1H aJRTAlrS RISINO.* The bas, 3 b 0 f of'U éfw5u a cmO Ijo. of -us8 dnom 6-0 iu9otaev luf* -all b convenre 8~ 01 vde b0? Il00 a08 poo on,. if no0f ,0001f yorS*ifi 0ý lm* bliaut'f. iI Pote -,bb eti 82U 9M04a 0'&fnTArG 14-Ill2% DO YOIJ OUAUFV *ASSUMASI.E TOWNHOISE , 1 ' sis toow puoaxop C (Il'6111 lIV ff0 fone blV" 3 b*;n, 4 2 2 wtIN 148 no pu M C'e q0 & gw*p tM Cif? ISI- hm Y01W .iém JoO i9Pu», 0618 IfS IlWllf f0.W o 000' f0,00 foI . oý o bo o w i ui Mm 81 f -l-6 6 T*0wG'-'fS Te, 826M 119149 JOH14. 874-7G71 8784M1 875-1630 878-UN .SOM LNCEIT MOT. SOM! LIKE UT COIL. Eopy f00 If of 00.M In fff. -91 ve Ig 009 CelMý le, C0000000 ., our an00 1r00r", wwfyB a "" (day on 0 f el bock " g~ trdrci Ifus ét, tu à couple of Vu ouo 90 feile o'. f lifs af'oldebi. f0"' y nome* BY./ 1 'oI'f fuo GO?' Ci f. J 100U, 4 No Bf«de o, -AIL TIS CAtI RE VOUAS 10,0. bsOOoe'. Mo WIIfVI00f. sloISl ai " 'Cao'. fw"r, 1fffgom wIO0? tff fplace bon, f511?M£040'9 &242,51M000 Cali'c~ -u SEE YOU AT 260 WOODWARD AVENUE SUNDAY JUNE lm IT 114 0IIw ou andV - ru MU CO a «M M0*É -w yowU Nue 0,ol 124*0 CEltb dI'Iffl 8 *V11,32 . PEA.CE AND TRANOUILITY This beat4ltul 5 acre oasijs Jefies comparison, As ýf transplarled in Milton lrorn aur beauf-;fui flortr counltry il f1i s ne witfl awe !t, ne liq, pankiike atrnozpfhere and, malure. Irees conte,,! the best provincial par<s The ideairlomspewû for Mnal JUST REDUCED INVESTORS-SELOW &NANKET VALUE bustie, Availableè for $284.900. CO~~~~~~~~~~~~5 9ý 0 wPww-elO nbbW3TIoo.fI 3 900f 00,N 00001 Oo'oee f, Porter. fo * h,0 0'0000W f00iy fbO 0 40 0S0m f ,PI f.d i, .f- iii Srl 52 500 'Ce',. o0 ' ri f,0 b5eet4I, 09 -M gr190 Iý.I t0 I f.oC. 1nV0 0 futy lerc.1 4 2 bai? CO 8Q 9 AM fol Shii CM M keth5 CM&*d.Io KU INDtJSTRIAL LOT* IsUTILLOS-L Services are lot side. allows, 66% Full>i serv'cwx industriad part< witfl corage and outside storage. 130 4excellent aCess Io 401 1) Half x 360 - 142 acres. 25 minutes *acre 90 Il 40 $275,000 M f nort¶ ofMilton, Cal A{yGulley or Zoflîng 2) 1 ac 181x24 Gheryt Gray for more irfialrmation $450.000 M 1 Zanaig Can Ladwne M-9076 Gr0en o0r diietaIs, WALK TO SCHOOLS AND PARK M93 . ? y fi? ; = op t 0 0' U ff. If0 bqd31,0, <OOý Uf4V~qfW Owy S'52Ki M 40o 'lsr." clini V-90K AAA A GREAT STARTI 'ho 3 bd-o foorOUr.. a a, @na unst' ..I 'SUPER SENi 1,,JUST LISTED S0U0U0 à b'051 M In5IU ~ .000 cb.Um Il 73 900 00 ays l .'g. l' '9f 10.0 3l ymio*41 about fifi Ioa*1Y 3 00,'î@o' ff00p-sfnd l' » a1 O ý«*I én D01S W*hOd w01ooO -- lùle .ufc xo uw'oo 4.2 51f09 51 e B.u' fuiry fmnod th- MU 14o f.efUi Qu 0gf e f . 1 I f2 e. 0 " »..1 adWr - - Cno lqa% "a* âW 1 $o 90 A&4 ico Sro9e " à ilv fli9 4 Anr 0*do fl i w0000' 51' %floOf taou ni, "oMf 'la0'Wa, pwff CW 1111-944 D" 815ulSSf 56m fi 1 DM ddison '9134 oeil Davl* Yvone Gawllg saubw G"sn Lawrl Given 876-2110111 332-019 519453.023* 0 7b.111 Andy GuIIsy Stwafl.Mddon Shason Ksit.y Sheryl Gray 849-7046 8743333 864-0474 875-1121 Don Smfth Murw TSw~ Dm"Ol Coeuflch Kt" Long 876-1237 878-4927 874-4333 8754071 64 ONTARIO ST. Kt, MIETON DEMANTHE ~876&1156 Dcc'THrBSTý TOR.LIN82Sofl 24 HR. AMNSWRN SEVICE [1V fmm I [El ANDY . 7 1ý