Miltowne Realty Corp.- 22 Onitario St. South-- 'llii certif cate enttes ile earer to a comp(imentary market evatuation of ii or fier Jiomie, anpropirty ulout ob(4qation. Flemm Cd# Barbara Morgan toi mmoe d.<ah WRMM M Sales Reposenfative 871238 or &W-103 Pm 87HOf ) 24 hour pa.r 3 ~ MAURICE MILJOUR Off lum 878-2365 . PZ Ras. 876-4577 Assoçiate Broker SUPER REDUCTION boel-, P~s $3 gooe'..5' c *%pluce b.80e Put bot- tu ~ ard 6104 Otus "~ e W a 1- - cas W-. ègv b.ds ~ s-~cwM P.-..' "kéoit *5,4 b.0ion Ta o.. 1.t0g .gs'? ORo--w INmWd - fMILV? 3 Bntis pup lejus. C-Ct.,Dr.tP rrJ A c u ~1 u .905 t:ue~. 055"'~ tfO 0 a m"G .5Scéd éau aum mm cbee Ios ?0 @M 0 Smvi *. b t-u MUc o" 5,4 car' quele . &Id à u Ioo Ca bea o oe, domk-y. et- o o CW dot-w e, PU Çlut gOO .eàày 3 badoom cared for. weV trtOsCooed featu,,mg 2 bat'sý rougt'..r' cer"'a vac. car a-r flon froçio, arfioo W"mo ard so -ucf' mNore Loi -a lerice ara? BEMT gofUoeus WS'me tot e Sf'twO 'rw bit BRADING &@ $Mro to n aeae For ywcWc 178226 OfficeCOBr g O eÇ23 17"716Rs Vour Town,& Ccunby ConnectionI sales Rup AaaaM SrOW HomI iewjm ",: ne b uwybs ospi tffyfl g rstl.a r' a pr.ute wooded metreai Featufng a F'o,da roor that ta.... t . & m adovantage of thte a Vary O0WLN CNÇsC8(T $280.O gentrous lon-g roorn wtn c.atomr P'S'Go41 oe'Cl. b a 0ut 2 «0M ~ ~ ~.a. 4 bamo- MIO.A.'.. e à,.' Wc4u bI '%OM r 9CKPOBWWYM OufXý '000'>,M o..a "'v..of* ssr' e MIKE MORGAN M Associate Broker 878-2365 878-8093 826-1030 (Tor. Lins) 3 tat' SM. V S'u . a 1@U oe mt uSS~.tho >o..I S 0 Vu " -n-ma w»n tuku «C m1.W p Buw n en-u %rae O W' .ý -orbéi fw ma0 x9h 'u, ék . oM rs cr- Mm t-ul 0 u mo' u t?* .1 or .ou l,. I t d w.g .oou 'a, .14V bfàý mm0 wet! S M.-a - amm 1~a 4,.4 st u a 134.t cdwetM i- g»~ bfw1b5ý Vup' lu of auu -q d l oba"Q m - @c4& Wu @pSt m papama t0 atMk.n b.d oç lu M'uWlom yu te tweSw bu -lW trot hW*M voa M.. - . . " »0, - y~0Co à u~ - Bd e 0e,.,.66 ci-@m ce a 274' P'M1BF p -ff effU @Rd M i CALI. ME h8.78-2365, 'i878-2365 826-1052 . 828-SOLD TAKE A OEEP MRLATHI - D - z 3- ; . *te . ".0ýa '5 yseca c "S0,fU0! ~ ' "va.* t.DVtPt SJVtM L.MUWUtU7 - o ~ o..sre,. o. : . - 0611 ~4I y'4'-.. 3.*~*o j - r-. M nis RRu OM FOR SRZE fnd ttt5 'Wc 'ow " co ;axo Z' , eulçs &I o.t tcr DU - .'c ,aster bedroom' eto: J .. & 6,cy .Ca, .o"r0 to ente Aato "Meo 5X JUIT YOIJR SIZE! <rý0yo., Svar to 0te g' en roy-.u cer'tj Ger i ?u *=fi à rme you w'q Cao ey. te.. 0rEe suq for aCto t' .:? o, las S289.000 ?4o.5CO. T>INKH OF SEU.INO? TALI< TO ME FOR COMP. MIENTART APPPAfflL OR1 tt* ON »M ts1ER AREA VýELL ODi ER A PACK«U»E TO YOj . m