Scienïces 1keySo job Market Iy KAUN SMITH jNu athatac - uv gaudby. tu Tht' w ai de 10 Ipria heiedm j a a"fCwT a~lfltea wmaf de Malêtiai baba9 dama Thfle aMprae Cf mathematacs. scmwne anid tt«hrakW i tu or- RoI tasmu gix» mate punen Ah. wela, so edang ,aelemua, gifil I mm Auuto M n LDoyata sarol- - aaweff an buasanes and iliultr Thaar câaem rangad frçwtai artaaaa pilot an arcaaal. enfater, gÉealOOtu. modical du"o and. palatacain Dr -Angelaka Koeta, 4 chinra'praraf, tiançauô àaivogf ait Harmofa anad * rMKRudyk. a pha'.aaa "ft r:Zk~~peioe Wcaadv Vr m.tViaN. d, Mda etahe Ealual Qp- Qntnav Gitre ai . heV40ô Culleg. aeuplainedt h., changan& Groups cash in Wuooe MU111 WaY Mbaeulolrl ipem 14 fil wMM MW peap lm~ "y feoudfufl W y a% 111111100 hoeloe 111 8000111 WQiid »W ~sIMds d, cm a a MW o .00W,111 ~ i a* y b ê1mon Play heritagehunt on Canada.Da A HZuSiag Hunt for vaua to a.Rcarv Park "Jl be M*lon la a-eWad *~.WUa held andi Day. Ofte an awhâvltwaàl hemwaha bMe lors!ed a quel IlVVIWIIç for ties wilh a ioe hmeUd W tIY Offemf by ah. Lncal Archataural Conservation Ad- non matieb answoea band on. anformatto avilable Visit Us lof dOlils. vasory Commue (LACAC) ani MaltWn the pin. ai open sorneiue in the bcWlirag Coinphd gane sheets wali FO "VO RA TOwID tn waah à Mananum cf awo pan$ttdonti. ie <ateS ani a ârow FOR AiL YOUfi A TO NEEOS Pre f m aawattb. avalbt& LACAC boh A apsWuiamano ,ath caa.gcrvwai be ôailabfc fo bit"-$ AUTO RUPAURS b.tween 1 and 4 p.m. Pm*pa wall stch Mor ar- aimu ath ail pa=a~pantsa17yeàrsoli.por kmi du~.P.1*?S~Ba.1 7 5fl aatetura ftuurn bu=digi ait ata fewjnaawte LACAC et a volaintm commetm apouttaad by town ~~~ - ~ ~ ci walfalafer -- nmal to .dvame ona num of aict hentage an Immii IWf ua.acaa~earn . usun.a L ~~JJppto4t <. S 318 Lawn & Garden Tractor w/Tilt Dump and Vaghts Whether you've got taii. lush lawns or dry grass to mw, John Qeere's tilt dbnp hops to il on most 300 and 400 Senes tractors and ollects the clippinnp for you..lts *arnable speed fan adjusts to grass density and moisture, Sa you can Specil up or slow down depeiiding on the conditions. And to make things even easàîer, its large 13-bushel hopper empties clippinis right from the drwver's seat. AD you have to do is release tle door and the unit tilts, empt) ing the contents. Whatýver your mowrng conditions, the John Deere tit dump can handle i.Gtoetoday. Nothing Ruis LAwo a Doere' o 'LAW NAN QÇCAR DEN 'EQUIPM EN3 GENýTR E Div. of Parusson Holding Ltd. 400 STEELES AVE. MILTON A 878-8121 n**,..a***STATS IfDAY lB I SnSTB NODILSUM l 10s EU IIM S..J PU AEEI roi"s ci wcuwnf an ahe mark force Pflwyuudkau twa bayliamuu fil #a adpt randed thsopg fiid a 01101t aue aay-uore An advacat of afjataia adan and effl W amon. #4ninta fat "aan ma la pu""5 *me-. îm wca.faly ad %wanly for thaw luttâtes. 51W Uad six out cai 10 wvoirin wUlh = ,d ca cbadmn am womrk otubad ve"k. aom waan maa 62 cmntt lat Malle %M tiea p.maae yoaulf tor à lot wCth à gamd financaal reward tulanda pot!d hiafykr. ahi The %aadetit leana about trada- tilulan d non-tradataaaul caminsi avadable tu wmn. a.m aiapm ais afuapritt tu faaawe caw op- Matlwnatc%, payir,%.a nd chmrni crdats ame agailtired fam handmids of professions, Mn, Venradaa lat advoe fer andlte waibaitaMUaUonvW Nu pmr gie of the à rtertere or nowry - -nm...y