v. I~t~ - v 4. I 2 toués ta T~ro1O, Sl4liffrl~tl~t si~*ng - acCeW a toclidUa oet Trmnt kwn ExediNit si '0 - e.s. *éa $0 " ~'l 3 PC uMy » m - R 14.ati.r,. 1a bi*" fi sel Pst, 6W. i S*70 sl.syR 3 a~ ..e e'uB e . gmulet em.4 om« mv.., m* .It CO »OSIAi Udo èm P léMe -à eSt OW- jet. es 8101 et à~fs ouàmeSkt Coe i OMM N;&3IE TO lefi o We l déJlu NIIO lit Wé w* t. m omWl. W ~is,é.. la,. G'u ip-e., bo. enlét ue .'a 3 bb~ MAY 0.'.ut.. ,; OUée., un .t l= i t i dwC 0 ed u M 1. b, B StolM u ,.ig 0 ,al ae totios liei ît-ôo A-§ et14 Cao 8144wi éue W l Aoi 5 111110til SALI i.A M zet Reml Sil 2 y I nmM AiuWM~ IA La10v ou éd bWeIL f On ? 8711 rIéei.U a u Heatho g ACMMndColgPdct Get the Advahced. Home Comfort package that beat-s the heatpumP - tseason. le>s a naturaigU. HîgMh4ficielcy1urflSC6 cental air-conditi6ffiflg package and its tops Wi performance, dpend ,anyd ëonY.à .with ups 19% fu«effiCetIcy, îh gf iciency turnace combined wilh central air provides comploes comforl ail year long - and you car pey WO your new-touii comfort with low maont)iy paymerits, on yçrur gias billP*. We've got the package thut stufpt tie pump. Shouldnit you have it? Ciii us today. GUS MOWBRAY LTD. ýAR CONDITIONING ,AS & CIL INSTALL.ATION à SERVICE 451 ManSi E" 1,14ner Ont, Ltt'3 Phone 87&-2381 I- q.Wi.W S m euW a poafial'? C4,6W. dut.iOIiL !00. e~ 9.- ~ l. Pm~ "0; W1 110 d"o4hl* bu»- .$11*0 #W M-111 i" M 11W0 s Ifi Ilt ta1w, mmo an lista ~ li UlNlo8w d w<w ia 11111W ' N. a~nd splîr« tutb îanbiidy liepipt em. lis u lIe&tt for a fws laily $Upp«e or ffluai party. Thwy tale minutes là coekIIndta»is, inVCd with f-b, 4; ar~ snow Pois. foit and tuky, kaiok and lte tertifi wltb wedge of seasonaI.rnit amd vugt'ubic dd. * Howsn orange A siple tiàa<I lénàd,,r aex- Ot1c fk1a o d te nde tûcculenoe lu aàn intexpensivi iamb shouMl4e. Thei kabobe a1séPiocà terriki wlth wedgi'a OLuoi al utA onbed of Oranp vielked teitit bts of' coriuiidqflf parskry. ~ 11 Ili, 750 am)>New Ze&imfd * 3nectkines Spnng L.amb gilOulder. biih (in defroSled; 1 sweil raidor I.1/4 cLIp (50 mi) hiia suc e;; Dlqd mT Sllbip (sI) arage. fnd. IW-i hto or0nc iygr0,&": .. suail bow. t *14 ( 50 MI) if or" -s ange ôNn I *Ibep (15 mil tr.s eR40ai. hîyCo' e lotO.2 bots. Uugso.~ 14018 t« off WKJlu riui wett ta W tm Ut lm mNm " boit met se ablee illo 110 l.e *Cetea -ti m..t.i* le *14,qI* t'O.u ~ - - l si.. - Attention Ail Ladies!' -ta te'off your Sumimer I . wth a lghtet the V KALTON COUNTYCU 9 - -H» Î C Wý0ÜN TR Y GL U B Sth Lin* Mad CampbeSvll e Rd. Col 878y 67'Iv.- mnced; om tvmpcrsturç about 43 rpsachuaor com ir ts .oebab-î5 ies g nitesevp - Marinades, tid '9tun pper;. Lamb, fri dp~ptpiomsiUt- ri anid cii limb fitteiyOitoili' iha ,kewere, 2_5 cm) eubes. lat PIaoeon c ,t,>ic =;Il four- ir logethet Itoisin imis (Io cm) n>Il otC04l%OiD rind. orange .lu& ,wtdium hiàh to higit ssnî/4, Cfil an td lhiiAdd tfo cuglit W 10 minut-, urkn mi Sr genly ta eut o 'tand bNsitutil wlthirore muid refigerata at Mérmnade- oro"f>glit. ui.' Mkes four srvinis . - . wlth a CHIPPEDL N;iht' Dinner 7:30 ($6.00O) Show tars9..00 ..($6.00) Wedlnes(Iay, June 21, 1989 Make Yoi., * e YReservaBtio'iS Éarfy. Gama MonSf Woiçofl Dancing unescfted Èfter 11 p.m.