M4 Gieferal Ue& -Wanted KENTICKY FRIED CHICEN FUI amu Evenlng Coo& Pmt tg" -OM Ms il ""Wll. Affl 10 paruien le: M MWain LE NMi, Onlo 878-4171 LIGHT, MAIL à TELEPHONE WORK Filmn5 :M t.i.o S- Ion 19;30 Pan. No experlémice necessary, we trait Earu p o $7 00 an hou, 878-2346 Afser 4 p.L weight 174à entîreîs Operdng »wa In Milliont NURSE.NUTRrTION'ST ANA ai4easar't warbmr e,,%ror" for pesn%ànw RI- ';'A or 'i.rOrtl xiho em~cyr. *Oikrg * h people Fut!,or pal,i po, aios J.J*be TEACHERCOUNSELOR eamr 'Ock-mg 101' O th,.aE;t.c ,ivators «'0 enjoy, 'vlIg peopile Posllos a.&,abe NaOe far people *II' backgrounds PFYCIic*o00 tef&irrg courn.n~g or.ig. ;sI; r. lea.'m ou' "" e'i.o u'Og'am Pad traInng b"eet package aallaie Fiçabie sodiedule a must INSI0E SALES .0 r' NUTRI "YSTEM, 'Iflovator i eghi es Fil an'd part tirme 'rsIde Safe$ pOoton Ior outgor, er'tiis4astc goal orienied Pen I ou efi heipig people worinqi ,m a 'dm paGect profess.oinai eriv,'orme.it and hase a proverI trac* record Il, sables jo., a 09 leader lm*e.9hý loss Fweqbiqdrours a mlust RECEPTIST Il 'e oubig for *Ml'iy moteratad fidwdsal for Oar busy *e'ght lOil cenrie Muet be <Oflnable OeWgtc able Io trade phortes and ciD.'ter sales SHEÈ IÉAL WORKZ THERE'S NOSFREE LUNCH?' Young Progressive food Production plant is seekiîng fuil & pari lime staff Excellent workîn conditions and we serve trou a hot lunch every day, on the house, For yoie ;appoiniment, piocl in . 875-2481 bâteteen 9 lam. à 5 p.m. WANTED CLASS A à 0 DRivERS 2 y-ears ex Rerencac and abstracgtarquinrit Comp>ettive Hunier Show StabIÇ Ion Trafalgar Rd near Brittanniai raWss&nd Uan H SOM hff ad extr nom u " egsurn mlenof Tiifoi brojid t. el gftrV a fuire SbkxtfU u*i@ alah a PMl Inera foi fl cocresaf ai tra raulU Oults incki de i@& ouA *a, mueé%. Les makls gra oeCu". fill aue - Epwmu aM but boa bren Cooh ée .priblhac ai;, 0$75-225 (Sai) 87&-29 <HOM) L_ - Il A letide, 'r the. saer à oùs flow conreot e'duilUy a moeu.ia foc praducion poleeonu ai our neUM plin Otdn Melcn MACHINE OPERATORS To oporale C NC or surtvefilailies Idwsg "Ingai onupnet and speaad machin'es r out prodiuction departments Prevosil pefitef or training a mctueed imorala appnlaarq aahadjaapl le MUELLER CA>ADA UIC. P.O. Box 101. am t.amenRd. L91 486 A WoR<,vxG MANAGER E.Pereced tluil qlarfaid for hüatf' & Iifls pf H*y 7 Wr'ýslom Cr'.rcNW 84d 840 3251 (y 846 8160 COUNTRY STYLE DONUTS Full lime Positions Avallatile for the Day Shifi Sf arllng tiage 38.50 per hour Piease Cali -. 878-4441., DRIVER requited for Milton ba&~ Trycking Cwmny For local cetaige wonk M.,st hase elipen'ence aII Ostev'p"er Abstract reQ.Ired POLYMIER ISTRIB3UTIO*L @C. 875-168 EXPERIENCED HAIR9TYLIST raquirad For busy Shop to table over existing cientele Fuil o'r part trne 876-2646 or 878-8960 evenings WAREHOUSE HELP needed Cai: 878-0563 HERIGATE INN %'FEKFND tiOLISF.KEEPI:RS Apply t peeson 150 Sales HelI, KELSO PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER Keg" PlyriSuts Chrysil IR a yourng and ag gressive nail deaiersrp located froar theO l'ospota Il muocn Oniaano Kg"a Plyrrrlit Chrysiar a poe» ,ntèy recrit crg Oulgoig anit.aastc indeluisto foin aur sales frce We are xeeng 10emfpioy til aMDetoniàa canddates w Ou' m»0 and usait ýa --Ioetrèer Vie-volume of clients