Docs -province combine. to promote bike helmetsr Purénam her il pi1lemfl awir. suid h. thma1e dii fl-I lcatympta a11eralAoM Milic blatte at T ot' Hope fr cl heuuigbmdemtyduaccioet ibuw, ra pmuit i by kuddloe Who -W of the bedit fl destng me appmvu dm11ea e due Cpmbicycle mcci- 71 ouel Mdca Amala <)aim ride ce tle bock. mm hiauuote aly idi Dr CeceGaem.Vd euls aIl uer hiadni dteaca * lme hbmy t treaprwie l t he Km mt of.1 .1MlceD= da=nmmi lui- pradr 'Aht1 la alir atitude. lwod DrTd!auOMA diremm f 69hSalii cae~a c uecie atthlb ee ~ u aq, ale hu ied ahudy Ib cyclîing reime la i daeg, li dut a proper piC lld~ of hit eue tee, bicycle accidert * timi >. ogu, ordisplmy te doiaemf mma.Tieas "m og a grod job geitta helmeti.w ieMa rt cfa biyl ie.Hia". iqoblw 141 lied cher full- fices lestuai a coupon, oflesagl 16 aff thie lance the word out Ail 111 aumeffes pe- am ai1e.cýapwt.*.Pge u Cue uabutmem . " MY Jole ~Ibmu. Mlie Ccaim Tiei. tre bMr th aaid o . m l uiea pr aoeldeie vie o»i..sbe r 2 pei- am ton u huiam n à eh fatle tilwry si I#sAX _ -Council ôverurides Day's sýhot at Dickie Dec * 5c. .erpiing 1 -roih <an "A 16- yemr-old 1a àdlwer' litience D dnd, apper li mpre "A 1-cr-l voer mvpon. brellie~~ a. Th1c rfs eîh iEI and kecu, the rales of the mmd' wn tka r maktr& ulltb cowncallor Mary Ling tad. summur caenr ulig ice <7m The Dklb Iee diven piedai 1e tuggested. was 'delibewatelv %et Mler teefi;. u&h à%*19-vuaf"dlJ sote &surait . mund touai on large tricycle-yp up te attrac yowager, claîlden' mb o ô,t watt ta ride (for) Dfckac Dmu - Tbcee5" oW lS m could peramps ceteap tar d couler nt in ;ped8 their lm"e. , Cauritillor D;'; Ametidmect was be exciad for paining caunicallar th1e <mi.ln b coolen ère ice Ohrceunciflcrs dmdn't side with defualcal Thé coaerawd ire 153 Rick Doy as th1e graech who uile cancre cnes and bats At the ted of haim en th1e âge isue, howevir. fear-aldsian Milton thisea 1e Chantmsitin juIy. but M. DaYs ef- a shift thie young busiens peuple Couricillor Les Lauaghtren said Mr " La* "rci à fraa erupted ai coue- 4ort to top111c <m i lag for retuci thotr tikes, and monel4 t> a. Doyi sance "donl recogcaze the rdl over D>ckie Due activaleuitie an DMki Do. fede fctly k>ity central collocdioni Point. econtimr rmlaty Ereplo'ers are des. local mci,'.Mike jihuuitan. piaoe cancehes, not h1niu Ai well as th1e ,cfey concerti perte and il pay big wages. I sS a ditributorshiptoe wopermaedvirn '70 nue. .16 = oul h i gi ua~- aleaul 15-vr-aldas navigating nothie wu-Ông wîth btis 15 vean hi% suburban hume. muni' th1e Ward 1 ouell>r id Maltotvî stret maith the tesc Mr id an, peddieS lcecffcmbar%* - Thar was quaahedw utna ha; netgh Proposed sign should 'stop' traffic trouble atdangerous Mountaiuview' intersection *Au promntmm étae denti for a stop sige .a; hoedd At Milton rognai's gene-raI commuear Manday nighi. and Naecty Auger indictei il ca pust an lam 1lii a Woider BoD., y hasn't barn c«emed," Mr%. =ue a Mountanvwwi Drive miident, iiaid. Suie dddthat d1e 4an was 'deipeuatdy' ,Plaidt Couicilan vcled tu a tuop ta gn ai th1e Corner. of Mountamnvitu Drive and Raiace Cresuen Tht retctmendatton gars ta h iio caluaie foina appwrov the oe ny Whale