* .. I The Ca NWU Offnfr Mmp Driof iMscln 1»U o»eW Contoing Manage Derait WOU Olanlion1ilManagar Tri m. Cams On"ic Manage TounieLita 2!4w3 NI _____________________________ ________________________ I nadian Cinpion Pwi..mdaUf> éicifun NM y 0eTo.itii EDITOIAL .-l~,~g g~VaItronei n.usa u AM<u.ac laaoa ionAug s.ww,ý liiiagw John amen 0eu .u &Mionstqutfe AOVNISIiG OblI Pelas. Pela Alen. Andréa Doi..teil h. iru 9 T>N . he t . Jauttal Horn. i WIuIsOidoviI Chtarles Pet. Suahuasa11111. O a ~ > ~ iiou iiSa>uUT da o.Le lyedla. Clés~fii ShWun Ceunstéroas, liOtNlOM »"Lsu.aÀTulnomua" W i~ 5. s gt of tn. @ans atic iWaVs- le lu O a cowmPUINmar M isiN. tom rwmia, june CooBana trnts*"nu aaAh~a> qigewi MuM" P. mm iitau. i.e~te ut mbrty in. aV Miiiiiii ,. m m net t e ~aie a fa. en a@W *00 MWMW1 i.M4 jfiaseball .deserves better ff oliitansamsuppbsed to reflect ltei will of tht people ~theyunisjed the boal Monday nlght. On uen ic lI councMdi lheredover the ."a-» rasâmenia n Dest Park. They voted to contint~ casting about fur solutiong 10 one of Muton's more pash recretional problenu- the teck ofe aIight d*a l dLmaýn d. And casting Mlcut is jiut what they wlll do.1 e D% CEt- didly. toton admnistrato« Roy Main admltted Mi1onlittle leerg in discussions to convince developers bo dedicate 10 acres for a lighted diamond sonnether in toton. Mr. IN4in 1810o b. applauded for séying publicly there are no such segotiations, despile indications to thecohtraty by lelsu'i services director Latty Azbic. Thi. choice of oi n M. Ar- bic's rejèort waici, sey.th.ieast. unfortunate. He "l "nhgotle- tlons," when whut'!oeally taking place are «dicuaubons. The difierence 1, important. li bureaucratoese oqgotiatbons happn tohiLni both sides have somethlng ta trade and ame es- sentially haggllng price. Discussions, at Ieest here. muan Mil- .ton is going out hat li hand, and hoping for the limai. Because osf the residential development freeze, the toton bas no sub- divison 'approvals ta trede for parks. AnM they won't for en In the meantime, vlsltistg temnis are treateti to, a poor =llin an unit park which offert smdts like methane gas. There are no waslioums, no changeraoms, not much of anythiaig except a nuediocr diamond'and a Iingening odour. Andi this 18 sup-ý poseti Io le Miltoais major basebaUl park M.iýny of Milton's tcams have been second to noma. None of Muiton's athletic facilities have been. BasebaUl peopke ail of whom are unpaid volunteers, know that. The message they got Monday was they'll haVe to live wltli it a tohil longer. But. if this ioo-dragging continues, we toonder haow much longer they wili chaos. to Lve with tihe current crop of politicaias? Violence hits home Romeamber thet statislic released almost e decade ago. in- dicating one ti 10 mn battered his spouse? Heres another stafistic which strikes a blow et femily violence - 15 per cent of ail murders 'in Caniqla ivolve btpsIands who, bave killeti itwi oues. There is no question victiats af family violence need protec- tion. Thse question 18. tohere can iIl be founti? Battedwo n anti theur chiltirca cati stay et Halton Women's Place - fer- Many womnen return to thcirabUeî, having notohere tIse to go. There's no affordable housiu oinly a smeatterbng