Trial -stits bitter feelings (Paqrt 2)» > ~ di rt 1~~ n-i R _e --rq - - Th.trlaofTemdviL v. WIWn Manl#s con- trneat u1wo triMlai* ILa or pve1 was nete mm~d indudeï tiner ibçt d_ _ hide craaallaed h. ackwldge .W.aslu lilsU ,ih5 Iee dradin 1wiofA o theluatttr lfo itýr ww . illed i Witte'm demd waa made.ouI. His deed mry M*rlln niade sone f« bl.NYCU.*ock grantetd hlmaàrit ta deepe». due bed of the one. He cttnl" eda ot>di stnran belwlte bridge and the weend ofl bain brought bward wo paive l ialll the canal amd straigitteni IlMd place theth Win lied leptemiW the foèo th e land wiih I hemok oui tc bnksalagdsde White back- lied bom mald. bn.r hWpni ed out oi thal arrangernent and Taiezel tivm «Tis. am has 51Wpnd consadered the witQle thlng as at ai end. I t"ln ing, end every sloew hai been stralnmd by.thei he had no uM«nd.tding wlli TeLIZA dtia 1 defendanta hn arder t elidI wmn admissions teas Dot la show MV dod wh:. White waa gt- frin the planîifl or is attorney tiat would i tirhi "l5Basted0aMd malte à case againsé; hin%. Mr. Tiotiplon wîJ i lys a pttitÏ m ded o recrd intthe jury. wu, that etierwise tie deed would have bain lit kils summing up addiesa lii. Làrdship rnade out wo White." tied tta tii wu asé to dispose af, Wa 1 never mnade the reniarli tu anyn tisaI Tait- tra= m p uv ydoply. W *.du.. zel orNao une of Ut Wobl lay1s'teaàtick i te of the plalnif'0 attorney; sommed, kms refèrence lathisb baNale Nae k passed W. .whale appumrie hW wakdd 1mai have expca tween Toul*el -adr' ,a any efme i we show tai he -should purm ue è lia tnd af çduct White a trîck'" Satedo tetfied. swhlch he had wo adutawledpe hem tia day. Ad~~~,Q.C., tht Toronto moilcita i-. He tvewed tiet White and! Martin Mad volvedi1h transaction, verla that he un- bought peape irom Tmlzewho waS>w dermood White wus purchaslnfi the bed of the mtalng tham. daendants were reltin Foy-, Umîem as weg I aIW other properly, ivolved. ment for the propoty on the grabad fraud. If I had min Baomald' dad recordadi n the 'In cadlng wo a duclalan on tii cone the jury ceriîficate, 1 neyer would have given up thethoWSuldiurd apînsi liaginlng ltait by glvirig notehe lestied. ha a verdict agairim dw plaInliff, thter would be George McCuifin écstifle ai eW n confirmnLth defendant i the pousession oi da0or da a s oito btS tepar property for whklh they Nad not peid the tle, %the dispute. Tetzel wu~ unwilins wo give owners. A CoutI of liqulty would mnanage thât. 'a aveu lir the raceway. Dastmdo asked mie, ut If the jury MMI atsfied Ot titis note hédbmen bhiolAie, Il héard that h d a deedtua M- takeni--ro ý ieiedant y artifce ad con- taifi lot and maid thaI Teeruel and hîmmeli had trivanme thon il was a fraudulent acd and thry pLacdatnck on White. 1 tld hom 1 had hoenLJlnd for the deferdamt. If rot the plaintifflthould' cf tetrnick.thatTaitcl had gîven adeeidoal4Ftt ettléd ta recver 232 potnd 2 shillings I wh!Sh would stop Whit fiom building the race pne WaY." The jury retîred and afer an absece cof a fre tip his evidcnce Charles joncs lcsttfied. 