Re rihed Rotaryl kpo Wle keep you cool this, unm.r-erI The 1 lt'yPr hc iituaeoi~9ia titirti %Wei tIR VoLa1 (ai Wl &V at~rite oz ofi% la ad nete menswiR ir bn-rgaran flb.ý«wv lJba 4,l ai ing hn eani i the (gi-nI h nk o mn 'un . ESTHER CAww w 18 amI na duriniai amdi aui wua o atal tacilet M lin es MW an 8 ýt- tu mO..' ftDU$ à nwitir w n rubx pavdevwatt additlonal snkera' unv arxd heint hawlwan tr.PZr ~ .,on 11 ,t'(an11> wrtr .rc U.rt can cdxm l enre Immi 4 - 1" r .' b 'r bnc ilanidie rtcurd* wilh 'lie ol air pSi<) unu ýC b.- pvtmnadîn bcI itep. At any ont m C tu ?f maud > erktata'n thir mur.l liti tepi rt'y xIM' tan hîld 3M poeuple The ront k.kf milie ai nam en F xJv, urw'k>frtii 12 uat,911 1,1 hîghlv lîfltd na n.inc1y Rotaryf Park. fite tirat tir tmolup pl m . 'nucan att traîned ~ ~ ~ ntertairnlcft and amuwonitt AI- mv ccu damce ruý ýrt je the' .ertm -0 timbrte b y surinnt tôùgh <or*% of tite nchdule of SIx 'l _54y t-y ctan p i. qý"ý-ai The a.a>amdaîlyuttepubbk "'.t m tt tieanailébfr atyou etfteri 1 a. ,no làt v r ian . Or,à i the a <ai. and m-ig wil ltotarark un ttceSaturda,Crt'n a, [ chrrdlre tally mmrns urne, n pnm'.w t Whal'Iaft stiles<' "~~~> wead.Tuddlcnatan tpLaisbtuthe At Pul.IIde, mcool 0 % thi mà a t~' J" %viding tou ai nio chtarge. AJut frre nwamh ia drve toi p.'iiIttib tulx lu y il L)ropn pra.g arn.% l.i:i ruai Mtay 4l.. want t>la adaîdg' i e OJtan Cif w< arurid in titi throygh Au,1ui *;thrtuaa the wn layraloflhour %W un. Wadî.faut"tanks t) Mlr Bubll pn.agramt mum ri s'.Iat. r Stuen ad éuls aysi-5O* ThelinPbc Librar tutU lie Tp%. kwW+.r wih aurt;mt f cildena 12 years Md under> ia 1"a an art corur the kid- thrujhout itw, wurarnar Lake Frai %vrille thq limnly ratae is $4. Surnertr antd & %anAiuI' n udl'be tclamg I*nd% fro uity uv11.!tivjour 1a' $M:> fur adui; and niodentt %tire about dîrmonaur'. andl drago'ns on juiv th.. Iljrtnaurtitmn,! a i "g à anl58fur chtiUren inly bc, pur-. for al theîmîlylurm'iy Bhtaesim-nu twt>hourriýuan Au. Z.tuDilth citdtea i the IeA.rr rnt.x. Pi t, iun g alter a 6.h'pana for Fteniinal on AIag il. araj t%a.wt lie. Dpr -t -Yoýumg îngk't. Analbak fil poulrtrin. (and thC.a. O.t p% tut oni Lnsrrel eei 9744 denmtrd #the thpctif ti8MU ( incpt" 14-IK AUl totr' frait bc balai - 7211, ei mmon 194 tuo' pool tomn, or t'y theItf lliiita' m iflitti'. an, aJ%"te (vv'U '1a'ta %.lfl trier tu 1Or torya o the tf on ely,-at h 19M bi8 Fi8o roegAýi- em am WAWN -ner kfti -ilion Guide' Quti a woil Fit mdrtm Co ith li t . For thl w'ut yîiu Wuho natuld îX, . bar.. w il 'on ba= itu tell vcu abouut Cor1lm i 1h Pt Single-handea sculpt'ur 9 me lift-prd, neana. ouia~n p, 1. Mitu'll Fair TK- MitnInL bin- NI,ýt, Arm iraaathe Caad WldWa.r KangWi on crnt-.Mmt will itaa,a nktrmi' Lci.un. ýxr..,[X;l airn i Whai ~ ~ ~ @ DIiUy pur- ClB mn ilhm ~ 'Irimptiii Auguul 17-19 andl 'nint ltin un it n'l in the cuammunilv %nin'crag Irtu S,ý.rajv in t. -m hwffOni itil or sCilliog balloo "frelte ti tun kld I Ne vlsunort th.e ;0 .tril cumpe in the. The local ArîhitueturJI Canunda- canner>' cmo heeteci We ihI m the lrItstioi Uug.m aranuil aiÉ af.g.rd Charn' thInr Adn-a'orv (*.mritier' (LACAC) Corii ur, on 1,;'b a it, ic C, ;j klpOmflAie hek l, ooontlgit gaglc event Thei doWutofl phnhii haisrl.nnad a htentaga' ntiia mdlte laiginn 1&asn l'r [ o~ Arr dalaSoimd biloei a padbM al Moti lte evéia> iul fu'a.r. the, ofa'~.r N11i . M iai inrarli Sa mcmv 'nuil be oft- 21', the N M.itai r% r(,,,i fering guidai, hturý.'l. 'nalkini çhatora rd ht ra Vi>rn' w ougitrtii i the mna.îm a". pi an L)rum Il.aradý l! n gWtor t oiteraaa ain tt.'nî'nar ami ps ur iad l t;rî"tt.a' TM Âit ru ir ail ý,iunirv. bluràrann haurI lXUtio rgý t i LIES Ou por w ia the audience cmt'ic à 1-liaa, f;î i