Tie sucoutsul carKd.ats adI be Onest. liard 1oli ai 4e ornnzad rwr.oia salles exp n rot nleBwity aulefiiave le raqtnrod Completa trainhng ixogramf and ongoing mn'agemifi sst i me a prooided as wii as a carnpant derrnoStrator aid bnai Pia- eny WOO&.Padn K@111 PlM~ -N 5w » uma Uset 8m &MMn Cid" LABORAORY TECHNICL4N lI.Asuanr Latooy c i.i.1 hâ anr immediale op.ln.n lot a fll time Iab>otato1 lewxoe Aq*am 9" uhm trore <frcal andFof Ch@Mîcal background Oiplomna n' Agivsdiwai Taclsn*igy w"ia bu ai aSsai Th@ lncwntthan ail carry ws froxunsale and r#laed éalsit 4 birids arad qgVO&Mc mallael, %b =Oi i~v sanspia praparatil duchii' assîti'and rndci N tileuls Pbaus taW MAsTEWEEIS OJALlrt ASUR«RNC LMIORATOIW R A2 Traagar F#a Gaepbar Ontàn LiC 4il ADanbon Laoealam SUPado W EIDER Lia eet pQeator Milo ~a Weýder i r:'" "Ils if MIG ~ce ani' il ste 'xIlýn Ve otie' %s, Please phone Ed Cooper 878-4193 or 858-9740 TO 'OL AND DIE CERTIFIED Required, by Automnotive Rubber Part Manufacturer Staéft Work E ;eliert benefits ApIy to. Personnel Oepartr"e-t O6 S'.aouarl~s Ca'aCù L .*ý "i ICQ KIcuua telo Roxul fni. le a Canadien étinatnal wooi Maenualmur«. locai in station, Ontario. As en expeann comitian d '""atiay of Nocktboei hoianafiona et Oanmarh. vin arle carryring mn a tradition of per SC yeret .menuaaluring high qualii ineuilon produclla for citr ustion.rs. W# Prelltly Rquirs: INÇUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (MILLWRIGHT) orh succlsi étAcant WIN have prele'rJy served ta tetognized Ind u$tra Apprenticasir be lioerad end have a Mns murr Of 5 yeani Indsrieln plant a.penersoe Excellent woriurrg conditions arnd berieits Plesa, gond casuerne etcàll for appoltrtiant: ROXUL oic. 551 ai or" tv UMn OntUlo LUT 3113' 416-78-8474 SHEET ME1'AL MACHINE OPERATORS Wý 'r"ev o.s expe' 44 Or' P'ess B'a'ses P."cies arc Smea's ASSEMBLERS W'0,r 'a ý P.¶.ic"' .5 WELDERS Da u$c a D ux1. *'C' a Apply in person ta: Baltimore Aircol of Canada inc 3Sinclair Avenue GogtwOntario CLASS "A" MECHAWIC reauifec rrrecjàwýI icr Soumrern 0gianjo s laigest Io oa Deae;sPp Cc'rpliele benefl DiKacgae ix 4ent Iorkn conditions A.poiý Io Service Manager BURLINGTOM TOYOTA 1249 Guelph Lino, Sutil. 2V5-9223 1 ia CUSTOM ERuviCEi OmoU RUTN OLERK An Off lu Cfflle Osmmny in ilioni NouraiS2Obil4 30 Som qpwç lequels Must have gond comuncalo asg17 25 pe fiou tfle , , 876-4510 FULL TIME SALES PERSON To aorb 42 1hrýr woe 60ud.rsg 2 oensec ansd Sar,ý,dai %tst oe fiatre emmo sel'*"ç be neas a1"d O'gan'zec This s a çare. QPPO'Iumirf Rotaill veemene aW Ilu bl *II' ball Ii ienrIh pakaige aidlaixe PART TIME SALES PERSON 7o *wk li Oujr ir4miw dNsàôm 2 ell ' Irg amc OccasoAal Satud.iys E.e rc r bvIbr S..Poi-es ai essai For appntoinfni cliti Mrs. McPthail 878-4139 HOME HARDWARE - MILTON l -torv's r Vi* a Duypwwt a "'aloi 4 si~M4 '11 l Nf' 5,1In ntrios1a 1. 'V'Sand uý1ý3matc dogr - a e'r!raii- lu>m A* c okn el ie W' as*,' .'aml"b?0 G se'celo ler%"a", s a 'tbe salae anai wa*om Js'ai 'sI>.a "SI»Wi C v fS.Dpm~5a..rk- le 'd o'0 r'coneince'e lrt 'ea.ra N5 271 outeile st. Htamme NIÎÏ Ontario Glass "A" Mechanic With Diesel Experience Foi Transport Company *40-Haut Wegk -Shili Wort Good Par and Senef its REPLY TO: BOX 3737 CIO Oakvulle Beaver 467 Speer s Rd. OakvïtIe" Ont. L6K àS4