af suli- sidiffd day care spaces andi fett4lbi tisat pay uaisklled toomen a decent wyage. In most case a toomans s s"irit 18 as broken as iser body, maklig the move toi start aneto Jie dificuIlt That's ffl tb say temporary shelters don't lielp these families They have proven their worth,* oiiering counsteing for the ywomen andi their kids, alon& toits basic physicel com forts. Tli problem faceti by those wlso use thèse sheltes là due lack of transition homeo there they cen stay for extendeti peulods, until suitable permanient homes cen be fouait. .. At thse annual meetiÎigof Halton Wousenm Place Iasit wteel. a caA went out foi a seoord shelter in Halton. Helton Women 9 Place 18 considered loci fer fSrn Burîington and Oak,4llie tai properlLp te neeat Usre. The leck of public transit lie- tspra ns munciplitles compoands thse proble. At a national forum on fiamy, violence bi Ottawa *etrdey Healtis Mli18ter Perrin Beatty ..ld the issue l8a hlgh priori toith the fedieral government. The Uslbl* . &i m= ters, long-termn residence andl mare bualment prfor offendeis would convince us tiseymr sincèr. Looking B ack, Obb- 9»8m TM mpwmdtw Milion nI oll rtnnOcoe fl.Iopit .00 w»M t LMVM UIL M~ = um va fom W# (r)Fac aho $@aDoedy wWel Rly Laie Dt-gl;(et)»i PbtnIiioMWw OM%* 1.»Pmc wnff;0)mhJhnye@ MMEis.JyeRbr Pe'- 6fhePai Omagli~ ~ ~ ~~~~%ir hil otu NU lt ia otat urlb d Moibalon l1a Octobard d9 it. agsi 1is WlUim a ptitie r ati erni a e p .la (ntr a .e satliamoià U alba, 0.001M MediaSid n Ma r edi n lan in.00 tulph; (anred o suh Nohleand Maonmo Mortion dus mha e ete thde k p lut . arlo n l iard bi>uit à 9 h n " v.pl. Ameeting o ourci ln does oart. Wd Pr Cko ui.J,.w S oe w ahdtMin WcouricilMlin l ti. hage u gwdnity muin ialca- 12tria oskaai. medium~ to denitywa morn v u l yin the oarftd or an u dtjuili aodrccid a l imen O ou plant. ng gerba Finvk and à Ar l etins a ofuiil the . bi% a teano in b das o lu ci. a M aw Io CS wm u waerOIOL awid w iwc Ua oc p ri bi t0 àia s ma n Wil o oLa csoouhw .nl theila Ds y od ni aJl.Adag u a oeiy nsl AMs - ~ Le 1onda -m dey donet dus apçusvs byo for baud fo land 12 arralvauni. qd-uàm housa ten , a . ri ii a ta aid ai les ya I, Min S . Pres i nme eo seatz on m i Ilhs maign a tal lan upkv et C&iiblUlielinth ait.: mmtt tii.ond mi ttu n wt a reu ti du hua.t in coimplol Q lt L eS ata pint i l u t a. ln er Hal tr %Wislur for& tii. totu CntnnalP 12i4lui blaui aL ii.fiiii.pows- frontl ti 1931 t hiioilil ditur e d tudi bly et hi ~74~uiUbaad OUli t Wa drçide aictii. ourn ryii t iaots th cu" ti0tean isiti i & sia nàslite Million o public: tSeolig ta ;11 fb.. ailais. l mfrn 1938 utit 1l h m mluu ai int d suen teh. U2Submb*onifta aflidevulopfa4bdw doa iTtdatar Towiuiip ptblic idicolà. p Pud _ _ _ _ _ _ ly su Nm 50 Vears-Ago Iii.oj W""L Ma eti ut)% hain, of Mm. Humýphruy mg r b. Ot udCaMmPsn watt planned ta b. What Agklw Par in Milan on iuly 1. 11w a2 AI bar piauau bot tg Milton on lune 10, lion Campbell RibaUM at.Iudi of Mr. aid Mm. Wm. 1. Rio~a1 basai. k oi f Eilmer Franklin Chuslilan ou cg Mtl. Leoaui W. Gilolioln d thie lai, Q2 hhlac 1.O.1 Na 2MS parade ta Crm Atulce Gimlijui.D 3 daibytlwC.rgiown laid. 12 mm F. C WIflma et IuSalpr ifwlhp, cIlroa iarUlihlalMa i I