'l was mninutes returned with a verdict ai Fraud l,< Bistedo's office. He tlid mew tlat White had against the flaintiif Mathias Teetzel. bcvn in the habit ai gougpng or ~hving lte mPle cn>wded Court Room in the new Court "eole ofthis place and that hc, or Morse we Hou,-fmrtle' noisily when the justice mirE tq shav.e Toctel. bul before he got titrougit wi!th . U TIvel/h in a Peries offact. aprnnhied .1? tc e VM what àl was ta b h aved." imsagi natiorn. ta reflecI Mil*on'paai Restarcls Sa. hore cttife te did not think any asistnce byJjackh CharEon and Aies Coaie. person's property could be intcrfeoda wilh by <Copyright Jo. j)"l 19a) DINNER SHOW Friday, June 23, 1989 at BAYRISCHER HOF FAMLY RSARN 324 Steele AveEnt, Mitton 878-1110. TICKET NO W.O-$L et the Restaurnor O«i a Reserve $19M9 DINNER AND SHOW.- weeli many poophrMle stonl me ai th=. YEsun= M~labfb Il sdMény laW a irl1n. Alter a cauraf.iau bttl John Caver mec rnnbed t tçno whici had be- dIa,- taad Jutl 1l2 yà Anavid bépobll fan.,h ly in ur bal tidI me aitit e wfbelntc t is mma wa.. lit gave his aIl wo the p-t and sl uppart Io hi lm w, tI teassonal. a hi$ tneetnenta contud7l IlIU made mtu aoft an He htl1ud taie is %m tee the final% and hwas awardmd theete inly hlm tenâmtes at oi anMUAI bafiquelt - Thtis ym4u altiasg weak a h vrai, Johfsifill mtir dup wo play hall Somn af us n- ON h) mai n heUne tum as John ClOves which was aur kmi, but esueey h er .sMaW hlm ~laywhilehewatlICud not ldp but ad«m lseiSina iiude. NaonaCould evIe luytht John w46i aquitter. itbehali of MIllo Meu', SIa-Pitch'laue.1 extcnd de=muîpathy la John% telle,0 bée and huira os lzstpu oita and Stven. John wilbtUln= by us &l, boh an tise WIe and off- ReIaD poice.ClovW., Third base wlll neyvo School fui) loir thianka merchante for helpl Oea, Edîlor Mautini Sireet School extends teirgratltude ta ail participellutg marchant. who danatmd gils and hclped ta make our mchaol fair à suc- cest on May 2. . 'FTle iollowing usaà listIo *i suprer Second Cup. Shoppers Drug Mart,.filon Blut el'nnt- ing, Milton Creezihouse, Quality Crus. Kartns Plawer .Sito, Superchoice, 'Tînt Horton's. Langisolme s Orchids N Jace. Prmates,. Corbetlls. Yellow Subriarine, McDonald'î. Harveys. Pizaa Diith. Coulter -Ufn Leane SUrriffl DOpi. \/V I "'t ML I -I Mulclclits Som. P-àpie Fadai, Guselcs, Vldeolickt A & P. belamymi Cina'$ I'azeria. IC.A, Zelim, Panhandlr. Tht -He&"ti Shopelut-atiuh.SIaO1mers. Bhahln à Robi>ns As You Ciow, Dant's, Mr.Chistie, Central Elerki 91 Main St. "c Siioppe, Loblaws, Maple Hill Tue Servkie Harris Stu- îlonary, Kentucky FrIi Citiclen. Haltait Outdaor'm Sltop. Johnsson à Joasoan. Koda- M. Y. Place mir an great aucces Dear Edjits 1 Thtis h just a name w thank tmt local busi- nesées for lteïr support of te Milton Youtit place, Pragrain whmch tol place an Sbturday June 3. Tht day wam a grut sus, and -the following. stores doaeted'valuable supplie% wchhelped Io nake it &Il possible: A&P. Caair'iCartettîs Sports. Ha-rris Sta- Hinr orne Hadwae 'ad' Sitauis ikt, and Ze!: was I would aIma 1u 4 th.nk TOi qmpou fur their coverage of and atteioin tu tIis actîvity It la through mucit community suport. thât these and alite sperial events air posîible Thanka Aguin!