miWs wqv roi FHendiellon, cWiat aêOff thtse o ory - <' F lag ti )kr ff m o ti Football il lia cone to thse attenionof cliv l- a nC»= cou fl [ F'j~ J M itsontbe !:osin Chat MiltonHA liai ptr Tor Mieo tfmns Atlanta, Belgradie, Mancliestier and Me-. hockY Prines white ýWarn e bature for lie rigli±ta ic old lie 191 Chlclimn il in cliargt.oftht equi- OlYMPteS . MF fitai osentç at liai place. GaryiaKen- In lact, i' FLpretàdent Gary nedy lia% aVSud ta liold aIl the LeCsnickt and the "gue exotre swtmmmng contests. thaugli dmvlng is ho li are spearheiadint the wholo il a problein tu, i solyrd, ) perêtton -- wimli the 0iI approval J.M. It sounds like vou'vo dunt and backing off Milton tawn counicil, your liomework. Heme mn an exclusive (and merctfuflv G.U Tlanks3 ta the lielp of flarinc short> interiew sanie off thé majot MFR. great. Ion Sua,tm we wenc aMe * paints are dtscusW tu gem the tnfiide %coup at the Social f.M.: CGar, 1 mnust Fint commend 9lymFtc and hi tcouting reoti* you on thts bold endtavaur, vary ilnorugli. hoeser, l'mi %urc moait Milmanians J.M. But wliy the MFPL italve- are canicerncd wîtli the iax dollars men nxsicd ta lwsd thiý Games4 G.L-- Weil, as, artyono #nt,% Wut G.L- Taxpayers shouldnt warry. lcagmie à% *gilted wîth- sanie of thse The beauty off tht' plan is that certain' 'world" bt atlk'mS and wliat better MFF1. player wtt> lic donammng their ihiawca* uiait thc,O)lympics. mme and their reidenaes for, the f.M. AN a parting not, av e vou gater cause, For cîtample. Marc U- a*n;dp"-ame tavourites from the *Feur %sll lic hosting ail the fieldi MFtowiengold' .du M. presei à nad-k Ju 1ne 19- 25,G'ien AbI ".1 foqr.OlympjcGaMes? CIL.- litre mmn winn, in. my Si-po n >fdL~ ittslaq hgm mino art: Kem Gomumifat n liorb odi 4znat nafrow th m hm bu uiUpTi ik wemltltfîn& erne Mîklet i .Son rtm wet o ok 'ela -pliait a -'e ontly rib"itcanse u7o niutbn Kins 1mlo mal Mt? i elb. tand ntmlxly ,»a. h~oloe ttu off an o tmcep lte broa lm. oal od on the. tleUg point Afte tien âam a twol.oinm convfrt to ar AslMs~33 but alsoý piclmtd e à> single (and Ohe. Rmed r on o h-hghit wlin ýmarg I) on the muing wat jpkef, iy reup 11gre YICWOOS U~I 3 kiciafi. andy lelgltlom, and a pair liv PTmamach ham a Itr meN.'ya afjl uo Io 1* mkk .thing mo maite lt your daci. f for the miow solhdly-emttrchoi- bi e'a arly. 15-parint lud> tl 'iC1PU idond-place Travellers. Rob Scott Reallotq à a iant CDnhelb i For rii *verl-m-to, mSHcr'iilb lIhad a stv o rn e m as lie tharw Motarme and fat mnsutei noiCýW mhry liad t overcame two touchdown Oâa>go iomimnit: -pmr *by me/Max pivots Kevî premdn à ?fpr . To dfate, noa MFFL Brian Furre and Hector Campbtell. gasmanîd jmmySmmsn . t imn mpglar waaban play lia* lrwin lbuck. afier, last wrek'% ptwrfet 11b ,art, t/Mas went. *wi h olvad -Tlie* Dieken% puzzle and a;Ide r1bCk tts the lague riand- *Simpm.an mn the qtarmtbacking %pot Ilerî lew squads éver win wliei an d g n~j nre conter- and lic was linilimant a% lit connectid the are nmrpted m ,e snw