j~ The 11ShaRm,oh flIL eau - ua -M 17M î r b, véIM leat LasK W*ap Cluuta aauC m . hs IMB J Wo bs orerihts--Lookingz Back smokers or nonsssmokers * Whatit hm cone down toin the miris of nny people is who has more vighta, smkers or non-smokers? The samokeriNil ay their oppontents do. Becàu»e« Lt as the irnokers who are facing tpe sharp end ofi new leeilatlon acrosi the continent concerning smnokin. Their habit is bein LUI t3tled, Cut uff. Jieimpsau. .tucu3, U.Fé. %,y more peopl. Even an enthusiast such as municipal councilfor Bruce At- tamnbaomgh, fed. smoking rnay go the way of the dodo bisd before the next decade expire. In the meantifme, councillor Attenborough wilI fight the gcood fight. Monday nlght at council's general committet meeting he wmârne againat sacrificîng the nights of limaii busi- ne&&s operatoru before tht altar of non- srnoker's rlghts. We have smre sympathy for Mr. Attenborough anM thime hW hîm. W.; are painfully aware ai what an -easy smoking can be, especially i pemre-orlented work env ments. And ulatil r ece. t years a cigarette or even cigar alter dinner was the nrrn. not the excception. Mr. Attenborough la correct'to disdaafit %orne elements of »ilton 's propoaad new no>-smioking bylaw, if we can cali Lt that, It hardly mnakaS sense ta designate one thihd of a &MUt 30setuMwn non-smoking. at leaist as far as creature corn- forts go. Unfortunately. theWes a bigger prlnciple at stake here. hI ar swep *8~ a oawimi #@MW U. h111111111111 ab .i lm conduit Laisew la atl a a similar ta, the often-damned governrnent progrants advocratins th, - A-M Ui momw us.'la j. ma,,. l» lm" 'pts :atblmr latialit. msera A. mnînornty group hirlng policies. or pireierrud advancewnent for MI Om y Plaaare w -ow In lO. -Won"t. I tht best ai ail worids, such palicies vwould not b. fir. But ta enfarce thern hs an admision this is not the best of ail pos- sible worlds, and a previaus wrong mnust b. made right Pages of the Past I thé best ai aIl worlds, discrimination agains t wornen anax minorities would flot exist. And smokers would be free ta pufi away because precious fewý normal people would smoke gi ven the health bazarda, Smoking wvould be anon-lssue. We mnay cornte ta that point sme day. We have already com ta the point wherep'ust about atu' smnoker wiIl admit it hs a dis, tasteful habit, which hs peribous1y close ta adrnlttlng hl hsa s&- cial embarrasaient. A sirnilar case hs tht ont ai the spitoon. Now mereb curtausities i musaunis, thtse- were once comrnonplace con. venienctlenu for gentlemen ta expectorate in. Such b.' Iayj4ùg-wmUl bc- conladt aI Jpai abi»Monable. pertapu eccentriç today *Ur-tu we mach mach a stage'yith smoking, unfortunately, soergtthe riglits of the rninorttylsrnokers) wll b. cur. talled. Murs a fact of W1e. The milit diaeteful put of au d lýhowevp, la tht lfvoir wtl which certai etretists embrace midi new rules fiter, are many amiolig thern who Pli croi about-bafths won. lluy ie corspicuous i duat Ù l obvlo"lh.y conat ote kms about teriglits of odienas long as they get Verway ' One Vear Ago v1 Po th e»1, IMfuti * J The mat popular wat.rfroat attraction in the Milton lima wîI postait wlthsigne asllng the public they awm at tkaclr own rlWc The Halta. mgiai h"ath unit postail Kelso Conservation Are& wadl the placards achen tua *much (mtal chiorolana bactena wau touai n the water. J Alaormer >m mmaniait CESweden *itbd istlt ta take part intu Oficiai * v CM Caad Hosvy Truck's aew natioalq mn. Maltoa. J Former Milton inident ai respoct.t distance sacia- mer Kimt Midittn aaaaaawaoed ahe would àtaap *doubli.aoalngqLaW Erk in Augst AUt proo sfn *the 55-kmn taitcalled %lwm iti, Kim" tnt, sia ta tbt dm" aiDk aMtis etach. %à1 Lusamasj Coloisl L W. Cu"ahlpnaw the, toral army cadet corpse u ai o Tosasil Sportsa m and ak part in handh u t sai mof the &wau&. &tm Ta"i, @Wiea w te bt eda owad aM t6m ftâai. oflicer sacar. 20 Vears Ago a Local mappuain, ci ths Caliirea" ap e is MlM. Rie ai ai. MQZn 'um&;ans = M-w saffpoma ai§Y 110111111 a"a. Woa à-t the Pud Je&uh pana and a p<apaa.d budget Va,, appaoved Wo tii adlof CE amSmou c eatri ad etMatin si staiorPublicShudlThwaday bt)w>aa o Educatbon The resource centie wauld lb atae betwm, thet wa pint wlags af the cheL. whlch inorpûrat the in- dusial arts and haone eonomics sectian. Eimatad tatal coas of the project le S66,000. wîth constnictanta- timatasl ai $11000 lad aberatins ta thexsigbidn U Lads t RttlmkePoint and Kelic wcoe bing bdybueacoeding toa fHaltur Region Conservation Au" fcdmrgr A motorcyc gang was said ta liediurbing cub outa and girl guide groupa camMina the am. The Mmloe appazentiy manai ther machines a&l around the "mmacra MWti arly dawu. Both Ol'P am Forin iti police agi etage a major crackdowni n 50 Vears Ago Q J. W. Uaia. kt",$ MWi CEmcat anamgmai "ha t tuadw a quaatly ofEw hmn lue a Camaiua Mmi Cans Socit luie dliaibuésdIo asy hemba a2 ut. LOI. bill m2 ,aaa m de Gren Aom hw.a mii by tht CU.optm à"i by Mima iydi mikl b l bu etauhi qi moileri m byhimJWF& Se wn a flwhuMp aYk"eNM' 1 %.- un dm t lm li