90 MAIN ST. N., -77 CAMPBELLVILLE, 0 854-2246 &àW W. Specalîze in Country Pro rties. 878-2020 ro 24 HR Pfr ARCIUECTURAL DEUOIff MA#-N aroco SUmis olit WIAT A Vim lu ts esVasW@ as t *.', u, Q. y :cce o ciD 3 DeIê21ý, SYLVIA~ ~ ~ ~ BUSY Cn)oP» ot athdac.ný 099e. spae :..sc orc DL cgr's'. rc '00r" rami r am a stoc io'! 'Io â daig ra MMwr rmu a' fiazottie 4,tC".t' *,de me- '!oos 0, bAae oune mme n@ f he 20eW garage Mm inrtrsedcf ierW evu: 3 nomts. -«v %ioreur a ve fre. 'ore ~ Ot.0f t ifr stuoI or worirsrc or d- 0 orai a, csar & excterge nicluScO aot u m caftr oo f th y' w Lot mics oser 660 M. frmitag il ap avz.jno cecK '@&0 'o sep&, a Une. A good ivosirmert For guage W"- nisiWaec & MI.,d i" ' I Co1rUI cýa egu to e ovei ac e il e emsve y eancicapeo ÇCr'eo oýt: , u ai lar cove Cai Ssuth Ca.Tçenile, 89 acres of rolfIng u aci«,ne Oa w tI POMr &A ACRE BUIO L OT THINKINGO0F LISTNG YOIJR ___ PROPEMT? CALI.US FOR DRM cll AN OUGAI ON OM a Nab 00 a pIka a, e 111111311,LUTHS ANOBRAM mwI piWltmhum o 5 cjwe4fl W.Wcated rrfrsem Hwy 401 -G"mpI LMu 1111r 'wm wrrws C«ie Cod e' FRE N m «pe Aifl msi s t.l CmvÇekeo. Tru 300 à U am lotWfuO~Or.V at20q b.aey 3 bm %t 4W0af n i. ft. Morm conuavu t»r fico IVcm Yeuu Dyd ouv rU ogr@ m'a ll bubu or Ifc nuy &mm CUOMM IcAiWl epSUa dWrg mm nu ru UNDA MIULLN Doiw hé *C o aube IMM wEOM wVôd oe aeen ~7 Sorry ~ c..~,r g.oa f0~ ~âwr y 881 s- Y &P. ORXWWVftwm ~ 111111111.0111,1 wow>j o flý bur AMI M.Mm Fm.ýFrry»daM, -Hum R ~iLTroN I DUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL E~ IINVSTMENT PROPERTIES Coamca Plaza, N . 880,000 incomneSi100.0 î Lnd, Commnerc* roed plans for 5500 sq. fl. S ÎM>bd ELai Future devel1p ,61 acres, S 65,000.00 /fAcre Land, Futuredovel rit 90 acres S M5000.00 '/acre 'c' __ Designi bul1 nufilU toi 100,000 Sq. tt from~ S 65.00 /Sq. fI. f,.. .ttl - I TIndustria Condos 1570 sq. 20 sq. ft. from S 65.00 /q i .M NI CoLTID.. FALIRFlýa conda' good investments' from 1 ¶20,000.00 Commercial $Pace ta lease, 1800 sq. fi. ta 5500 sq. lit from S 17.00 /sq. fi ."c.c- __ p,,..c7. Office Space for leasel1400 sq. f. 9.00 /sq.flt. FfVidéo Rentai and Electronic Sales Business S I 3Ô.000.00 Vaniety store doing close ta S1 0,000/wellek. S 195,000.00 ZIONER REAL eSTrATE LTD. Industrhal $Pace ta lease 1 0 .%Yoffice 1570 sq. fI. and up S 4.50 /sq. fi. .1800 W.ston Road, Toronto 24-357Land C-3 velly good location 275 frontage 1.1 acres Si .700.000.00. âj "Commercial Building Iowntown Milton S53,000 incarne S 645.000.00 No matter what'your nedsremaeue S you cal an experienced profesonal. For I.C.l. lnvestments cati Paul Page. BURLINOTON PRESTIGE A mnagrnficerlf custom buitf 5,400 sq. 4. home onr a 1 acre protessionaly . andscaped setf ng Tis Il foorfi country-style home éatures 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, an indoof pool, f MIlt@wne ,mhir Pool and 4 tireplaces. Ail roamns are large anrd PALA AE ~R.aty Corp. orofessionally demirated. Theon are numneraus other foaturas. pùA.PG Olfered at $849.000 For apporniment please cail Assocraf e ~ *o Brolier Robert Marrrschenk at 416.249-3357. Spetilie In Indueifêi.l Re/Max Miitowne Realty Corporation commmw and I 78235orToono82-13 L 78235 r ornt 86-03 i& I w I i 4