We are proud to announce. >. OENIG AUGUST 1989 ERI MILLS A unique store of die fuure offering an ectn fashion erwuonment that wl distWiguihusfo our competion. Please Apply i Pemon At 0w JOB FAIR AT Brarwood 1m Exil 0 E W at Trafaigar Road Norlh ome boc> to Irqois Shor e Road Oalrv.iIeOntart.o Bront Room 2M? Rloo TWO DAYS ONLY Friday, JuIy 14 1:00 p.m.-9:00 p.n Satwday, JuI 15 10:00 a.m.-4:00 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES tir :gdeeWar Hmewf 0Os Salis Pmmu«soeuli Mns""i uaxoa oan- ,yscaWjn nd ritefpsn Ms nid a sfog mlnu Io O2iniI WlCustOMi WfvO tIUS reW salis mz- poa vWod be consadord n assi. Ifyo an 'ibl 1 matweU us on Ifu dalis plia cc lictoe,~CAJT1ENTCffNT 10 Narne an ~r e *1. .m. III sel e