i the Gotham aty of the mstentlv eli'ilaed film version of Ba, ,,utt Cohic and gnp N nSe i cancerous art<oos le, înro thse corruption in tht heari of its The look of Gotham nyl work, in tandem ssrth the unvllng of the dark side of Batman te a gtmeratton of fans more gamîil.r wfh the hîIlr camp ci the. 196sitlevisiat, show, The conflcting tifluences amr a pr!cptmon for box office burniut. oucbook fans demanded toet body (fixr than Michael Keaton, of Mr Morfil faunse. in tih, titi, mie Teli'iîon gaens wânted Aodam W.ý, who played Batn on the Imral Tiseyalsowsanted Robin.vhoisex- cluded front the tlnt' story linre Ansd thev wanted comedv, Evervbudv 'aelieruatd bit' tie fillm Harleln Ellison, an emncrinet cent. me'rtatir on fani.asy ard sctiet tic lien in ther United Stuies. deplored the' catlrg of Keaton and said seoin rumMVrtus art1Icle and lOnMl'sç% lii' nuis clai-rs hesia, miriquouicd A!! t'r,' F'. p. tor fa'w Iý enîîugi tii %,.r 1't' -r the Iî'.mt dî'.cyrroi p.,'sr cti ' ih ptf '.' l i st. t'l'. -. o f r'.î t 'nc,nt. i1 j 'în'I te :ih. "sîen 'lrmn'Iting t'ut rt'.ta J,ul taoi. cî'fl'ijingr the 'a.int nîi,ut 1t' rî'c.- sinbîs.sr te l'e a b.iîxi'. a bt'amebilcý Bruce' %'t- ne,, Al!r.' an,, ihtri adîitiIal .areand cef.. Eirii'r Tim Bturton bring it,! ss'erdî'îtul1I. Iii eth.r tîn [ ft 13AD EAME indlude Wi'leg'àoead par bArr, Bi.4 hieil.e'Ale tics' dorit immmdi. ately stie one as the, sorti dwori.s tila shoulJ form a nesume for the' person whe attimpt Batp..a., ihevs ler. inve's'rtin. off-centre filmsý sui sufcsrvded whe~ convention said ties' wsould nat Mr Burton s-eis ta have an ove for ishat sîli wvrk on %crcs'n The film I, not brilliant nol a malterpiece ftis %. -%cr tss es't,0tntatn- ing Buî ihere a jr tie mapor pru)bkms% wb'îsh hold it back, Bimao III net fully enploed as a charactrr lie ts tnmdukls and uti. id.but hi' mtmset are ncvi.-n ade qualci'. esç'lainvtd. Sur., ii rafet'tt sent' llrd bs' gamsgstvn but s.bv tse. bt'a bit' AI-,. lettirg K!m tirg'n sue rlais à Ocispairer phî.gahi I, ut ti' tt'va '- kt, t i a '.b tb J t,u irz h .- ubt' t."n 1upt. .'. su. s.,ni." r..,.> dnui.î ur -m t"ýt mri~ r-'.auî± ih.'n ' . 'n n'Ir',' t,'da. Tn ' lt'. t'on 3,r t i l, 'i r t-. (tmr ht i% do sîord t k'a'. ot uti ur-na - ' . CHAMPION TH1E 8th ANNUAL CANADIAN CFWAMPION CHARITY GOLF JOURNAMENhr -THE ILTONprocçediýo -TH MITONDISTRICT HOSPITAL FOUNDATION DATE: Friday, Septemnber 8, 1989 (rain or shine) PLACE. Wyldewood Golf &r Country Club 6198 Trafalghr Road, Milton Phone: 878-4848 STA.RTING TIME: 11:00 A.M. - Registration at Clubhouse 12:00 Noon - Shot Cita Start .7 ENTRY FEE. $100.00 lAcharitable donataon receipt will be issuc'd upon request) VINNER. 5:30PM. &Ma 9P >Wd Entiy Fe Muast AccomSpany Entry TOURNAMENT FEATURES: et Firat Hole-in-one (on specified hale) a Longest Drive Prize *Clogiest toi the Pin Prize a Betting Hole a Putting Contest Ail Golfers Wmn a Champion Golf Sweatshirt THE Sdit ANNUAL*CANADIAN CHAMN CHARIT GOLF TOUINAMENT ADDRESS .. . . . ..-............... .............. ............. s~w Agi. City P." CO" TELEPHONE ................._:...... Swam Siza.XL L M S ltuiulMa t.bmm a pf eat !.Y./No ... -.......... ...... Oum & Tourinient ....TourpÀamui Ou .... Will .soi auud - Dnaon O.1y-.. Plae Rob cloque ore" Wuq.vY pi>ubl go: THE1 CANADRAN CHAMPION CHARIFY CIJTORNAMENT A"k taupl.n Golf 'si, 191 Main St L, MilIeu, OntL UT 4N9 I f , D J01441 WAntN Frank Sabbo of Ulalsauga chats on hli radio et the 'l'lameet' Saturday et Milton Fair Geoianda. The. fair uttr i.*ssd brIng oui good crowde for thé *vont. aponored by a Burlingots radio club. GOLF 89 We thank-thrflURwing Hole Sponsors Mu 1 -