nfor ti" mecunv& n w1e es a fe they have otn uhat 111ey wmnted, thean mtght 1t ai aamt cf, .. altearpt ta botter manage traffic A tien An uniderittife mideir"at 203 Riverpboce Cm.. acoth 1e midi <rai thlpropoed stulp tîg, l'un; a hach touai public wcrks dire¶¶er ý=W. C&Le "a UP mpoecuii Th1e trot', lîibe Hock ight of ocoming trafflc, Mr. Mattduws fact.d. Miny of i branches iip- r>aenlleod crAu the towe-owed mméd il- am cthcugh th1e trote truek Is oni privait @Ir1%1e wus mat hape k do eu, Mr. Mat- lb o.lid courclllcr It n t e1 enough just tu Irial the braicihes =etrdn ce the rnad al- lcwaeoce. The ublic uciadîrctr su d if rlcea- s2ry ie woul lte th 1e side of th1e traie on public praperty, Mr. Matthews admitted th1e stop sige location ets e1er% aid dangeraus driva-r'- "an odibaU*' place for îî. RiverpLace Crescent a; a Houvr ifudi lave peented D'ut wrai rai% cuidetac. and Mauntanvbtu Drive ford; trta, itwhich aanualiv %tmrtlt mmcv amazh dek'îtton;ý rieur tht rouedaboast oth ende oiif the mmëd. .Oten th1e içeederi tuici out tu bo thear nei$h- Howeme, the ami i a deeiely populatei sub- bours And stop %igas erected, merelv rn me etari divisin with varions inteeconretg ruad; croi-' ta v il p~api o u ar îgo utinel% At teg Mountainview Drive. anmi 11. m ubilania slowmai.dme t down momeuttaaîly cnd pedeatrian traffic. eicoly yauaiger clirien. Thioet hon spmt up in (nutmrctc incresîng hurards. eieeiiitay sci are ulîhan a 1O-cieiute walk The tundameetal diuigni ni urten subdavusians ,uranci deais wfih numerous requests for ikp tm th1e iticl and 1970% ha; ber chalIeeged in ins and othert raffic «1eîtrcîls. including nmms son- forum%,; w8th the 4utong~ thi kirng poie c eui basis Renident; daiciaid sach ira isht coilector rauis, such a5 Woodward Ave aticait =wt hey me them%'lves a; vKActmad aid Laurier Ave. in Mailice. promott speedang Smoking bylaw wiIl hurt small busin ess, says Attenborough ktm OWTSueniPge habit wll ie ho ded cs à dodo' ini thermetU ces. '1'. up tu bi. Dmnt siclior bmve'" van. Aller th1e meletig, Me. Atleenbcouh charar. But lie adepraswastfully. ** cagar aid a tertae th1e retauant uetrictice, as 'ndculqw" Fi&%. of port cft r ier Tos any ie oaf in vieti of the foct the smoking and none- aiving. arme ul lie 're ei d» on an echer If cdcpted thewWbw wihI carr mamum Ale%. ho sai ut should b. cé persoeal btàùue $2013 penaltées for thati bmkacg Mfiltat i, m- «Wcij et o. smking negulataeei, nwch thesa- ingriaIt. Aia merchais iu-A purchaie noc m=peuple decide sucli istue in dieur homns smioan ge; frn tht mniipaliay, as &cùet cf lmbo wldeIYý coediamdet. and 50 cents out, TePZc meey covie, the m et rligitml ic.' ha admnitod, .peculdtlng thal thw1e th ige;. Mr. Rebeitsmoti. baaalcOPFioed t lb'j dec iltNauh !t lavtthe Qetano uîamlar The new Diclie Due frarrchîv wii! aperare immi a itin L.!. d4gibu' taon Point- Chinese Foocd, Steak and Seat ood Business Luncheons *Fully Licensed under L. L.B. 0. Take-Out Service 459 Main St., lhn 87848814 *Shoppirs Deug Mart *TVGuide S umpef-o Sumbef *Auto Genics *Colour Vowr World *CAnoer Society June 1 *Loblaw's - A. &P. " Woolco " Canadiai Tire " Hmen Hardware *Consumers " Canadiafi Open *Van Empois