Miltowne'Realty Corp. 22 Ontario St., South ,878-2365 1fEUSL Poo s'le 101 covered OfiB rTSO FOR LEMA3SE brc Mo'QM Iilcs ?c rd le, vt? 878-2365 1630 Sq 9 ft.11 Oa C)k Ie tof aN f * ntqtASJc!ufti il S2 Mo Ar.MMOW . 1030 s3qt.SduOM 070.30 700sq ft. GIàoWam B EITY' INGLE 878436 Fa& UT4U wh -9led Car Phn:3841. 2Mhmupm COCKNT1! ESTATE Sitwa on 10 cw at0 a gro wMa Na rth of ife ~g o CRvIIEO. youIekid if u bmi*i posy. CANOL BROOSCI c<i g a stoinehaum, gat hm» ui lly ooed $M2M~ DM. bar*< barn but in 1860 "i conçlelle mnovated in U?.O PA 1980. This tvuly exclusive property otters a perfect combmnation of practiCality and purity wittlout cort.yni..For.,mr o usçimncldatais. cal. CAROL M. BROOéIS $89.000 Rejane Petroif 875-1515 878-2365 Ireul mofi. 2-4 puce balhi Euhlrkat - - . " -w offli mu 9M 6 This tauiuliy dScond hoffiQ tntwtes 3 budrooms plus 3 bathi large Europeam '-,la, luti Mm om - - ws&om sn»lbionM bnck d1ve Slné garage plus causal suojum ul mRffy moe. bp cd ft b@ #b. l m m@ sueUs Seéuve hom a gFont deal Cali Re1arr. Peoif 9 for M41 dews ASKI S 20 M ALAN BROOKS- 878-2365 Bus. 875-0067 Rosi OUEUMI LME NOAM wm M40 o'der Mm céro or #M 0" I lo o 8~~. @@*mmb cauNUy a sebl dam dbf LM Of meU -, -oai -twfr «M r.i. Lug Tuinpemaum RWsng Prcu Dropping Be8UflUI Mural