Ricli lea and- lierto with I'tcndergast and Warren Jhegameond itofbîacon-, Campbel1lauded the caues'îmlinter- Churliman for Iaurchdow-is, mkW trove!iy a% th ere"would not «pitons lwo conssrts ansliad a pîînt single sow the_,Dmckens quarterbackîng PS It lts conte toi its' attetion.1 Haw~wr Yopkwaod Q km tandem, off John Grochot and Ray owe bmljn.pbvct John (.rcw hota *Coodings finally anwermd the benl Dilegard, tai use lher non-official bm,_ Stv Martin-like. "Fxcuuî.m mn the w.moand hait as fie stornmst Wilon football imstd tif the MFFI. ni.!" al lic IN-a% mhequavtrty k m rback mo pmrrfomm saine of fls owii sanctvonediJV-5 football. _ýrecord, bhi lufne i4uh siltorn tnugmc He fired gwo mauchdowi pas- Apfantly ihis actlic wor"d for ome Fat ;d' s1es mMieS onad major amnd mhe Trawkirs, ioweve Rmsairan- Moton Pool 41 a pamr off mwopot'cnvetts toP tolur meever Bryoin Mcrhail dfdn'm a rndsI Crvigliton nonessanily agveFan.i0 's1 B>jm wthl imeë inntig out, sais'- '%Wecould've u"e a. Nerf týland Îlalmon Pool, ndirig mhe ai-t of armed I'msnderrgast <ubbed for siml loi we were that, brutal," bc rolesmt ywaar wînrîrL %treik li moved f rom oui t ofthýtimei ofl the jnfL motý it.îth 40 They-dmd mt wtti t'h a uid litvT, %ive and dt-eerisiv atî tN beylai tlitrec 't tetf i tUchd,sn' aInd a huheicrea eth *For Fat rvd'. BMkikrd under pis' -ute all I' tikJl Ltd n o rl Lrack thunerînjatn drnce ntsthe - fFaners~ Dan PWcManu,,K nUen antd PteD alin ire~hpp 10inJ msimh a %"tt"sful etr point Meanwileî. the Pool Pl'u.plv wcv ruvidvd witli kes' dete-nsie geins in~ nmrke tâe S 'inds% piçkdtt ot a .p e Ktn4y ollentrg .elx poltrîts 4 SwertLnd fumb vtmv tr bey Golf Club, Oakvllle men'tî atnlai s * -mn a lie plvdborrils a% Carey Chn<ý Bflaek. itd tsct tri - - Laitsv Beaul \1aMcÇ l tMws goad on 'i.,011 ~nvc*u.,njt- tempetea!ct Your <u.Irwln), - t? M.' vXc v N cm, Faldo t.,id i.' j;~ s Corporuts-Arport Wffdings-Formuls Lipcoln Limousines litSedns 847-6535 Lfe t us effec t YOu Golfs Champions Return "it vi bi 1 ile fin GIpfl AbbOy. Tcemtit .rr stacted i The wçnlO s grealesl players Sil stores. antd GoiiHoàse superb golf course Tradition Atttev Or C-ai l41611842430 prestige and greal pre morsey >former Open chamnpions Greg kVsa or MastleýCarct OakIole The 1 989 Canadan Opttn Golf Norman, Bauce.Lietzke. Lep <treraI. bet eeQ the Oaile Champibn's>ip has. i ail Wonld- Trevimo, stars lilu8 Bon Cfrshtaw. and eten Abttey class p4àyers ike' 1989 MarîIecs Cratg Stadir,.Joey Stnidelar. Mark champion Niclu Fqldo. and Curtis McCumb»r, Nicit, rice. Isao Aoki. n~amou of * Strange. 1988s ieadîngmaniey ea a,.,c.seeJns maltsrip no wtnnier and lwo-tirme Canadian Jahnnry Miller and mfore cf.k tiiai, lal lmtlngs 015en Ch'ampion, * The SOtti Canaosan Open Olfers, <UW ft emn Ipgchas ddfeltding chami- 1521 S.QW and ihe dIuM4urtèr LUdI. piln Kn rde lo tf tvw s Tropfly to the winner. Do«it miss.. shf f$12mlio nS Wd the XCélmt!l' f Gien Sanld use tfansi wiî Go Station Conductsed tri tIie RoWa Ca.wdiàn GofÂaolt 1