Air -quali«ty index indicates, Halungets . dean bill of health a'J qviui qWrs., (Ori' ",' !e " .J. J-1 REgi Bief s t' a ,.,1' a ir Tr,'~~~~~~~~ Ja,. J?~' -r. , nIm liX.:rt'i-ijS~ t N. .r. f*- filr *Fr"."ia-.- rr z.. j. .-a *'î' ~ r~.r iraà. fi ý The w tr. .'v.cý %.a. I u r!. in h lt ar d mo. i '.. vk .s's ý, F7un 1j. * ..vp~iT"~r'r"r -'svd. t-r' .. N5'in .'s r à . t rn : t'e" t','s r .X --re.s'.' - r' i r 'j.. rac r" r. . ~. ~ k.'. r tt i- o! M à-r.ha A'. tV.r ',s- t I Strey dogs Ieft unclaimed Th.e mw utiv à-gi hm~ mn Mîlm ltit bedi, at tW OcvtU renta brmW yu.epfum a d.ebag eud. bhitiont ti *a8 "Y 9turt ai the art"a shedti.r w. av Mîtoit mbdoto amm t &-arm the CJgili., organtzewm pIuv.&. arti nrrt e, qrrè fur M#"m Ww hev IoVe aw àPm. ttcv &'wt Gall te çqew4tc am thomI animai% are ,i Mr ad.'wdv or àenv %, ccwe'mon k.y iirw qtu b, ave rXI A FUrh. Tt" u.a V tr.l ar"c' S's t vt'ré itr îý.ý am tt brt'as. h , ai îrthe t..r &.,ut aM tI DINN.ER SHOW Friday. JuIy 21, 1989 * at BAYRISCHER HOF FAMILY RESARN 324 StnIn Av.,East. Miltoul 878-1110 TICKETS NOW ON SALE at the R*staurarn.0< Cail to R.gmv, $19.95 DNNR AND SMW ~ - 7, s *Excavatang 0 RetiningJ WaIIs * fuIIdoz.nq &Gradingé Landscaplng Trehchîng *Concrete Breakin o* Sepl'c Eled% o Drains ~~4416878-4060 Heating mWd Cooing Prduta 11* s 0 w Get the Advanced Home Comtort, *pac'Kagethat beats the heat pumfp whatever the season. i It's a natural gas High-Efficiency furnace/ central air-conditoning package and it's tops in performance. dependability; and econony, With up to 930,6 fuel eflociency. a High- Efficiency fuwnace dombined wrth Central air provides completecomfort ai year long - and you can pay for your new-found comfort with' ýow montflly paymrents on your gas oill 1We've got the package that Stumps the pump Shouldn't you have t'? Call us today GUS MOWUAAY LTD. arrP ON0,TIONING ,,AS ÇL'O *PvSTALLAttONI à SERVICE ,e"t.41 - '-1 L.1r1 P.t o, 0,1' L'91 3fl3 Phione 878-2381 n : f 1*~'~ tTui TA8'TIFULLY O<OOAATEO Tt.S açoua, 'en NUa offl SIX O ~~~~~~~ ctso~r~~-- r bcitQ.m. <.c..03dg Cmentr e ari.~ "- mr~e. Si'uid on %Pg KX cw %-.Y 0vi-O a- ila 209 * HALFWAY TO HEAVffN 44 b"60À ww w« %0 -um ft ICI r9 am i B20 . 28àPon81 u a SOrMAGIE OR OFF1IE sptace avalat>a onn Fnaa4lon Crt.acl crdmw. ~tu~ Çg Tt" Nottam PNu BUT THf NION cOOT cF HOUlSfNO 0ev' yots oeil t>w,4 n» tfalv tr S35.500 00 tacaîad nm ueti<ao Puit Cao Ceit or Titiry dtiil 878.2ffl %k e.,joe' af, 'k.i-" v BEAUTIFUJI DUNNIILLE $11s,.9Sh MM <-rro SUPil STARTEN mE Oc. à wul.a, .en, M.o -oAI a bu- " -g~der2a',ri- s %a~r Cdca'ê2b . Ud -t "Dupuis'Novembre 1987 j'ai planifié des centaines de voyages ený Floride, au Mtexique. aus Caraibes'- et en' Europe. Pour des vacancesrinoubliables venez me voir.", 4? Çome See us! mi ohfl *Bruce Hood Ti vel 16 Martin st. 'The Way ta, Go.y878-2886i ýPI','TIP X '1AH'in f,' b - - - --- --------- I'L à