li, il t' I I wuoem.DAWU ~WM~ SixMàPtAWMM 19 fi swiorctyaSM Wr Vielle l VIM flle b»saMle chartl L2O 00Cnex pud t SU 0 I ~- - I ZONER 0"A MSATM LTD. nAue are ou"t A mnagnmkent custim. buMl 5.400 sq. fil honte on a 1 acrelsze ptofossionalty larndscaped aelteng. This Il.roOm coufy-StyO ta" ï-' e rc~.e t"l home feat ures 5 bedrooma, 5 bathrooms, an ,ndoor pool. ýle -r'J0Z,4cc;1 ,Jated - '"E 4r' .-l cý athîIlpool aned 4 fireplaces. Ail rooms arb large and Si Mg 10 peofeaa"nali deoeretud. Thefe ae flumerous.aiher leatureCý Offored at 5849.000 For, appointment please call Asseait f. Sb4er RberlMAtuache*as 18-29-337. oacei- oet ,i es i gaf-4 c 'e ~- io*n Lai a lt'epa cI el I oL e iQG SMe*0 - AbsQ'uleIN~~a. ral ar1 5 bedmroom 4 pce 1 ce'anc lel jUNE DEIE7 842 'ý.2 ipage' cas 841,234D VIÏW ON CAILE 26 Paracse or. acoesi z~ 's ~cc ."cO9UNOOOO . leIrleI*dCCDP5 I aIluf UB.UO - à'cer'c.~ 'a, CI ifiil f lace f acr,f coo' -MEFN0Ld G 5E2rcagpee SYLV IA SUIMY UBlINO YOUA CALIL US FMA ANOOUGAT"O * APPAAISAL. AcULAMd*. bec .Omo 1 * mep~cWou 0ét "c bffl thà cly 8e e23U900 e i (nnpht1filI etcat 11 %u4« 90 MAIN ST. N. 8-f7I CAMPSELLVILLEI Q4T., 854-2276 lB Sp.ouIu ln Country Properte. 878-2020 24 HM Pager, m~ursa,.a. ./ -~ I s,! Çjsto' tu i beauly cI the vecage 01gw i%ormcr oy MMcd.tou" *K UIo .IiTmHU aval CamnpbelIV,.e. b)oests taîhedri ce'lingas, tom ea ='rU, zmaca~r a r~i~a sM4ilg49î 3 be'acor's. 3 bathroom c:c rg.C sq f bwvm muavaco ecwo plo MM ve,'ra"maaud bolt. MaieO y" bft coffiibl O r ~ Ueitul aèM =3,btIooirre _ tg a ir.e *@ csbl ool. *ahl 11«, Io c 911:11111 1:111111r aMe 2a a Ue ofIc Me ets sorifem -1: larer -e MW .. ar ., OPc w'M aftter locations of the yeaf.Aakng MuMreorramWeur M-aea MUw. Id l er ero 53*90000.Cou DuAM. «W N« v830000 la, mn UM - 670 54fl 0te 4e 1 acrp h 1111149 ai -41ec Cerec.'o coryouG A.lcai 2 iitie toi401. 25 rrw* fa a=u 2eac waurçr mm torm .20 e - e 9011a11r haumpd bucil c«i*we two ««W.e 3.C0 2 1leccmG OT bih Sure pOWs tgIçrr eoq Ci *.w t Mot s..-ewf l rvtpCl9w 2 =4000 à" a- OODU OUNUUTV POMCJf maU FMKU ti orne aeta IMM f W Ais ew àu twm cfwll m ui Ai oe ludeeca Iccaled.i thf e toureat hemt on à~ 1<Utd V a"l lo1 eIg0 4 un 5.20 l em ci x 2» .-i, l ~ î~'a-hle eMFU caAMn a recho fi IMII' 3 borla' 09. 40 au A. 0*$. ne4 !Mt#fthérge in prestigioui m et a la erge. » W boe y wiy 61114411111 lea ot rsaIlurd. M WO 0** t on "; *mrth àadle. rg mftleahque 1h09 buséfesa ilus à fiI ow o0 idrn mdt bemooOdot celnO fiIIIUM a u it mu a-nt fw uD or ow1 emd elig.FOr choied leur mu Ouduo tils lut eu P~ e brugrtl -u ésmn OMM4 opàc@me Dun. DOl mill gInté eoctwf. Askng FAR" FOR R«M4T lîe@ 4, peroo r. 2 remiîy Of single etadannic rée Wm on' 50 acrea ln9 >f mofsaw Racewey :eetumg a 24.lSI barn att' logO atorege I via tack( rni o Dainr tra 7 additiorta elaw Bomaté,. 3eddoclfe end 1/2 mnl My*, tge". cm lw br more debaels Imm~~ IO A L IDI UU O* ewno h um %zewlNa U- <Eau M~quW is a, e4* cucfi ~ au lhceh e m. 8320,cala Jamis eied e *333-1900 R A . 1