-Library searcI ing for itown's fastest e! Thse Min Public Li,ary »bnine nwâean ti, bokow in hi mArch M< the fas1ew worm. the 1h carv w.fl htiii ful armual Mà.on W4orm Race julv 21 ai 2 p in ITo tac eligiblhe <o race. ail eintnesmü ienu rled a&fief an autilce or wsent and arm ia a qutuble coretairar, e pti><ode witti adeluate ffll andi A i.ri wei ba drawn on a % quare cnS f board and enaimes /1 J w be PLaed[riech of thefour comThe acwmn tfeat iaRes thse furtt;eat I mntowarcl thte centre tit fr] ier. two A variy oracawilfland wnm wll ps laeens chidn' rilblfl.lf and oeganier of ri th, abd thse ido for thse comtmtacon cawmahn te Bwlington Public brary. wlucil nisucaia race The Itbrr will met b hirapwsible for sup lytng wotlil t l ai ownm of deceuqa worms o 0a o10e OWhOo irtne . taitims V~enus Ownem wai uep on coter owrn'antne ra « ma ouq ow*efitmsp wuhl be elinatid fin thse conpetton Entrv forais and a là« of Iules andi reguIitions re asadabie ai dîme libra, 45 .US s. Police ahid PEACE $tu"**u IrWc#vod in thse PoiS. EUmL-s Md Cubita &%t»Uhn (PACe) paogrm èad the#* orloftat emmcsyUfic hifa oi .duras aOvI.CnshePu usssots late lot of a Crumhr% Wm NoUa OX petcpmon fiS. <wf t> Aflhw Doume &4i mumi As.. IRobinu1[1111«rSt PierreU ON-EITESN an exciting. new gift idea! Any puýson's name graphicallv deçigned in a bIa&k and w hile illustration depicting that pekSon s) hobbv, profession, special interest; etc, Ov-er 150subjectstluchoose fromn, e;ch individuallv designed. A gi for any age. unique and thoughtfull Fraîîid and ready to hang. OPVýICAL "ôFÔ S PROFESSIONUI SERVICE MICHAEL'S OPTICAL 878-0554 f - 88 MAIN ST. E1, MILTON 1flept% îloe sF S,.t N î is H14Il 1%N Kibtee # II'lîl I rr ~'t.. t.0 ~.pr .,' E'r. I Of,.>', 'r '.' ar i, t:L% tst II IIRiAq.L, la Repr..<n R Ma 11 ( ýkra,. idu 1 ,ls -t Cail Debibie I3artucci to order (519) 853-2318 !194 Ji11 ( V~ SV flit iý%iTO,% t 01w and i tee l osei% ;. drsijn farnil% hOme hi nfr Burlinglon oui, piee i h t amil t.1,r. air condituonîngll central %aci.um an.] tetkrd vard C lose lu ichuots %hoppliganiGO.) tatton Smt Sibi ' priccîl ai 1;,34 tIti ( al: ELIZABHETH HAR'AU{ID '.ai-* Rersiias e id% <HOIi E reai te Idl kl:ff- -4 Stately .OL.DE'Wt. *w ndii arg îte~k Ici. Secasu 4b.ro het lh l.à of clurater - ocet] àomknM*koins amIs b i a>ntm-taw Latrnshy. RaPwadab ko/at CHOICE r.alty Omo